
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · ファンタジー
27 Chs

chapter 14

Dr Wu was dressed in casual clothing and his hair was messy in comparison to his usual gel styling.

A strange woman walked in after him.

She had her blonde hair in a tight bun and her 5'6 height improved her intimidating aura. She had a sharp chin, a pointed nose and her eyes seemed to pierce right through my soul.

She was elegant but also freaking scary.

It was probably because of her aura.

I ignored her and directed my word shower to the man who was supposed to be my doctor, Dr...



"Dr Wu, can you please explain what is going on? Why is my window chained and my door locked? Why does my room look like a detention cell? Why can't I see my mom? Is my family aware that I'm being held here against my will? "

" I honestly did not get a single word of that " he said

He ran his hands through his hair. He was not wearing his glasses.

His tired look was emphasized by visible eyebags.

Before I could repeat myself, the scary woman took a step closer to me.

I immediately moved closer to the bed rest by reflex, bringing my knees up to my chest.

She smiled at me.

The ends of her teeth looked like the sharp part of a knife.

She didn't appear to be someone who smiled frequently

"I'm Mary Anderson and I will be your therapist"

The-what now?

How in the world did I get a therapist?

I don't remember acting like someone who needed therapy.

"Why?" I asked "I don't need therapy"

I regretted speaking at all the moment I locked eyes with her.

I held my breath

Her aura was choking air out of me.

She glared at me with creepy black eyes. They looked like black holes from space.

"Wu, explain to her" she said crossing her arms

It seemed like they were cLose in a way. I had never heard anybody call him Wu.

He sighed.

He looked like something was really stressing him out and I hoped he wasn't stressed because of me.

"Dian, we both know you are going through a lot right now and as much as I want to, I can't help you. I don't know how to. I know it doesn't sound awesome and is weird but she's here to help you" he said.

He was trying to coax me and was slowly succeeding.

"But I don't need any help, I'm not crazy" I protested

Dr Wu was about to reply when she interrupted.

"Let me make this very clear, whether or not you think therapy is for crazy people is none of my business. That your personal opinion. However, I can't help it if that opinion attempts to interfere with my work. My job is to make sure you don't end up in an asylum because of your shallow backward mindedness. If you would like to spend the rest of your life in such a place then please, be my guest."

She finished with a triumphant huff .

She was so audacious it was positively shocking.

She smirked

"Are you willing to cooperate or will I have to force cooperation out of you?" She asked

She had this confident attitude that was impossible not to be envious of. Therapy might have seemed scary but she made me feel like therapy with her might be just a little different.

For some strange, unknown reason, I started to feel like I had taken a likening to her.

It was impossible, she still scared me. But at the same time, I was interested in knowing a bit more about the woman who had now become my therapist.

"Fine" I muttered


"But I want to see my mom or I won't cooperate" I said trying to sound as threatening as possible.

I felt like a bunny trying to act a lion.

"Consider it done. I'm out of here" she said and walked out, Dr Wu following closely behind her.

I released a breath I had no idea I was holding. She was finally gone with her stifling presence.

I instantly held my breath as she strolled back in. I really need to stop counting my eggs before they are hatched.

The head nurse was her escort this time.

She assessed my room with disapproving eyes.

Could she possibly dislike my room as much as I did?

"First of all, I want those chains removed before I return" she said leaving no room for argument as she stared at the nurse with piercing eyes.


The head nurse attempted to argue but was stopped by those black holes of hers.

I was genuinely starting to like those eyes.

"No buts"

"Yes ma'am" the head nurse replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow "she said

She walked out with the head nurse at her heels.

She shot me a glare to which I replied with a tongue stuck out.

Miss Mary Anderson was scary but also very cool.

I had to give her credit for freeing my windows, looking at them had been very depressing.

I was starting to feel less of a prisoner.

I know you all are probably thinking 'the chapter is too short '.

I know and I can assure you this would be the shortest chapter ever.

please bear with me. the story line would be affected if it was longer.

I love you all and thanks for your support.

your beloved author


Also, I started an Instagram account, feel free to follow me at queen_zaiva.

you can send me your suggestions, comments and whatever you like. I would love to be in contact with you all. Happy reading

zaivacreators' thoughts