
Chapter 23: Search and destroy

Weiss: Professor Oobleck and Grievous?

Oobleck: Yes I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary girls. Seeing as you've opted to shadow two huntman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operations. Rather we will be-

General Grievous: Grrr, we are wasting time! We should've been at the ship already!

Oobleck: He is right. Come along children!

As everyone is on board Grievous looks out at the open field thinking about how he will conquer this entire planet to himself as everyone else talks to one another.

Once they finally land each person land perfectly and when Grievous up out he lands right next to Ruby haveing her jump from the shock and she then falls down reveling Zwei. Everyone looks at Ruby and Zwei.

Ruby: Um....(To Zwei) Get back in the bag

Oobleck: Ruby. We are here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility and you brought, a dog?

Ruby(gets up): I-uuh...!

Oobleck: Genius! Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound. Making them excellent companions for hunts such as ours!

Zwei: Woof!

Ruby: I'm a genius.

Just then Grievous runs off

Blake: Wait were are you going?!

General Grievous: I grow tired of waiting! I will kill these pathetic creatures myself, you all stay with the professor.

Ruby: W-wait!

Just like that Grievous runs off pulling his swords out turning a corner and then he disappears, at the distance team rwby can hear screams and crys.

Oobleck: Well then while he is off taking care of the grimm well will investigate the ruins, come now!

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!