
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · ファンタジー
27 Chs

chapter 6

it was a bit difficult to get Lily to go to my room.

She was hell bent on avoiding me.

At first, she stayed in the kitchen helping my mom prepare lunch.

Then she left the minute I entered the kitchen. it continued for the entire day and I was going to give up. She had no other choice but to stay in my room anyway.

it was during dinner that I finally got my moment.

we all had to sit on the dining table to eat, so she couldn't avoid me without raising suspicion.

However, she sat as far away from me as she possibly could.

my mom had gone grocery shopping after lunch and bought all the vitamins on my list. I personally felt it was very dumb for a wolf to be taking drugs not to talk of vitamins. we had our own internal healing systems.

I sighed. The day had mentally drained me.

My dad took my sigh as a sign of weakness and lack of energy and immediately became alarmed.

"where are your vitamins?" he asked

"they are in my room, why'd you ask?" i asked.

I had no intentions whatsoever of taking any of the vitamins.

"go take them" he said in a commanding tone.

"i don't want to"

I pouted and tried giving him puppy dog eyes. i knew it looked very silly.

my mom shook her head.

"you know it won't work" she said

i rolled my eyes

"can I not be forced to take those disgusting vitamins at my age? " I asked

" you have no choice, go get them" my dad replied.

" I'll go get them" Toby said getting up from his chair.

his pure intentions shone through and I couldn't help but be proud. His good intentions would have however, been more appreciated in another area.

"Toby leave it, you don't know where they are" I said

"I'll go get them then" Lily said walking to my room.

A light bulb turned on in my head at that moment. she could avoid me no longer, I had her completely surrounded.

i smiled and immediately got up from the table.

"I'll go get them" I said and ran to my room.

" what is all this" Lily yelled staring at the chocolate scattered in the room.

she looked behind her and there I stood.

I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. "it is for you" I said.

she stared at me in awe, then at the chocolates.

"are you using me as an excuse to create a secret stash of chocolates?" she asked

I sighed. why did all my actions seem suspicious to everyone.

"no, I'm using it as a trap" I replied

"are you okay?" she asked in confusion.

"i should be asking you that..." I replied

i cleared a space on the bed and sat.

she sat on the ground.

"what do you mean?" she asked staring at me.

I picked a large bag of mashmellows and opened it.

"you want one?" i asked holding out the bag for her.

she shook her head.

i shrugged and popped one into my mouth.

"is there anything you'll like to tell me?" I asked slow and deliberate.

"nope" she said not looking at me directly.

she grabbed a bag of chips and started eating

I popped a handful of marshmellows into my mouth as I watched her carefully.

"I wont force you to talk if you don't want to" I said raising my left brow.

she looked at me.

" thank you" she muttered.

"so you are hiding something" I said glaring at her

"nope, I'm not" she replied her mouth filled with chips.

"it's fine, you don't trust me anymore, I'll just cry myself to sleep then"

i wore a solemn expression on my face and laid on the bed curling myself into a ball.

"stop joking around" she said in a bored tone.

I sniffled and covered my head with my blanket.

"are you serious?"

she stood up and walked up to me. she pulled the blanket from my face and stared at the realistic looking tears on my face.

" leave me alone" I said covering my head back with the blanket.

for some reason, l started to feel really sad and pained. it no longer felt like pretense, it felt real.

i was a bit confused but I ignored it, I was afterall used to ignoring my emotions.

"fine, fine, stop crying I'll tell you" she said

I slowly removed the blanket from my face and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

we stared at each other in silence, waiting for the other to speak.

"i'm scared dian,"

"why would you be Li ?" I cooed

she glared at me.

Li was a childhood pet name that we used to call her by a long time ago.

"Cole has been my only blood family for such a long time, now I feel like he will have to leave me soon and I don't know I'm going to do" she said looking downcast.

"It's gonna be fine, I promise. Believe it or not, you'll always have Cole and I and no matter how many mates we have, nothing can ever take us from you. Cole and I will always be there for you even if we're a thousand miles apart" I said wrapping her in a tight hug.

her emotions were as clear as a fast flowing stream, they were not hidden.

She held me tightly, tears pouring down her face on my clothes.

"are you sure?" she asked

Her hands left my body and she fixed her eyes on me intensely.

" More than I have ever been in my life" I replied putting on my best smile.

A smile slowly made it's way to her face and she threw her hands around me again.

I was very content and felt peace in my heart.


We were making preparations for dinner. My mom was in the kitchen cooking, my brother was helping, while my dad and I were setting the table.

Usually, it was the other way round making that day a role reversal.

"Toby pass me the pepper" my mom yelled

"I'm coming" Toby replied

The sound of hurrying footsteps followed this exchange. My dad and I made eye contact and laughed together. My mom was always like that whenever she was cooking. She was very demanding and a little too pushy.

The house bell rang.

"are they here?" my mom asked

"I'm going to check" I replied and walked to the door.

they had arrived...

Cole's hair was combed and gelled neatly as always. He wore a navy blue sweatshirt and light wash jeans with a pair of nike shoes. Beside him was a really pretty stranger. She was about 5'5 and had very pale skin. She had blue eyes, curly reddish brown waist length hair, plumb peach lips and a pointed nose. she wore a short tennis skirt with a cropped hoodie and sandals.

"come in" I said smiling

"mom they're here" I yelled

I closed the door after them and walked them in.

"Dian, meet Ruth. Ruth, this is Dian" Cole said standing beside her.

"its nice to meet you" I said with a welcoming smile. she returned my smile with one of her own and I noticed her dimples.

My family entered the living room wearing similar psmiles on their faces.

"Ruth, that is my mom, dad and my little brother" I said pointing at them

"its nice to meet you all" Ruth said respectfully.

"sit down" mom said addressing them.

They honestly looked so cute together.

"where is Lily?" Cole asked looking around

Almost immediately, Lily strolled down the stairs.

"You're here" she said in an indifferent tone.

"can you not do this?" I asked mindlinking her

She ignored me and sashayed over to where they sat.

"Hi, I'm Lily" she said.

She smiled shooting Ruth a glare and took a seat opposite them.

Ruth seemed surprised but never the less looked Lily dead in the eyes. The atmosphere among them was so thick you could literally cut it with knife.

"help me" cole said mindlinking me.

I sighed

"stop" I said mindlinking her.

"why?" she asked not sparing me a cursory glance.

"you're being rude"I replied

she ignored me and continued glaring at Ruth.

I gave up on making her listen and walked over to her.

"Lily, do you mind helping me finish up some stuff in the kitchen?" I asked

i forced a smile and hid my annoyance.

she rolled her eyes

"pretty please?" I said draping an arm leisurely over her shoulders.

"fine" she said standing up

"thank you sweetheart" I said pushing her gently by her shoulders.

Cole mouthed a sincere thank you and I smiled shrugging.

As I passed beside Ruth, I smelt a whif of minty chocolate.

"TREY" my wolf said breaking into tears

I honestly can't believe we've reached a thousand views. Thank you guys so much, I love you all so much and I'm very grateful. I hope you enjoy the special update. feel free to vote and comment. I'm very lucky to have you as readers

With love,


zaivacreators' thoughts