

In his mu kai previous life he was schemed against by his own brother...his parents always thought of him as jinx.....after rebirth his heart was as cold as ice...with vengeance in heart he began his journey. he wanted those who hurt him pay the price with blood, he wanted those who schemed against him to live a life of hell...... Just then a girl entered his life who was cold as ice to everyone but warm to him, she slowly melted the ice in his heart wanting him to protect her with all he got... those who dared to hurt her where slaughtered....

ROHITRH907 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 2  Reborn

Chapter 2 Reborn

Mu kai opened his eyes slowly. His head was splitting with pain. It felt like as if its gone split into thousand pieces at any time.

"what is happening here? Where I'm I? did mu bai saved me but why?"

Just as he was wondering about what is happening he heard

"damn Bart! Why aren't you up ? who will do the work?"

"let me tell you, don't even think of going to school before you complete the work." Lou Shu walked in.

Seeing her mu kai was stunned and looked around to his a calendar placed on a study table.

 Only then he released that he… he was really reborn?? he has returned to his 17 year old self??? 

When she saw mu kai was still in his bed, she got even more angry." What aren't you up? Are you waiting for some special invitation? Get up iron your brother cloth. Let me tell you don't make your brother wait for too long or else I wont let you off!"

Hearing this , mu kai face turned cold. His parents never cared about him, always wanted him to given in to his younger brother. Even when mu bai did something bad they would blame mu kai... they treated mu bai as a prince... they would protect him with everything they got.

every time something happened to his younger brother they would beat him telling he couldn't protect his brother properly.

Just then a burning smell came from kitchen.

"My milk!"

The Mu family was middle class family. They mu you was a college professor and lou shu was a house wife. They lived in a one story house, mu you and lou shu live in ground floor and mu bai and mu kai lived in first floor. 

after he went down, he saw there was nothing much to eat for him there was just an egg... seeing this he didn't say anything, in his previous life they never cared about him, so for now he had to endure... 

After breakfast mu kai went to school it was a start of new semester. He was now in 3rd year high school. After entering the class he sat in his place and started to think of his further plan. He wanted to take revenge on his brother, parents and everyone who had wronged him in his previous life.

Just as he was thinking . he heard.

"hey what are you thinking about?" Qin Hai asked.

Qin hai was his deskmate . 



Even through they have been deskmate for a whole year because how his parents treated him in previous year…he dint had much self-confident due to which he wasn't close to anyone in the class, he rarely talked to anyone.

While he was about to ask something teacher entered the class.

After the class mu kai went to a cyber café and created a account in "Devil rank". It was platform for hackers. Many hacker all around the word would have there account here. He created a account with name "MK". After creating a account he posted " any job accepted here" Then he logged off.

Then he opened new and started to browse through the news. Then he saw new of head designer of jk jewel going to its rival with whole team it caused jk jewel a huge lose. He remembered seeing this news in previous life because so this there share drop a lot and not long after in was acquired by its rival company.

He then thought of something and sent a message " if you want to overcome this crisis then lets talk" to president of jk jewel. Then he logged off.

After returning home he saw his mother was cooking and his brother was playing video game. No one brothered him and he went to his room. After entering the room he started to design some jewelry design, In his previous life all his design were sold for tens of million. After creating few design he went to sleep.

When President cai the message in his mail he simply ignored it thinking someone is playing with him. As all good designer were there bought by his rival company. So no good designer was willing to join there company now.

 The next day after the school mu kai went to cyber café again when he saw that there was no reply from president of jk jewel, he slightly smiled as through he was accepting this result. After that he attached one of his design to the mail and sent a message " think again".

 After sending the message he logged of and went to stock market as he was browsing he saw stock of a company , he remembered this company in his previous life, it was a real estate company he remembered this company that in a month time its share dropped from high price to almost negligible because of which they had to sell some of the land under there company to a low prices , but with a few days the prices of that land went sky high almost 25 times the original.

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