
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · ファンタジー
27 Chs

chapter 1

<p>I walked past the narrow, white and busy hallways of my school just like every other day but that day, the air felt different. It was probably just my werewolf senses acting up as usual. I was suddenly smacked in the head by my best friend Lily. <br/>Lily and I have been best friends for as long as I could remember. Our Mom's grew up together and were very close. Our first meeting was unfortunately at her parents funeral. It wasn't much of a happy occasion but we bonded pretty quickly, especially since she lived at my house until recently when she and her brother Cole moved out. <br/>"hey " she said smiling<br/>I hissed and rubbed my head shooting her my Infamous grin.<br/>She rolled her eyes and pulled me towards English class. We unfortunately have English first period on Monday morning which as far as I am concerned, is a recipe for disaster. <br/>As we walked towards our class, students quickly moved out of the way. <br/>I sighed. <br/>It was one of the perks of having your best friend's brother as the Beta of the pack and his mischievous and very troublesome sister as your best friend. I didn't think there was any person in the entirety of our school that Lily had never offended and she always managed to get out of it. She had a wonderful reputation for trouble. It was as a result of her behavior that we had no friends in our school. <br/>I rolled my eyes and continued walking. My feet had just stepped on the threshold of English class when I suddenly smelt a very strange scent. <br/> it was overwhelming yet it was mild. it smelt strongly of earth and mint but smelt exactly like chocolates. I had no idea how to explain it. <br/>"Mate" My Wolf said possessively<br/>I suddenly felt very lightheaded and weak and found myself falling.<br/>A strong pair of arms caught me and pulled me upwards. The dizziness disappeared almost immediately. <br/>I wanted to thank my saviour so I looked up the moment I was stable only to see Lily glaring at me.<br/>"what? " I asked<br/>"Are you trying to get out of English class or what? don't you know how much you weigh? " she whisper yelled.<br/>I immediately rolled my eyes and hissed. she was so insensitive... <br/>" I wasn't trying to get out of anything I really almost fell" I replied<br/>"Whatever, let's go in before the crone sees us" <br/>She pulled my hand and attempted to drag me into the class. My attention was divided between Lily and the smell of what my Wolf claimed was our mate. Lily unfortunately, continued ranting and trying to drag a very distracted me into the class. <br/>I was very curious about my mate, not that I could be 100% sure that he was my mate. I had heard of cases where someone's wolf mistook a person for their mate and so I wasn't going to take any chances on my Wolf's word and was going to be as calm as possible. However, it seemed pretty impossible as I was a bundle of nerves and was filled with both fear and excitement.<br/>"Earth to Dian" a voice yelled slapping me out of my reverie.<br/>It was none other than Lily the tantrum thrower.<br/>"what is the matter with you and why did you have to slap me." I yelled in absolute frustration.<br/>My cheek stung and I really wanted to slap her back.<br/>"what did you expect me to do when you were off in your own world and refused to move?" she asked <br/>she was so very annoying...<br/>"But did you really have to slap me?" I asked<br/>"Yes, I tried calling you but you didn't answer, what were you even thinking about?"<br/>I sighed and dragged her to the girls bathroom.<br/>she looked at me with questions in her eyes.<br/>"what is the...."<br/>The rest of her statement was finished in mumbles as I clasped my hand tightly around her mouth. she tried pulling my hand loose. I needed and wanted to tell her but I didn't know what to say and how to say it.<br/>I took a deep breath and released her mouth. <br/>"Lily,<br/> I think my mate is here" I whispered. <br/>She immediately became silent and stared at me with her mouth wide open.<br/>"Close your mouth, flies will get in" <br/>I broke the momentary silence and stared at her. I was very nervous and she was slowly, no quickly making it worse. <br/>"Oh my goodness, are you for real" she yelled after I had already concluded that she would never speak again. <br/>" Of course I'm serious, do I look like I'm kidding " I replied.<br/>Her voice was really loud but I ignored it anyway. <br/>"That's really great, I started to think you were going to be alone forever" <br/>"can you be serious?" I asked shooting her a glare. <br/>"I'm soo happy" she squealed<br/>"mhmp"<br/>"Who do you think it is?"<br/>"I dunno"<br/>" No idea? "<br/>" yep"<br/>" Fine, I'll just have to wait then" she said<br/>Her smile became ten times bigger as she nudged me out of the door.<br/>" You are permitted to skip school today " she said in her mom voice<br/>I rolled my eyes and walked out feeling slightly more confident and giving myself a pep talk. <br/>"l can't believe you don't trust me" My Wolf said sounding sad.<br/>I sighed, it was from the frying pan to the fire.<br/>"It's not that I don't trust you, I just want to be 100% sure"<br/>"You're lying, you think I might be wrong"<br/>"Fine, I do think you may be but that is because you are basically always wrong"<br/>" You do have a point but still it's not fair" she said closing our mindlink.<br/>I sighed. I had been sighing for the entire day and the day had only begun.. <br/> I decided to follow his scent because it was impossible to go wrong with werewolf senses especially with scents.<br/> -------------<br/>An hour later, I had lost all traces of the scent, they weren't even residues left. I had followed the scent continuously until it disappeared. I couldn't explain it either. One moment I could smell him perfectly fine and the next minute all traces of his scent were gone, I went everywhere I could think of but his scent had truly disappeared. It wasn't something I could come to terms with. I forced myself to return to class even though I knew I wouldn't be able to pay attention.<br/>Lily looked worried all throughout the class but I ignored her completely, I was going to have to tell her anyway.<br/>I tried to avoid her for the rest of the day, I really just wanted to be alone to sort out my feelings.<br/>She eventually caught me on my way to history class and confronted me.<br/>"what in the world is going on? are you going to tell me or so I have to force it out of you" she asked. <br/>I explained the situation to her and she engulfed me in a hug.<br/>"Don't worry, we will find your mate" she said soothingly as she escorted me to my next class. <br/>I walked into my history class to my dismay but what could I do? I had to attend the class anyway. Our history teacher walked in and introduced the most uninteresting topic in werewolf history, the story of the woman commonly known as the revolution. it was one of the stories my mother had drilled into my head as she tried to teach me the value of a mate. Usually, I would have been bored or uninterested but it was heartbreaking to hear the story. The story of the woman who brought peace and serenity to the supernatural realm. I tried to remain focused as I jotted down the story I knew like the back of my hand, as thoughts of how my mate would look like consumed my mind. <br/><br/> ----------<br/>The pattern continued for over two weeks, I caught a whiff of his scent then it disappeared. It was very frustrating. I had given up on finding him at least for a while. I hoped that I would be okay if I did that. <br/>I was trying to get some sleep one afternoon when Lily called me. <br/>I stretched my hand trying to pick up the phone from my side table. I couldn't reach it so I stretched even more, by the time I eventually grabbed it I fell of my bed and landed on my back.<br/>ouch... <br/>"hey" I muttered into the phone<br/>"there's a party tonight" Lily said<br/>I immediately reached for the call button on my screen.<br/>"don't hang up on me and just listen...." <br/>I sighed and dropped my hand. <br/>"I know you don't feel like it but I really think you need to clear your mind, I really don't like how you are behaving, it's frustrating and painful. So please just this once, I'll never bother you again." Lily said<br/>I knew she was lying about not disturbing me again but I had to agree that I needed to get out of this reverie. I couldn't live like this... <br/>"what if it happens again" I said sighing into the phone<br/>"if you can't find him then maybe its time for him to find you. You need a distraction, please do it for me" she begged.<br/>I could imagine her doing her puppy dog eyes and a smile made it's way to my face. <br/>"fine...<br/> but I won't stay long" I said<br/> " yesss"<br/>"I'll pick you up" she said <br/>I stood up from the bed and combed my closet. I wanted to look and feel perfectly fine. I picked out a black jeans, a white loose crop top and my black converse. I wasn't feeling up to dresses or make up that day so I just picked up my bag and walked down the stairs to the living room.<br/>"honey are you okay" my mom asked for probably the hundredth time that day.<br/>"I'm fine, just a little tired" I said <br/> I knew that my mother didn't buy it but she let it go. My dad and her had been really worried about me and they had good reasons to. Not that they knew that they did. <br/>I hadn't told my parents about the mate thing and it would make them a lot more worried. I tried to not make my sadness and anxiety visible but It was very difficult. I took a seat on the couch and stalked BTS instagram while waiting for Lily. <br/>Lily called as soon as she was nearby. <br/>"Mum, I'm going for a party" I yelled<br/>She was in the kitchen doing stuff.. <br/>"Okay, stay safe and don't get into trouble" my mom replied.<br/>" I will..." <br/>I walked out shutting the door behind me. <br/>I could literally feel the happiness in my Mom's voice. I wasn't much of a party person while Lily went to every party. My mom believed that socializing was a big part of being a Wolf, it was after all the reason we lived in packs. <br/>I didn't really agree with her but she still made sure I went to as many parties as she could possibly force on me. <br/>I flashed Cole a small smile which he returned with a curt nod as I entered into the sleek black Tesla. <br/>I was on my phone looking through old photos and I laughed for the first time in the past weeks .<br/>It felt so good to smile again. <br/>I lifted my eyes from the phone to meet a worried glance being sent my way by Cole. He immediately averted his eyes from my face and awkwardly cleared his throat. I looked over Lily to see her engrossed in her phone as usual.<br/>'why the hell is your brother staring at me' I asked texting her.<br/>'how am I supposed to know' she replied <br/>'did you tell him anything?' I asked<br/>'No, why would I do that,' <br/>She turned back and glared at me <br/>I turned off my phone and looked out of the window. <br/>The car suddenly stopped in front of a beautiful, huge house. I smiled at the expression on Lily's face. Taking her hand in mine, I waved a goodbye to Cole.<br/>"call me if you need anything" he yelled driving off. We walked up the stairs to the smell of alcohol and partying teenagers. The smell was disgusting but the alcohol seemed promising.<br/>We were embraced by a blonde guy and welcomed in. I had honestly never met that guy in my life but he seemed a lot more sober than the others.<br/>I was pulled by Lily to an empty couch while she went to get drinks. I sighed to myself longing for my bed and internally regretting my decision.<br/> My Wolf had been pretty quiet for a while, she only made remarks when absolute necessary and had not even popped up at all. It felt like she was transferring all her emotional pains to me. <br/>The sound of footsteps brought me back into full consciousness. A glass was pushed in my direction. <br/>Lily handed me a brownish looking liquid. it smelt awful, all alcohol did anyway. it was a very undesired result of werewolf genes.<br/>I took the drink from her and swallowed it all in one gulp. <br/> I scrunched my face at the burning in my throat.<br/>It was a peppery fire. <br/>"Vodka, seriously?" I asked Lily yelling over the noise in the room.<br/>"What? it's the only thing I'm sure is not spiked in this place" she said raising her hands in mock surrender.<br/>I rolled my eyes and shook my head. <br/>" you also need to get out of your comfort zone today" she added with a smile and handed me another cup of the terrible tasting liquid called vodka. <br/> I took a deep breath and chucked it down my throat ignoring the burn. <br/>Gradually, I started to feel more relaxed<br/>That was the only reason I drank, the buzz I felt inside when drinking was awesome. It may have been because I wasn't legally allowed to drink or that may have been how alcohol was meant to be. I never knew, neither did I ever bother finding out.<br/><br/>I wanted to drink more but I had to be at least a bit responsible and remain semi-sober as Lily was a lightweight and always passed out. I still don't know why she still drinks. Most times I ended up dragging her to my house.<br/>The music was changed and my type of music started playing. I stood up and started dancing my heart out. <br/>the song ended so I stopped dancing. it was then I realized that Lily was missing.<br/>After trying to find her for about ten minutes without results, I gave up and sat on one of the empty couches singing on the top of my voice to "woke up late by drax project and Hailee Steinfeld" along with the rest of the party. I picked up an unopened bottle of brandy and finished it all by myself.<br/> Everyone was engaged in one silly activity or another and I couldn't stop laughing. The alcohol had set in my system and I felt sober, very sober. I saw a few guys from our school playing beer pong and decided to join in because why not? <br/><br/>"hey, can I join" I asked no one in particular <br/>"sure" a auburn haired guy with blue eyes replied. I think his name was caden, we were in the same chemistry group a year ago.<br/>I sat around the table and joined them, most of them probably felt uncomfortable playing with a girl but it was their businesses. I couldn't be bothered to care and besides they were in for a ride because I so happened to be a boss at beer pong.<br/>we started playing and I instantly started winning. I continued winning all the rounds I played, they were all so shocked. they weren't that much of a competition because they were drunk and drunk people have terrible aim. The game attracted a lot of attention to my utter dismay. I was planning on having a peaceful game and leaving.<br/> After a few more rounds, I needed to pee so I left the game in search of a toilet. <br/>I was pretty stable thanks to werewolf genes so finding a bathroom wasn't much of an issue. <br/>I walked out of the bathroom feeling happy only to inhale the scent of my supposed mate. Breathing became harder and I found myself sprawled on the floor with my vision blurry. I took deep breaths as I tried to slowly take deep breaths. I had no idea why I was having a panic attack. <br/>After a few minutes, I calmed down enough to breathe properly and stand upright. The scent was a lot stronger. <br/> I walked downstairs completely ignoring the scent that I was all too aware about. I wasn't watching where I was going, I accidentally bumped into something or someone... <br/>there were sparks? real sparks...<br/></p>