
The Resurgence of Sukuna: Bonds of Olympus (hiatus)

In "Bonds of Olympus," Percy Jackson's stepfather, Sukuna, conceals a cursed past. Unbeknownst to gods, their fates intertwine, challenging Olympus and unraveling divine secrets in unexpected ways. Basically I used Chatgpt for like half of this fic 5 Power stone= 1 chapter

jojotaro · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Ephemeral Awakening

As Percy Jackson delved deeper into the mysteries of cursed energy under Sukuna's guidance, a pivotal moment unfolded—the unlocking of a unique and potent cursed technique. The air shimmered with an otherworldly energy as Percy, now a young boy with a growing understanding of his powers, unleashed his newfound ability: Cursed Technique: Ephemeral Tides.

In a secluded training ground, Percy stood, surrounded by an aura of mystic power. Sukuna observed with a mix of pride and caution as Percy tested the limits of his new ability. The air itself seemed to bend and distort around him, revealing the emergence of Ephemeral Tides.

Aqueous Mirage manifested first, as Percy manipulated water vapor to create illusions that danced like phantoms across the training ground. Sukuna, with a nod of approval, witnessed the deceptive landscapes and mirages that could bewilder even the most seasoned opponents.

Lingering Echoes followed suit, leaving traces of phantom sensations—sounds of crashing waves, the scent of the sea—lingering in the air long after the illusions dissipated. Percy's eyes glowed with newfound mastery as he embraced the intricacies of his cursed technique.

Tidal Veil materialized next, as Percy cloaked himself in an intangible shroud of illusion. He vanished from sight, leaving only the subtle ripples of distorted reality in his wake. Sukuna marveled at the potential for strategic advantage and surprise attacks that this aspect of Ephemeral Tides offered.

Deceptive Currents came forth, and the very ground beneath Percy's feet seemed to shift and twist. Illusions of treacherous terrain and unpredictable attacks left Sukuna impressed by the versatility of Percy's cursed technique.

Oceanic Hallucination marked the culmination of Percy's mastery, as vivid illusions induced by Ephemeral Tides played on the deepest fears and desires of his imaginary opponents. The training ground transformed into a surreal seascape of nightmares and allure.

Yet, even as Percy reveled in the power of his newly unlocked cursed technique, Sukuna cautioned him about the toll it could take on his mental state. The boundary between reality and illusion, when constantly blurred, posed a threat to one's clarity of mind.

As the chapter concluded, Percy, though exhilarated by his newfound abilities, began to grapple with the internal turmoil brought on by Ephemeral Tides. The tale of "Bonds of Olympus" took an unpredictable turn, as Percy's journey into the realm of cursed energy led him down a path where the power to control illusions came at a cost—one that would test his resilience and strength of character.