
The Resurgence of Sukuna: Bonds of Olympus (hiatus)

In "Bonds of Olympus," Percy Jackson's stepfather, Sukuna, conceals a cursed past. Unbeknownst to gods, their fates intertwine, challenging Olympus and unraveling divine secrets in unexpected ways. Basically I used Chatgpt for like half of this fic 5 Power stone= 1 chapter

jojotaro · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Shadows of Torment

While Percy navigated the complexities of Camp Half-Blood, Sukuna, in his true form, delved into a darker pursuit. The dimly lit chamber within the depths of the underworld resonated with the tortured cries of monsters.

Sukuna, his expression twisted in anger and determination, stood before the manticore—a formidable creature that had once roamed the realms of Greek mythology. Chained and helpless, the manticore faced the wrath of Sukuna's relentless pursuit for information.

"Where is she?" Sukuna's voice echoed through the chamber, filled with a menacing undertone.

The manticore, though defiant, could not withstand Sukuna's wrath. The cursed techniques at Sukuna's disposal were not mere illusions; they were a lethal force that could manipulate reality itself. A sense of dread hung in the air as the manticore struggled to hold onto its secrets.

Despite the relentless torture, the manticore remained defiant. "I know nothing about your precious mortal. You won't find her here."

Sukuna's anger intensified. He, too, sought answers about Sally's disappearance, but the trail had gone cold. Frustration boiled within him as the manticore's resistance proved resilient.

With a swift motion, Sukuna's expression darkened, and he uttered a single word: "Cleave."

In an instant, the air itself seemed to part as Sukuna's cursed technique manifested. The manticore, caught in the invisible force, was sliced into cubes, its agonized roars silenced. The chamber was stained with shadows of torment as Sukuna stood among the remains, his face clouded with dissatisfaction.

"Weaker than expected," Sukuna muttered, a hint of disappointment in his tone. "I only wanted to cut you in half."

The pursuit for information on Sally's whereabouts had hit a dead end, and Sukuna's relentless determination only deepened the shadows of uncertainty. As he left the chamber, the echoes of his actions reverberated through the underworld, setting the stage for the next chapter in the enigmatic tale of "Bonds of Olympus."