
The Resurgence of Sukuna: Bonds of Olympus (hiatus)

In "Bonds of Olympus," Percy Jackson's stepfather, Sukuna, conceals a cursed past. Unbeknownst to gods, their fates intertwine, challenging Olympus and unraveling divine secrets in unexpected ways. Basically I used Chatgpt for like half of this fic 5 Power stone= 1 chapter

jojotaro · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Grove of Sanctuary

Under the moonlit sky, Grover, the satyr and Percy's loyal friend, stumbled upon the aftermath of the battle at Montauk. The beach, once a serene backdrop, now held an unsettling atmosphere. Grover's acute senses detected the lingering traces of cursed energy and the faint echoes of Malevolent Shrine.

With a sense of urgency, Grover scoured the area for Percy and Sukuna. The satyr's heart raced as he realized the absence of Percy's mother, Sally. His keen eyes caught glimpses of the demigod and the enigmatic stepfather standing together, deep in conversation.

"Percy! Mr. Sukuna!" Grover's voice carried across the beach, relief washing over him as he found his friends seemingly unharmed. However, the seriousness etched on their faces betrayed the ominous events that had transpired.

"My mom's gone," Percy said, his voice tense with worry. "Taken by someone or something. We need to find her."

Grover's expression mirrored the concern etched on Percy's face. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, offering Percy a determined nod. "We need to get to safety. Camp Half-Blood is the only place where Percy will be protected."

Sukuna, ever perceptive, recognized the urgency in Grover's words. "Take Percy to the camp. Keep him safe," Sukuna instructed, his eyes holding a depth of understanding. "I will follow once I've gathered information about my wife's abduction. They might no realize it, but this is the first time Sukuna referred Sally as his wife .The threat might extend beyond what we've faced tonight."

Reluctantly, Percy nodded, trusting Sukuna's judgment. Grover ushered Percy away from the beach, leaving Sukuna alone in the moonlit shadows. As they vanished into the night, Sukuna's thoughts delved into the shadows of his own past, haunted by the vulnerability of those he had grown to care for. As he delved deeper he swore to show whoever took Sally to know why he was known as the King of Curses.

The journey to Camp Half-Blood commenced—a journey fraught with uncertainties, shadows, and the weight of familial bonds. Grover, leading Percy towards the sanctuary of the camp, hoped that within its protective borders, they could find allies and answers to the mysteries that now entwined their lives.

As Grover guided Percy through the darkness, the tale of "Bonds of Olympus" ventured into uncharted territories. The beach of Montauk, now silent in the absence of its previous occupants, held the secrets of the night, waiting to be unraveled in the chapters that lay ahead.