
The Rejected Alpha Is My Mate

Julianne Peterson was born without a wolf and her family despised her and treated her badly except for her younger brother Richard. When her younger sister came of age, her parent whom were alpha and ruler of Apples pack arranged for her sister to marry the richest Dan Anderson of their pack. But what happens when Dan shows up in Alpha Gregs Peterson Castle? And he could perceived a sweet alluring feminine scent that wasn't his arranged mate?. what should Julianne do when Alpha Dan, chooses her as his mate?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Realizing Something

The dinning table was long with ten dinning seat. As it has four seat on both sides and one head and bottom seat.

Amelia and Dan sat at the first two seat on the left side of the dinning table, while Mr and Mrs Peterson sat at the right side.

The Peterson Castle hall was highly decorated with golden coloured chandeliers hanging brightly at the top as they lived in a modernized setting.

Just as they started eating, Richard Peterson walked in with Beta Marcus Colt and his teacher Samuel Carter and they stopped at the main hall and bowed to Alpha Gregs.

"Greeting Alpha" The three men greeted and Alpha Gregs waved his right hand to them, while Beta Marcus and Samuel immediately understood their presence wasn't needed, seeing Alpha Gregs had a visitor.

"Richard am leaving, Tomorrow remember to be up early as 5am" Samuel Carter informed Richard whom was his student, but Richard walked away towards the dinning room to joined his family as he was very hungry.

Samuel shook his head and exited the hall, walking out of Alpha Gregs castle as he followed Beta Marcus out of the mansion gate.

"Good morning dad, Good morning all" Richard greeted as he approached his parent. He was a dark skin guy as only Amelia was fair white, as Julianne was brown skin in complexion.

"Welcome son, sit" Alpha Gregs replied while Richard walked to sat next to Amelia at the left and he sighed, knowing Julianne was forbidden to joined their family for breakfast.

Nana approached Richard and dished out his food a roasted fish with egg stew on his plate and Richard was tempted to asked if Julianne had eaten knowing most times the maids didn't treated his eldest sister right. But seeing they had a visitor whom he didn't knew about. Richard decided not to asked as he sighed again and picked up his spoon to joined his family for breakfast, as the time was already passed 9am.

After breakfast with Alpha Gregs family ended, Dan stood up and thanked Alpha Gregs, "Thank you Alpha for the breakfast , I really appreciate it."

Amelia was all smiles and she immediately walked up to meet Dan not minding her father's presence and she wrapped her arms around Dan's right arm, pulling him closer to herself as Dan wore a black suit, but Dan didn't liked how Amelia was touching him, but he had to suppressed all the irritated feelings just because he wasn't ready to lose his mother yet.

He was her only child and he knew how much she wanted him to continued with their family legacy.

"You don't have to thank Dad alone, we all appreciate your visit" Amelia romantically spoked and Dan nodded while Alpha Gregs replied, "Dan understood that the head of the family comes first, something you should learn to put into consideration when you finally move into his mansion to start living with him Amelia, in the Anderson castle."

Amelia cheek burned redder in all shade of pink as she felt it as a dream come true. She had bragged to her friends, Rose David and Nora Colt that Dan would marry her and choose her as his mate, but they didn't believed her.

Rose and Nora were two years older than her and were both Julianne age mate, but because no one knew what Julianne looked like as they hadn't seen her out of Peterson Castle, Rose and Nora became best friends with Amelia as Amelia was seen as the princess of Apples packs.

"Can we take a stroll or are you leaving now?, let me show you around our castle and get to know our selves better" Amelia proposed as she offered to Dan whom wasn't eager to leave as the sweet floral scent that he scented before had evaporated away from his nostrils.

"Okay, but you can stand properly right? While we discuss as we walk" Dan said as he didn't liked how Amelia was touching him and wrapping her arms around his arm, as he was taller than her and due to the high heeled black shoes Amelia wore, she was just reaching his shoulder height.

"Okay, but is just for me to easily explained things to you," Amelia pouted as she released herself a little away from Dan's arm, but she didn't still let go off his right arm and Dan sighed as he had to endured her touched, knowing Amelia was touching and tugging on his black coat and not necessarily his right arms skin directly, as he wore black gloves too, to hide his palms and reduced himself from touching too many hands.

Amelia and Dan finally both walked out from Peterson Castle hall, and Amelia spoked just as she stepped out to their frontage, "I really do like you and I see you as my mate. Do you feel the same way about me too?."

Dan could still felt the preying eyes of Alpha Gregs on him. And he knew Alpha Gregs was dangerous but that didn't meant he didn't had his own standard as a male lord on his own.

His late father, Matteo Anderson was a cabinet member in Apples Pack and he knew how Alpha Gregs so wanted him to join their meeting as top wealthy male wolfs in Apple packs but he wouldn't accepted, not when he knew the level of enermity and also greed for money and fame that had driven his father to death.

Dan still felt his father wasn't just killed by the prostitute alone, but the prostitute was hired by either one of the cabinet members to killed his father and now they had their eyes on him.

Walking away to the garden at the back of the castle, just after the garage, as the grass there in the garden, made the back yard of the royal castle calmer and cold.

"Here's our garden, and farther away is our fish pond too, where we kept different species of fishes for our personal uses you know," Amelia laughed wanting to start a conversation with Dan but Dan's dark face remained expressionless as he walked up with her, while the guards stationed to guard the castle around stood aside monitoring them.

"What's your wolf form like? You haven't said anything to me or told me about yourself?" Amelia continued to asked as she stroll off with Dan, and Dan sighed as his face looked void of any emotion.

"There's nothing much about myself that you do not know off Miss Amelia" Dan's deep voice replied to her ears and Amelia felt her heart shudder just hearing his deep husky voice.

"That's not true, there are a lot of things about you that I do not know off. Starting from your hobby, what you like and dislike, Your favourite meal, yourself and what you will like to have in your woman. Me for example?," Amelia asked as she smiled sweetly to Dan whom smirked and nodded as he replied, "You're right about that. But if we go on discussing about all that, I won't have the time to head home today," Dan stared to his wristwatch time, seeing the time to be 10am and Amelia frowned.

"Why are you in a hurry to head home?. Am I boring to you?." Amelia asked as she paused.

Dan stared up and meet Amelia's gazed as she stepped out to his viewed and stood rightly in front of him. And just as Dan wanted to replied to Amelia, his nose twitched and he inhaled the sweet floral scent again that the wind had blew to his direction.

Amelia watched Dan acting wierd as he shut his eyes closed and she wondered if Dan had some mental hidden problem that the public didn't knew off.

Amelia knew she could admired someone from afar, but the more she drew closer to them, she would discovered lot of wierd things about them.

"Are you alright?" Amelia asked Dan just as she saw Dan's eyes flung opened and his black eyes darkened and flashed in awe like he was just realizing something.