
The Resurgence of Sukuna: Bonds of Olympus (hiatus)

In "Bonds of Olympus," Percy Jackson's stepfather, Sukuna, conceals a cursed past. Unbeknownst to gods, their fates intertwine, challenging Olympus and unraveling divine secrets in unexpected ways. Basically I used Chatgpt for like half of this fic 5 Power stone= 1 chapter

jojotaro · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Uncomfortable Inquiries

The infirmary at Camp Half-Blood buzzed with activity as Percy and Annabeth found themselves in the midst of an unexpected interrogation session. As the two demigods faced each other, their faces mere half a meter apart, Grover entered the infirmary, sensing the tension in the air.

Grover, ever the peacemaker, felt an awkward atmosphere that hung between Percy and Annabeth. He cleared his throat, hoping to diffuse the palpable tension. "Um, Percy, Annabeth, maybe I should—"

Annabeth, determined to get answers, interrupted, "No, Grover. We need to figure out what happened with those cyclopes and why they were after Percy."

Grover, feeling caught in the crossfire, hesitated before composing himself. "Right, right. Percy, old buddy, you seem to attract trouble like a magnet. Care to explain why those cyclopes were after you?"

Percy, still recovering from his ordeal and Annabeth's relentless questioning, sighed. "Long story short, they were sent to kill me. I have no idea who sent them or why."

Grover nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Well, that's not good. We should probably bring this to Chiron's attention. He might have some insights."

Annabeth, with a lingering look of dissatisfaction, agreed. "Fine, but we're not done talking, Percy."

As Grover handed Percy a small vial of nectar, he couldn't help but feel a bit relieved to change the topic. "Here, Percy, drink this. It'll help you recover faster."

Percy nodded his thanks, and after a moment of hesitation, he met Annabeth's gaze. "We'll talk, Annabeth. Just not now."

Grover, sensing the unspoken tension, decided it was best to focus on the immediate concern. "Come on, Percy. Let's go see Chiron at the Big House. Maybe he can shed some light on this whole cyclops situation."

With that, the trio left the infirmary, leaving behind the scent of ambrosia and lingering questions. The tale of "Bonds of Olympus" entered a new chapter, one where the mysteries surrounding Percy's existence began to unravel in the presence of Chiron, the wise centaur who held the keys to the camp's knowledge and the secrets of the demigod world.


in another 4 chapters or so we will see what sukuna is doing

jojotarocreators' thoughts