
The begening

My friend's relalive died it's been so hard to be happy, she was so nice her name was kayla. Kayla was happy, kind and realy nice, she would bake for you take you to water parks she was just so nice.

On November 13 we went to her funeral in 2022it was sad and rainy we all said something except my friend Alisa she was to sad but then she said something she decided to say

We all know kayla she was my cousin a relative but also my best friend.

That is all she said, we decided to go to a nearby motel close to the graveyard so she can say hi before we had to leave, we stayed two days at the motel

The next day we had to leave but it rained to hard so we stayed a Lil longer

I made hot coco and then....

(read next chapter to see what happens)