
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Chapter 22 - Everyday problems

Takashi's friend was unlucky, even though he behaved clearly better than his friend, tried in every way to show that he would give her attention ... but Rei just didn't want to meet him. She did not see in him the zest that could have befallen her to choose him. In general, if it wasn't for me, then the guy could have done it. Miyamoto has been ignored for several years by her childhood friend-dash-a possible boyfriend and, of course, that such an active and pleasant girl will be visible to other guys. Therefore, due to lack of communication and resentment towards Takashi, she could well start dating this Hisashi. Another thing is that now she has no problems with communication and friends, and she's just not interested ... so the guy left her in upset feelings.

Our estate, meanwhile, has undergone a couple more changes, namely, the parents decided to build several extensions to the main building, which they actually began to do. In addition, the latest water filters were installed, and pumps were installed to the groundwater. Also, a full fledged well was dug nearby, just in case.

My parents had less work as Umbrella absorbed our company... but she wasn't in a hurry to fire anyone yet, so everyone continued to work as usual.

My uncle often came with more and more unpleasant information, for example, about a city in North America that was attacked by a suicide bomber virus, but this is how it was explained to people on television and on the Internet. The town itself was small, but after the attack of this very terrorist, Umbrella occupied the whole city with her army on a leash.

Some politicians were alarmed by this, and they remembered the videos that used to be on the Internet. Several such figures were also familiar to our family, with whom Alex immediately tried to establish contact.

—" What a wonderful sunset." — Rei muttered, dressed in an orange kimono. — "I hope this will continue ... Felix ... have you decided what you're going to do after school? "— the girl turned to me.

Now I was escorting a girl to her house and there was a rather... romantic atmosphere around.

— "After school? Maybe I'll go to study at some prestigious university. "— I answered not too confidently, looking away from the figure of the girl.

— "It sounded kind of uncertain. I haven't decided either... maybe I'll follow in my parents' footsteps and defend the law?" — she suggested. — "Or something else... fortunately, I still have two years to think about it."

—" Yes... Rei." — I said the girl's name and came quite close to her, which made the girl breathe more often and looked at me with some kind of expectant gaze. —" Promise that if you see something strange that doesn't fit into the usual realities of the world, you will run as fast as you can and be careful." — I said seriously looking at my friend who was confused by my words.

—" Strange? What are you talking about?" — she didn't understand.

— "Well... you know, anything can happen. After all, you are dear to me and I don't want to lose you, so just be careful." — I smiled at her and she nodded quickly.

It took a little time as the quiet days began to end and it all started with the problem of Rei, namely that the teacher Koichi Shido began to slowly but surely fill up the girl. And for very stupid reasons, and at first Miyamoto tried to hide it and solve the problem on her own, but at one point she couldn't stand it and burst into tears near the academy, which I actually noticed and began to comfort the girl and ask about what had happened.

— "Here he is a goat... I never liked him." — Alicia said after listening to the story.

— "Koichi Shido... there are various rumors around him." — Saeko seemed to be calm in appearance, but it was clear from the clenched fist that she was angry, but just holding herself in hand. —" He's a freak, that's for sure. He tried to seduce me in the first grade…"

—"What? And you were silent? " — I was indignant. — "Seriously, what the fuck is going on at this academy?"

— "Please, Felix, don't start. I immediately explained to him who he was and what could happen in the end... so he fell behind and twisted everything so that it was like there was a misunderstanding."

— "Well, his father is a politician, it's genes." — my sister nodded.

— "I also heard that Yuki Mika often comes to him ..." — Busujima continued to speak.

— "This slut? "— my sister almost hissed at this name. — "She's been trying to get into my brother's pant for a long time... a dirty bit ... "— I covered her mouth with my hand.

— "Sis, come on, don't swear here. Although I agree that this girl of easy virtue is very accessible in some circles…"

— "Yes, she's just available. " —Rei chuckled.

—" So, okay, we'll talk about school giveaways later, why would this Koichi fail you?" — I asked the question.

— "Hmm, I don't know... but he made some dirty hints, maybe he wants to… wants…"

—" You?" — Sis raised an eyebrow. — "Yeah, definitely a freak. Felix, I need to tell parents about this."

—" They're busy right now" — . I waved it off. —" But it is necessary to understand the situation."

If this continues, then Rei has every chance to stay for a second year. In general, I'm even glad that she turned to me with the problem, and not to any left-wing childhood friends ... not that I have anything against this guy. I'm just used to Rei, and I don't want to let her go. What kind of possessive tendencies do I have…

As it turned out, Koichi is flunking her for a reason. His father, Ichiro Shido, also a fairly well-known local politician, is having problems from the police, and it is there that a murder case is being investigated and his name appears there. Because of this case, there are new questions about his financial condition, because the police have questions about where he got so much money from. Investigating the case of the politician is Detective Tadashi Miyamoto, who was promoted to detective. Perhaps Ichiro decided to feel the danger through his son, who works at the academy, to annoy the daughter of the detective who is investigating his case. He obviously will not ignore such a threat.

We even talked to Shizuku about it and asked her to keep an eye on Koichi... and the nurse herself also said that this individual had been chasing her for a while, but soon his ardor cooled.

Of course, we immediately turned to the director and said that Ichiro Shido was specifically trying to fail Rei for some reason. Perhaps it was our parents and my sister who did not let him ignore our words and he called the teacher ... who immediately understood what was going on and tried his best to get out of the situation.

There were even veiled threats from his side at the moment when the director decided to just conduct a test for the girl separately to test her knowledge and Koichi's words ... and he decided to express these threats when we were walking down the corridor alone with my sister. And he was hinting at the possible pain to her…

So, I hit him in the stomach at a high enough speed that he didn't even have time to react. This blow immediately knocked out his spirit and he just hung on my fist, trying to clear his throat and recover. Of course, I didn't hit him with all my might, otherwise he would have died. Still, I calmly lift under two hundred kilograms of weight, which clearly says that it's not worth joking with my punches.

— "If I hear from you again even a hint of a threat in my direction or in the direction of my sister, then you will have to live the rest of your life in a wheelchair with a broken spine, do you understand?" — I asked him in a cold tone and taking him by the scruff of the neck, raised him to the level of my eyes and took off the blindfold.

— "Kh.ah..." — he hissed something unintelligible.

— "I don't care about your father, because he's almost behind bars, after all, a corrupt politician... they don't like such people here. And also, don't like scum like you, who likes to take advantage of schoolgirls who simply can't do anything to you." — I squeezed his hand harder and heard Koichi's plaintive whining, who still hadn't moved away from the first blow. — "I don't even need to contact my parents to swat such a bug ..". — releasing him, he immediately fell to the ground and curled up, holding his stomach.