
The Resurgence of Sukuna: Bonds of Olympus (hiatus)

In "Bonds of Olympus," Percy Jackson's stepfather, Sukuna, conceals a cursed past. Unbeknownst to gods, their fates intertwine, challenging Olympus and unraveling divine secrets in unexpected ways. Basically I used Chatgpt for like half of this fic 5 Power stone= 1 chapter

jojotaro · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

The Weight of Destiny

In the wake of the revelation of Percy's divine heritage, the atmosphere at Camp Half-Blood shifted palpably. For Percy, the passing hours blurred together into a haze of uncertainty and unease.

As he moved through the campgrounds, he felt the weight of stares upon him—some filled with fear, others with disdain. It seemed as though the revelation of his true parentage had cast a shadow over his relationships with his fellow campers.

Even in the Hermes cabin, where he had once found camaraderie, there was now a palpable distance. The campers kept their distance, their gazes avoiding Percy as he packed his belongings, preparing to move to the Poseidon cabin.

The sense of isolation weighed heavily on Percy's shoulders as he made his way to his new home. The once-familiar faces of his peers now seemed distant and unfamiliar, their reactions to his newfound status leaving him feeling more alone than ever.

Nestled at the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast expanse of ocean, the Poseidon Cabin stands as a tribute to the might and majesty of the sea. Its exterior, crafted from weathered stone and adorned with intricate carvings of crashing waves and mythical sea creatures, seems to have been shaped by the very hands of Poseidon himself.

As one approaches the cabin, the sound of the ocean grows louder, echoing through the air like a siren's call. The salty breeze carries with it the essence of the sea, invigorating and intoxicating all who draw near.

Upon entering, one is greeted by a grand hall bathed in hues of deep blue and emerald green, reminiscent of the ocean's depths. The walls are adorned with shimmering seashells and pearls, while delicate coral formations serve as both decoration and structural support.

At the heart of the cabin lies a magnificent hearth, its flames dancing like the flickering light of sunbeams dancing upon the water's surface. Surrounding the hearth are plush furnishings, upholstered in fabrics that mimic the texture of seaweed and the sheen of mother-of-pearl.

The cabin's windows, vast and panoramic, offer sweeping views of the endless sea, where waves crash against rocky shores and dolphins play in the surf. The sound of the ocean fills every corner, a constant reminder of Poseidon's eternal presence.

Outside, a sprawling terrace beckons, its wooden decking weathered by salt and spray. Here, one can bask in the warm embrace of the sun or immerse themselves in the cool embrace of the sea, for the Poseidon Cabin is a sanctuary where land and water meet, where mortal and divine are united in harmony.

As he settled into the Poseidon cabin, Percy couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in his own home. The walls seemed to close in around him, a tangible reminder of the divide that now separated him from those he had once called friends.

But amidst the uncertainty and isolation, Percy found solace in the knowledge that he was not alone. The legacy of Poseidon, the lord of the seas, flowed through his veins, and with it came a strength and resilience that would see him through the challenges ahead.

With a determined resolve, Percy vowed to prove himself worthy of his heritage—to rise above the doubts and fears that surrounded him and embrace his destiny as a hero of Olympus.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the campgrounds, Percy's journey had only just begun. The tale of "Bonds of Olympus" continued to unfold, with each trial and tribulation shaping him into the hero he was destined to become. And though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, Percy faced it with courage and determination, ready to confront whatever challenges lay in store.