
The Revelation

William's point of view.*

I stared at the old man in confusion. Besides what he had said that shocked me, I observed he was looking different from the last time I had seen him.

His pale face was no more. Instead, his skin was as smooth as that of a baby. His eyes were beautiful, glowing silver. While his hair was at his neck length, equally black as midnight.

Definitely, he looked more handsome. Something that seemed to be a crime for an old man like him.

I walked closer to him, despite the warning growls I got from my guards. Even if I had said I knew him, they still didn't trust him. And I understood why. This was someone who just waltzed in from nowhere in particular.

How did he get into the garden? Clearly, no one had felt his presence around. So, he was deemed to be questioned.

"What are you doing here? Who allowed you in?" I asked him as I swallowed hard. There was a need to be careful because the look in his eyes spelled danger.