
The Resilient Heiress

Zara Adam, who willingly went abroad because of some issues, finally returns home after enduring a grueling 11 years to ensure her family's happiness. However, her adopted sister Olivia is far from thrilled about her comeback. Olivia has been trying everything in her power to erase Zara from her life, but all her attempts have either failed or backfired on her. Zara couldn't care less about Olivia's antics. To make matters more complicated, Zara quickly gets involved with Ethan Anderson, the heir to a wealthy and influential family who is rumored to be her fiancé. This infuriates Olivia, leading her to spread malicious rumors about them. As time goes by, society starts believing that the Adam family's upbringing is more virtuous and noble compared to those raised overseas, all thanks to the rumors. Olivia becomes green with envy, but everyone gets a rude awakening when Zara's true identity is revealed. Throughout her journey, Zara faces various challenges that she overcomes with the unwavering support of Ethan by her side. Along the way, she also makes new friends while cherishing her old ones. When false rumors start targeting Zara, her four brothers, who have an intense sister complex, step up and confront anyone who dares to criticize their beloved sibling. This leads to clashes with those who try to harm Zara, and when Ethan uses his influence to protect his fiancée, the Adam brothers become furious and tell him, "We don't need your help taking care of our sister." With a calm smile, Ethan responds, "It's my duty to protect the one I love." The brothers roll their eyes at his response.

NandyGrace · 都市
66 Chs

Cautious Kylie

 Andrew gazed up at Mr. Warren and calmly uttered, "You may have a seat, Mr. Warren." He then shut the magazine and carefully set it on the adjacent side table.

 With a smile, Mr. Warren expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. Andrew," as he settled down on the side couch with Mrs. Warren.

 Kylie glanced at Ava and kindly asked, "Ava, bring them some coffee along with pastries and cookies?" "Okay, Mam."

 Kylie then directed her attention towards the couple, her smile warm and welcoming as she greeted them, "Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Warren." Mr. and Mrs. Warren returned the smile and responded, "Good day, Mrs. Adam." 

 Returning the greeting, Kylie shifted her gaze towards Andrew and spoke softly, "If the two of you have any business matters, darling, why don't you accompany Mr. Warren to the study?" 

 With a subtle gesture from Kylie's eyes, Andrew understood her intention. It was crucial to keep Zara's presence a secret, as her being here could raise suspicions and cause unnecessary doubt.

 Zara would find herself in a challenging situation as they had not yet disclosed to the public that the supposedly deceased daughter of the Adam family was actually alive.

 Furthermore, Zara, much like the rest of the Adam family, preferred not to be in crowded places or be recognized by everyone. Consequently, they refrained from asking her whether she wished to reveal her existence to the world.

 Regardless of whether anyone knew or not, the primary concern for Kylie was to ensure that her daughter was not disturbed by others. She was aware that her daughter disliked being in the presence of unfamiliar people.

 Kylie always made sure to be cautious when it came to Zara. It would be quite difficult for anyone to realize there was an additional person in the mansion without their knowledge.

 Andrew turned to Mr. Warren and suggested, "Let's head to the study for a chat, Mr. Warren." He stood up and motioned for Mark to guide Mr. Warren.

 "Of course, Mr. Andrew." Mr. Warren promptly stood up when he noticed Andrew rising from the couch. He glanced at Mrs. Warren and instructed, "Stay here and keep Mrs. Adam company."

 Mrs. Warren flashed a smile and gave a nod. Kylie glanced at Mrs. Warren and returned the smile, saying, "No worries, Mr. Warren. You both are our guests. We should keep you company."

 "In that case, I apologize for interrupting, Mrs. Adam," Mr. Warren politely responded. "No problem at all, Mr. Warre. Please continue with your work."

 After uttering these words, Mark escorted Mr. Warren to the study on the ground floor, which Andrew used to meet people who came to see him.

 Even his sons utilized that study whenever they had business meetings with visitors at the Adam mansion.

 After they departed, Ava quickly brought some pastries and fresh coffee. "Ava, please send some to the study," Kylie instructed her. "Sure, ma'am."

 Ava then carried another plate to the study on the ground floor. In the study, Andrew and Mr. Warren were seated on separate couches.

 Andrew turned to Mr. Warren and asked, "Mr. Warren, Mark mentioned that you have something important to discuss with me. What is it?"

 Mr. Warren hesitated before responding, "Well, Mr. Andrew, I'm not sure if you're aware, but the Adam group has terminated all their projects with us. I'm trying to figure out what went wrong."

 Andrew maintained a stoic expression as he calmly addressed Mr. Warren, "I apologize, Mr. Warren, but I am unable to assist you in this matter." 

 Mr. Warren's gaze towards Andrew became uncomfortable. He was aware that Andrew had delegated all his responsibilities to his third son, signifying his relief from work.

 Despite this knowledge, Mr. Warren had approached Andrew, as parents like them tend to elevate their children's status in the eyes of the world. 

 However, they also remain in the background, offering guidance on what is right and wrong. Therefore, Mr. Warren believed that if it involved the company's profitability, Andrew would lend his support.

 Mr. Warren inquired with a hint of awkwardness, "Mr. Andrew, how is it possible? You are the one responsible for deciding whether you continue working or not. Could you kindly enlighten me on the rationale behind this cancellation?"

 Andrew maintained his composure as he gazed at Mr. Warren and responded, "Mr. Warren, I have consciously distanced myself from the work-related affairs of Adam Group."

 Upon hearing Andrew's explanation, Mr. Warren's facial expressions underwent a noticeable change. He earnestly pleaded, "Mr. Andrew, please understand that my intention is not to pry. I simply wish to comprehend the underlying cause."

 He glanced at Andrew and proceeded to say, "Furthermore, it encompasses a substantial sum of money. It is important to note that the termination of this project will result in not only financial losses for Warren Group, but also for Adam Group."

 Andrew arched an eyebrow and directed his gaze towards Mr. Warren, questioning, "Are you trying to tell me what to do, Mr. Warren? If you have any inquiries, I suggest you address them to the current head of the company."

 Mr. Warren was about to speak upon hearing the words, but then a knock interrupted him at the door. "Come in," Andrew responded without diverting his attention. The door swung open, revealing Jack and Hendry entering the room.

 Upon seeing his two sons, Andrew immediately sensed that something had occurred, prompting them to come here after learning of Mr. Warren's presence.

 Without saying anything, Andrew simply nodded at them as they approached him. Mr. Warren assumed it was one of the servants following Mrs. Adam's instructions. Hendry and Jack stepped forward, greeting their father with a calm expression "Good morning, Dad."

 They both glanced at Mr. Warren, then silently nodded at him before shifting their attention to their father.

 "Morning! Have a seat," Andrew greeted his sons. Hendry settled next to Andrew on the main couch, while Jack took a seat on the couch across from Mr. Warren.

 Jack maintained a composed expression as he gazed at Mr. Warren, though a hint of disdain flickered in his eyes. On the other hand, Hendry smiled at Mr. Warren and greeted him with a friendly, "Hello, Mr. Warren."

 Mr. Warren was unable to identify the two individuals, as the Adam brothers were deeply engrossed in their own activities.

 However, upon hearing them refer to Andrew as 'Dad', it became evident that they were his sons. Despite this realization, Mr. Warren struggled to distinguish between the two.

 Despite Jack being the one who handled all the responsibilities within Adam's group, only the higher-ups in the company had the privilege of meeting him.

 Even the employees didn't have such an easy chance. Therefore, it was quite a challenge for Mr. Warren to figure out who Jack really was. All he knew was that the third son from the second branch of the Adam family had taken charge of the family business.