

Driving  away from the scene, not much talking occurred in the squad 3 truck. Cruz and I still feeling the effects of our close encounter. Dayton being the sweetheart she was, leaned forward to lay her hand on my shoulder. The simple gesture calming me slightly.

Pulling into the station, I slowly climbed out of the truck with a heavy feeling washing over me. Wrapping an arm over Dayton's shoulders, the two of us walked into the station trying to get a little normalcy back. Coming to the realization that I would need to write a report about the incident, the heavy feeling continued to grow more intense.

"You made the right call Blake, I'm glad to be under your lead even if it is only for a short amount of time". Looking at Dayton, I could see the sincerity in her eyes and bright smile.

Watching the girl walk into the common room with the others, I couldn't feel it in myself to relax. Entering the room, I took ahold of the paperwork I was doing before and heading towards the bunk room. My actions catching everyone's attention, and making them look at one another in a concerned manner.

Shutting the door to the officer quarters, I closed the blinds allowing me to take down my tough exterior. I've had my fair share of close calls, dealt with injuries that could have killed me, but this was different. I had a responsibility and duty to protect my squad, my fellow firefighters.

Tough calls are apart of the job, but I couldn't help but feel like I was letting someone down, that I was letting Kelly down. I could have gotten Cruz, and innocent and myself killed if I wasn't careful, if hesitated one more second we all would have died. If I had gotten Cruz killed, his death would be on me.

Not realizing tears were falling down my cheeks, I tried so hard to keep up this strong façade. I didn't feel like a leader, I didn't feel like I should be acting lieutenant, I felt so out of place and lost. To Kelly this came naturally, he was so confident and always knew the right thing to do.

Hearing a knock on the door, I wiped away the tears. "Come in". Only more tears fell as I made eye contact with him. Standing up from the bed, I immediately wrapped my arms around Kelly.

Burying my head into his shoulder, this overwhelming feeling ran over me. Running a hand through my hair to try and calm me. "I'm so proud of Blake".

"How, I'm letting you down. I almost got Cruz and I killed, if I hesitated another second.. I..." tightening his hold around my waist, a kiss was placed on the side of my head.

"Blake Amelia Severide, look at me". Pulling away enough to look into his eyes, I tried to look away, but his hand gently forced it to look at him directly. "I will always be proud of you, being a Lieutenant is not easy but you have taken it with open arms. I have seen the way you take control of situations, Stella comes home everyday telling me all about how my little sister is being a badass Lieutenant. Don't you ever say that you are letting me down, because you aren't. If anything, it makes me 100 times prouder to be your older brother".

Pride, happiness and love were radiating off of him. Trying to stop myself from crying at his words, I buried my head into his neck once again. "I love you so much Kelly"

"I love you too".

This was a moment I didn't know I needed. I never liked burdening him with my problems, especially now with his injury. Only what the two of us didn't know was that 51 was watching the entire thing, the girls tearing up from the emotional speech.

Kelly Severide wasn't one who liked to show emotions but when it comes to Blake, he has a whole other side of him not many get to see. The Severide siblings were each other's weakness and lifelines. If one was in trouble, the other would go through hell and back to help them. The second Matthew Casey called Kelly and explained the situation, he was there in no time. Injury or not, the older Severide would do anything for his sister.

We remained in that position for a few minutes until I finally looked towards the bunk room, spotting all the weirdos stalking the little reunion. "We have stalkers"

Turning around gently to look, the whole crew dispersed quickly as if we wouldn't notice them being nosey. Shaking his head softly in amusement he turned back towards me kissing the side of my head. "Don't stress about that report, I know you did everything by the book and most definitely handled the situation better than I ever could"

With eyes widened with surprise I couldn't help but shake my head in disagreement. "That's not true. You..." but I was cut off by my brother placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It is Blake. We both know how impulsive I am, not really planning things out and just diving right in, but you pull me back into reality. With you by myside I am able to think clearly and you want to know why?". Staring at him with wide eyes at the confession, I couldn't help but nod my head in curiosity. "Because of you. Although it is difficult with every call being different and unpredictable but my main focus is to keep you safe. Knowing my little sister, my whole world is going into a dangerous situation pushes me to be the best I can be. You Blake make me who I am, the only reason I am so confident as a lieutenant is because I have you watching my back and keeping my head clear."

Wiping away the tears for the 3rd time that day, I relaxed at my brother's words. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I helped him back to the common room already knowing he would like to spend time with the lunatic squad and meet the temporary person the the rig. Quickly spotting us approaching, Dayton made her way over to greet us with a bright smile giving me a hug once Kelly was sitting down. Noticing his questioning gaze I smiled softly.

"Kelly this is our temporary member on Squad, Dayton this is my brother and real lieutenant on Squad 3". Shaking hands with one another, I saw trust forming between the two, as if they were silently communicating about having my back on calls. Smiling softly I looked around at the others to see them doing what they usually do, everything seemed so normal but why did I still feel off.

If only I truly knew how bad things were going to get soon, and that this was only the beginning.

OMGGGGGG!!!!! I am so sorry for not updating in months but life has been hectic and then I went to college which was just something else honestly. But let's talk first episode of the new season....I was fangirling the entire time about Brett and Casey, like that whole romance needs to happen like yesterday and it was so cuteeee that he was the first person she calls when she finds her apartment door open. Now as for the promo for tomorrow....I am pumpeddddd!

Updates won't be consistent the next 2-3 weeks as I am still working on university work but it is nearing the end of my semester and I am about to start break, so I will try to update a bit more. But hopefully you like this chapter, I had this chapter in the works for months but honestly forgot about it. Whoops!

Until next time my lovelies.