
Chapter 3: A battle at last!

While the droids killed the people in the village Grievous decided to join the droids to watch the slaughter.

As Grievous laughs at these weak pests he hears a howl up at a hill and saw eight creatures running towards the village.

Excited to fight something, he pulls out his two lightsabers and runs to his enemies.

The first grimm beowolf lunges at Grievous only to get sliced in half and die. Two more beowolfs circle around Grievous and both of them rush in to attack him but both beowolfs lose there arms and heads.

Then all five beowolfs charge at him from all sides but the beowolfs were surprised when Grievous had two more arms and Grievous had two more lightsabers. At this point all of the Beowolfs were dead and Grievous was very disappointed of what happened.

Just when Grievous was returning to the dead village he looked back and saw a crow flying by and didn't pay any attention to it.

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.