
The Rejected Moon Godness Daughter Selena

Kenkat · 若者
8 Chs

Chapter 8


This is my first book hope you guys like it.

Leave comments please nothing bad.

This is a book contains strong launages sorry for the inconvenience that it may cause.



Selena's P. O. V

After reaching home I can't stop thinking about that guy, his eyes, smile, muscler arms I feel myself getting wet again. I took a deep breath stop thinking about him Sele focus on your task at hand I tell myself.

Getting out of bed at five in the morning I get ready for work. I walked to the bathroom to get ready looking in the mirror I see my eyes red and puffy it looks like u haven't sleep like in forever. Which I didn't get any last night been too busy thinking about him.

I didn't get his name either I keep thinking it doesn't matter cause I will never see him again. I sighed and did my morning routine and headed out to get breakfast ready.

Reaching the house no one was up so I get to it. After looking about breakfast I went to cleaning when everyone was out of their rooms I get their stuff cleaned. Going to the laundry room to start the laundry I pick up my book that I carry from the library.

Picking up the book drag back my memories to the brown eyed guy I sighed once again thinking I really need to get him out of my head.

Not pay much attation to my sound rounding I didn't hear when the door open and in walked the one person I tried avoiding all morning. Yep you guessed it was Andrew standing there with eyes to kill.

I gulped asking myself what the hell did I do wrong this time. Realizing hits me n I remembered what I did wrong.

"Didn't I tell you I didn't wanted to see your face today!" he roared in my face.

Shit, shit, shit, I forgot not to come here today. Today was his birthday and also his party I didn't remember a think because I keep thinking about the all too handsome guy.

" Sorry Alpha Black I was just doing my duries before the party started" I said bowing my head.

"Hurry and get them done and get the fuck out!" he shouted making me shiver in fear.

"Yes A.a.alpha" I studdered.

"Oh and slut, if you ever disobey my orders again I will kill you where you stand. Do I Make My Self Clear?" he said putting out his arue out a little making me submit to him.

I bear my neck out showing him I understand everything and answered in a small but loud voice cYes Alpha Black"

I was glad I didn't get a beating for disobedience I know he would have but I am glad I get off the hook today.

I payed it would continue that way but me and my high hopes was nothing when it comes tho this pack.

I hurried and finish the laundry and seek out the back to put the clothes on the line glad no one sees me and put them out and carry back the basket in the room and heading to my small house.

On my way there I could see everyone was busy getting things ready for the party I wasn't invited to, I shake my head at the sight and went inside my room and lay on the bed a tear leave my eye and I roll on my side looking through the small window that let little breeze in and close my eye.

Thinking to myself that this will be over soon I am about to turn eighteen and leave this place soon and driffed off to get the much needed sleep that my body lacks.