
The Rejected Alpha Is My Mate

Julianne Peterson was born without a wolf and her family despised her and treated her badly except for her younger brother Richard. When her younger sister came of age, her parent whom were alpha and ruler of Apples pack arranged for her sister to marry the richest Dan Anderson of their pack. But what happens when Dan shows up in Alpha Gregs Peterson Castle? And he could perceived a sweet alluring feminine scent that wasn't his arranged mate?. what should Julianne do when Alpha Dan, chooses her as his mate?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Life In Peterson Castle.

"Wake up Julianne! wake up!" Amelia tugged on Julianna's dress, which is an old worn out deep blue dress that Amelia had worn before, and ditched away to Julianne.

Julianne stretched as she yawn and sat up on her bed inside of her room on the second floor in Peterson Castle, which is a mighty three storey building.

"Good morning Amelia," Julianne greeted her younger sister Amelia, that held a serious look of displeased on her yellow face.

"What nonsense are you still doing in bed Julianne? Knowing that today is my most special day. And that Dan Anderson, The richest CEO in our land is coming to see me today?. Instead of you to be up as early as 6am with the rest of the maids in keeping the house clean. You're still here lazing in bed. Get out!" barks Amelia. She wore a long white tiny-arm gown, that reaches her toes length and covers her feet.

Julianne stares at her younger sister that still looked displeased at her, as Amelia long blonde hair was already neatly parked and styled beautifully in a bun.

IWhile Julianne's brown hair were rather scattered and covering her brown face and her natural long eyes lashes.

"Am sick Amelia. I don't feel to fine today. Nana and Sophie would tidy up the house before your mate arrives," Julianne said to Amelia. She clutched tightly to her lower abdomen to show that she is sick.

Amelia wanted to yell at Julianne, and knowing that her father would support her and have Juliana flooger.

But then, having heard Julianne called Dan Anderson her mate. Amelia's face lit in joy and she breathes out her seized anger and replied with her arms wrapped around her chest. "Fine. But you cannot continue to sit here lazily throughout the whole of today. Get down now and go look for something to do. You can meet with Lady Linda Moore, She will prepare something for you to drink, As I don't want to come back here to your filthy room and still meet you in bed."

Amelia turned and majestically walked away from Julianne's bed walking towards the exit door, She unlocked it and walked out.

It was 7:15 am, And from what Amelia has heard from her father. The Billionaire werewolf, Dan Anderson, that is rumored to be aloof with most young ladies in their packs, even though he is the richest male werewolf in their lands. As he didn't spent much of his time on women, but rather on things that would benefit him, would soon be arriving.

Gregs Peterson had proposed a marriage contract to Dan's family (The Anderson family) as a token, to show his appreciation that Dan Anderson has indeed help a lot in developing Apples Packs.

Renovating it with a lot of entertainment centre in their werewolf kingdom.

Amelia has meet with Dan once before as she is the Alpha's most favoured daughter.

She is free to move around their packs, Having that she had a wolf, and could shapeshifted to protect herself whenever she want too.

But Julianne wasn't let out from the Peterson Castle either. As Alpha Gregs Peterson has forbidden the guards from letting Julianne out from the castle.

Julianne is slow and a lazy she-wolf, but she's beautiful, cute with round chubby face, brown skin and blue sparkling big eyes.

Julianne Peterson is a 22 years old pretty she-wolf. But she was born with a wolf and even as she's 22 years old. She hasn't shapeshift for once.

Amelia is yellow skin with long blonde hair, and brown eyes,as she has a beautiful white wolf too.

Most of Julianne clothes are oversized and more likely tight clothes that Amelia had rejected, used, and thrown away to Julianne.

.Amelia mostly bought new clothes weekly and goes out on event shows, topnotch festive places, that are been held in Apples Pack.

But Julianne is mostly indoor, cleaning the house and dressing every corners to look clean as Alpha Gregs has ordered that the maids should ensured to reserved some work loads for Julianne. Stating that Julianne won't just be sitting lazy all day in the castle.

Julianne is forbidden to made any friends, as none knew of her existence.

She didn't partake in any event, nor stepped out when any visitor arrived. As she's mostly indoor in her room.

And as the werewolves of Apples pack weren't also seeing Julianne around. They soon forgot that Alpha Greg's have a first daughter aside of Amelia.


They rather sees Amelia as their princess and Alpha daughter.

Julianne accepted her fate as a slave in her father's mansion. She knew that no matter the amount of tears that she shed, It wasn't able to rescued her.

She wished she could escaped one day from Peterson Castle. She had stood by her room window several times and staring out to the street and trying to see how she would possibly escaped and flee away from her father's castle and the harsh reality that she ks meant to face daily living in the Peterson Castle.

But whenever Julianne stared out through the window of her backyard. She sees the armed guards stationed around and guarding her father's castle

And she knew that her escaping wouldn't be easy.

Julianne finally slide out from her bed, after Amelia had left her room. She walked up to her bathroom to brush up her teeth, even as her lower abdomen hurt.

She stood in front of her bathroom mirror and stared at her brown skin reflection. She sees her brown long hair were scattered and partly covering her face.

She tuck her hair behind her ear, and she picked up her toothbrush to brush. She put a paste in it, and she started brusing her teeth

Her blue shinning big eyes looks dull and sick, and she knew that she isn't feeling fine.

"I just hope I can work today since Father already ordered Nana to always set aside the heap of clothes that I must wash. Ah!" Julianne bent a little and feeling her lower abdomen sting in pain. She was seeing her monthly flow, and she normally get sick when she is seeing her period. She knew that her mother didn't had her time too.

Julianne had to meet with Lady Linda Moore for medication and care, as Lady Linda is the head to all the servants working in their Peterson Castle. However, Lady Linda is 40years in age.

Julianne finished brushing her teeth and she knew that because she had no wolf, and she couldn't shapeshifted. She was seen as rejected, useless and a forsaken she-wolf that won't attract any valuable male wolf to marry her..

A tear drop roll down from Julianne's eyes. She blinks and quickly wiped it away. She hears the sound of a car driving into her father's castle.

She quickly wash her face and hurried out from her bathroom as she knew that the car had drove to the forbidden garage of their mansion.

"Oh! I'm still inside here, and I haven't gone out yet to clean up the house. Father has also forbidden me to not step out too whenever any guest arrive. I'm sure that I cannot go out now and I have to wait for the guest to leave first. But why did the car drove to the backyard. "

"I am not suppose to step out today again from my room, since Amelia's mate has already arrived for her hand in marriage. I cannot cause any bad luck to Amelia and I wish her well always.. As If Amelia leave this castle now, I will have my peace and be able to rest as much as I want too. Knowing that Lady Linda Moore, Nana and Sophie won't disturb me much to work much again. Richard won't disturb me either, As he cares for me, and feel my pain too of being rejected. Hm.."

"Let me go and open up the windows,"

Julianne quickly rushed to pull her room window opened. And to stared down at the backyard. There She saw a handsome black man dressed in an expensive black shinning suit, with long black curls of his hair length, stepped down from the car. And she sees his assistant also stepped down from the car and holding the door for the black man to stepped down elegantly.