
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · ファンタジー
27 Chs

chapter 5

After telling my parents, I told Toby. he was very happy, he acted like an adult and offered to do the dishes. it was honestly a bit scary but it was really sweet. That was a few weeks ago.

Now I was being forced to go to the pack doctor to check on my baby.

My family, Lily and Cole decided to tag along. it was so annoying.

The baby bump was a bit visible, so I wore a grey oversized hoodie, a plain converse, a black totes bag and loose pants.

As we walked into the hospital building, we received a lot of weird glances.

"good morning, how are you all?" A woman said walking towards us. I had honestly never seen her in my life

" oh we're fine, how's your family?" my mom asked.

'Did she know the woman?' I wondered

I came to the conclusion that she must've been the reason the woman approached us.

"we're fine thank you" the woman replied

"are you going somewhere?" my mom asked

"yes, I'm going to pick my son" she replied

"that's nice, say hi to your husband for me"

"alright, I'll see you later"

" bye" My mom said waving.

she smiled and took her leave.

"who is that woman?" Toby asked

"i don't know her" my mom replied.

my dad and I immediately made eye contact. I shook my head. It was unfortunately not surprising.

As we went further, the stares, occasional glances and creepy smiles increased.

"why they are looking at us weirdly?" I asked Lily, lowering my voice.

She held in a laugh.

"what's so funny?" I asked trying to be as quiet as possible.

"do you have any idea how this looks to other people?" she whispered.

I looked around me. I didn't understand what she meant.

"what do you mean?" I asked

"Just imagine this, the head pack warrior, his sister, a girl in oversized clothing and her family" she said


"I really don't get it".

I really did not understand her point. i looked around me again and it was then that it hit me.

"oh, my goodness" I said face palming

she had a point, a huge one

my mom gave me an understanding smile, my dad looked like he couldn't care less and to crown it all, my little brother was very excited, he probably thought Cole was the father.

Cole was very oblivious to the atmosphere and did not notice a thing.

Lily was trying not to laugh. It felt very awkward, knowing what people thought and pretending not to know. people really had dirty minds.

We got to the doctors office where we met the doctors secretary.

She was a blonde who looked like she was in her early thirties and she wore a weird coloured lipstick.

"hi, what can I do for you?" she asked

"we have an appointment with doctor Sadler by 11" My dad replied.

"okay, please be seated, he will be with you shortly " she said in a very clean-cut, professional tone.

My mom smiled at her as we all took our seats on the chairs.

A few minutes later, The doctor walked out of his office, his hands in his pockets.

He was a middle aged man with an average height. His skin was tanned and he had a messy dirty blonde hair. He wore a spotless lab coat with a pair of dark blue crocks. He seemed like a weird character.

"Good morning, who exactly do I have an appointment with?" he asked scanning our faces.

"that'll be me" I said.

"do, come in"

I stood up and took a step towards him.

"would anyone like to go in with her?" he asked

"me!!" Lily and my mom chorused.

I rolled my eyes and halted.

"only one person can go in" the doctors secretary butt in.

Lily and my mom were arguing!!!

in each other's head...

They were constantly mindlinking each other. Everyone in the room including me, stopped and watched them argue...


after a few minutes of endless arguments, I sighed. they were putting my nerves on edge.

"it's fine, I'll go in on my own"

Everyone turned their attention to me.

" but... " my mom and Lily chorused

I glared at them.

I took in a deep breath and continued towards the doctor.

"I'm sorry, but you all have to leave" the doctors secretary said.

"you can stay if you'd like" the doctor addressed Cole confirming Lily's take.

"it's fine" Cole said following everyone out.

Doctor Sadler led me into his office and shut the door after him. The layout of his office was pretty simple. it had white walls, a rectangular table with three chairs, a water dispenser and a small fridge side by side.

He asked me some questions which I answered to the best of my ability.

he then opened a door I didn't know existed which led to a room. The room was filled with equipments but the only light present was from an overhead bulb, there was no trace of natural light. i couldn't see any windows in the room which for me, was very surprising.

i prepared myself for the ultrasound.

i laid down on the rectangular table like equipment. By its side, there were a lot of strange equipment I never knew existed.

My pack's technology had always been one of the best in the supernatural realm so it wasn't supposed to surprising, yet it was.

However, the lights and ceilings that I had to stare at made me feel like I was in surgery. It felt very creepy.

I applied a cold colorless gel on my belly and had to stare at the ceiling while he (the doctor) put an equipment on my belly!.

it was probably the most awkward moment of my entire life.

The equipment moved round my belly in small, controlled motions inflicting no pain whatsoever.

I awkwardly stared at the ceiling until the doctor called my attention to a large screen beside me.

I looked at the screen in absolute awe...

My baby was so beautiful. I was speechless, I felt fufilled and at peace which if I was to be honest, creeped me out and felt really silly.

"is he ours?" my wolf asked interrupting my thoughts

"yes, yes he is" I replied.

All through the other tests I did, I couldn't get the picture of my baby out of my head.

At the conclusion of the tests, my parents were called into the doctors office while Lily and my brother sat in the waiting room.

Cole left after waiting for a while.

"so your baby looks to be about three months old" the doctor said staring at the result, addressing I and my parents.

" how's that possible? its only been a month" I said.

I was honestly shocked, I had no idea what that meant.

"are you sure?"the doctor asked

"yes sir," I replied

"when was the last time you had sex with your mate"

I choked and my dad coughed.

My mom was the absolute representation of 'unaffectance', if such a thing existed.

i internally face palmed as everyone stared at me. I couldn't believe they all expected me to answer.

"a month ago" I mummured

"before that" he asked

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

The entire situation was awkward and very embarrassing.

"nothing seems wrong, your baby has an abnormal growth rate, even faster than that of an alpha baby. following this, he'll probably be born in the next three to four months" he said

"wow" my mom exclaimed

"how?" I asked in slight shock

"it happens, though rarely, mostly in hybrids, royals and extraordinary wolves."

my mom looked at me bewildered.

"so does this mean he'll continue to grow abnormally?" my dad asked

"No, he'll start growing normally once he is born. However, he will most likely shift a lot earlier than the average wolf" he said

"like how early" I asked trying to put the pieces of information together

"lets say five or younger, it's not exactly predictable, I believe your child is extraodinary Miss Dian"

I had no idea how to process all of the information I had just received.

"I'll recommend you come for checkup at least once every week, make sure to eat healthy, the baby will probably use a lot of your energy, so you'll have to eat a lot more than usual, here are a list of vitamins you should take" he said handing me a piece of paper.

i collected it and read through it.

" all this? " i asked

" yes, all of that" he replied.

my mom snatched the paper from my hand and put it in her bag. i rolled my eyes and sighed

It was fine, I could to eat as much as I wanted anyway.

"what can't she take" my dad asked.

A fire immediately ignited in my brain burning away all the positivity I had acquired.

"alcohol, wine, painkillers, drugs, cigarettes, extremely sugary treats and processed foods, anything you're allergic to and stuff you don't usually eat" the doctor replied.

" what in the world! " I said

"is it all wine or only alcoholic wines" my mom asked hitting the nail in my coffin.

The restrictions were going to be the death of me.

The doctor stared straight at me.

"no wine whatsoever, no carbonated drinks, no flavoured waters, less consumption of chocolate s and sweets, avoid taking really cold things, no fast food, healthy fresh foods only and no strenous exercises"

I snorted, it was like the doctor had just told me my whole life was on hold. No exercises, I could totally do that but the rest, it was definitely not going to happen.

"thank you" my dad said shaking the doctor's hands

"anytime" the doctor said with a smile walking us out.

"my whole life is over" I groaned as soon as we walked out of the doctor's office.

"not yet, wait till you give birth" my mom said enthusiastically.

"what happened?" Lily asked as we walked through the hallways.

"my life is turning upside down" I replied sighing

"It can't be that bad" Toby said

"it can, just imagine this...

no alcohol, no wines, no painkillers, no sugar and processed foods, no carbonated drinks, no flavoured or mineral waters, no chocolates, no sweets, no fast food, no peace, no joy, no happiness and the worst of it all only healthy, fresh foods!! "

" oh." Toby said in awe, he probably didn't understand half of what I was saying.

"don't worry, Cole and I are always with you" she said winking

I hit her with my bag.

"Stop teasing me, Cole will find his mate soon"

"why do I feel like, you're sad" she said teasing me even more.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"you don't have to act like you don't care" she whispered laughing.

"wait till I tell cole about that boy you kissed in sixth grade" I said increasing my pace.

"you wouldn't dare" she said glaring holes through my body.

"oh, I would" I said turning back with an evil smirk.

"then i'll just tell him about you having a crush on him in seventh grade" she said smirking

" how do you even remember that? that was so long ago " i said

"The same way you remember what happened in 6th grade"

"I don't even know why I tell you things" I said crossing my arms

"the same reason I tell you things" she replied opening the car door

"fair enough" I muttered getting into the back seat

"are you done arguing" Toby asked staring at Lily

"yes" we chorused glaring at each other.

I hissed.

"good, i'm stealing Lily for a while" he said flashing me his biggest smile

"take her, she's all yours" I said

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my messages. Cole had sent me one not too long ago.

it read

'text me when you're done, I have news'.

I was curious about what could be so important that he had to say as soon as possible.

'hey, we're done' I texted him.

he replied immediately

'can I call you, I think its better to say it than to write a message' he said

okay, now I was even more curious, what was so important?

'sure, hope everything is fine' I replied

my phone rang almost immediately. I picked it up, my curiousity at its peak.

"hey" cole said

"hey, what did you want to say.." I asked

"so, I found my mate" he said

i screamed

"oh, my god, I'm so happy for you, what does she look like, is she tall, short, black ,korean, blonde, brunnete..." I gushed

"hold your horses, i'm bringing her over to your place tomorrow, you don't have any plans right?" he asked

"yes, we're all free tomorrow, ask her what's she's allergic to and text me, congratulations" I said.

"thanks, bye "

" bye"

I ended the call beaming, I was just so happy for him. I also felt a bit sad, it reminded me of the brutal reality that was my life. i was all alone...

i pushed away the feelings of sadness and self doubt as soon as they came and focused on the happy feelings.

"what the hell was that?" Lily asked glaring at me

"Cole found his mate" I announced smiling

"are you joking?" Lily asked

"no, I'm not, I'm dead serious " I replied

"That's so nice" my mom said

"yeah, he's bringing her over tomorrow "

" that's great, we aren't going out tomorrow and I'm going shopping later today " she said

"I can't wait to meet her" I said

Lily rolled her eyes.

"Mrs Ice can I sleep over at your house tonight" Lily asked my mom.

what in the world was wrong with her?

"No" I said

"of course dear any time" my mom replied.

"thanks" she muttered avoiding my eyes.

Something was wrong, I was sure something was wrong. I had no idea what was going on in that brain of hers but I was going to find out what she was thinking even if I had to drag if out of her brain.

I wasn't letting her off the hook at all.

As soon as we got home, Lily hurried into the house to God knows where.

I had the perfect solution written in my head. Trickery was the way.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small gift bag.

I opened the fridge and started to pick out snacks.

A pair of tiny feet walked into the kitchen and stopped a few inches behind me.

I turned back

"what are you doing?" Toby asked

"trying to bribe someone" I replied

"with snacks" he asked


"that's such a great idea, can I have a chocolate bar?" he asked


i handed him a Snickers bar and continued picking snacks.

i was about to grab a tub of ice cream when I heard the voice of my mother.

"what are you trying to do?"

I froze and turned back slowly.

" nothing, why do you ask? " i replied putting on my most innocent smile.

" Are you trying to build a secret stash of unhealthy snacks?" she asked

she was way off her margin in this one.

" Oh, this aren't mine" I replied

" then whose are they? "

" they are Lily's, she's having sugar cravings " I replied lying way too smoothly.

" oh, don't you have any? " she asked

" no, I don't need any of these" I replied

"that's good"

she handed me a load of strange looking packets. i stared at them in confusion..

"what are these? " I asked

"they're healthy snacks for you" she replied

I immediately, internally freaked out.

"thanks, but I don't need any of these, at least not right now" I said

" you can keep them for later "

she left the kitchen and all I could do was stare at the bunch of creepy snacks she had given me claiming that they were..

cough... cough


I sighed and grabbed a huge tray emptying both the snacks I had picked and those I had been given, into it.

I scattered Lily's favorite chocolates around the room and threw the remaining snacks in my closet.

the trap was set, all I had to do was find the prey.