
The Resurgence of Sukuna: Bonds of Olympus (hiatus)

In "Bonds of Olympus," Percy Jackson's stepfather, Sukuna, conceals a cursed past. Unbeknownst to gods, their fates intertwine, challenging Olympus and unraveling divine secrets in unexpected ways. Basically I used Chatgpt for like half of this fic 5 Power stone= 1 chapter

jojotaro · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Shadows in Madame M's Emporium

In the depths of the underworld, Sukuna's relentless pursuit brought him to an unexpected discovery—a shop filled with statues frozen in expressions of terror. The air in Madame M's emporium was thick with an eerie stillness as Sukuna entered the dimly lit establishment.

A woman wearing a scarf that concealed her features approached Sukuna. "Welcome, traveler. Would you care for some refreshments?" Her voice held an otherworldly charm, but Sukuna saw through the facade.

Cutting straight to the point, Sukuna asked, "Where is Sally Jackson?"

Madame M, realizing her cover was blown, hesitated for a moment before removing her scarf. Instead of hair, a writhing mass of snakes adorned her head. A chill ran down her spine as she locked eyes with Sukuna.

"You know who I am," she whispered, her expression betraying a mix of surprise and trepidation.

Sukuna, unfazed, responded with a demand for information. "Tell me everything you know about Sally Jackson."

Madame M, caught in the grasp of Sukuna's unwavering gaze, stammered, "I... I've heard rumors. She's in Hades' palace."

Sukuna pressed for more details, asking about the entrance. Madame M, realizing the severity of her situation, claimed ignorance. In response, Sukuna issued a chilling warning.

"Wrong answer."

With a flick of his index finger, Sukuna swiftly severed Madame M's hands into pieces. The emporium echoed with her pained cries.

"I am letting you live for telling me about Sally," Sukuna declared, his tone sending shivers down her spine. "Don't seek revenge; it will end badly for you. And thanks for your hospitality."

As Sukuna departed from Madame M's emporium, the shadows of torment and determination followed him. The tale of "Bonds of Olympus" continued to unfold, with each revelation leading Sukuna closer to the truth about Sally Jackson's whereabouts and the mysterious forces at play in the realm of gods and monsters.