
The Reincarnation Of The Devil King.

{ MATURE CONTENT} Lucian Cyran Huang , the First Prince of the Kanerria Dynasty is the Reincarnation Of The Devil King that once terrorized a kingdom a thousand years ago. All the circumstances surrounding him leads him towards a dark path ; One that has been predestined for him. Accompanied by his Loyal Friend and a Fox Demon, Lucian is to face many challenges and adversaries as He embarks on a journey to change his future ... ———————————— This novel is currently Is going for the WSA Awards. Your reviews , gifts , comments and Votes will be highly appreciated. You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Adventurer's society. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · 東方
69 Chs

62 _ Cracks In Her Heart.

Her eyes filled with frightened dread as she looked on in disbelief. Mizuki tried to speak but no words could escape from her throat. She had seen him from the window of her chambers and saw him unsealing the barrier around the Forbidden Palace and heading towards the Dark Forest and she decided as an afterthought to follow him.

But now , Mizuki wished she did not.

It was a massacre, severed limbs and body parts laid scattered around the grassy knolls of the forest. This was another side of him that she had been warned of. The Dark side of him. He had killed them all without a second glance, with such ruthless efficiency. Blood dripped slowly from his Blade , enhancing the image of a terrifying and dangerous person he was.

"Dai Fang ..."

Huo Xun was still writhing in shock at the sudden death of all his men. He had slaughtered them without batting an eyelid. So cold and cruel ...Like the Devil.

His shock was further increased when he saw Mizuki Yang standing before the Devil King. How had she survived that mortal wound?! Even if she did , how was she able to escape from the Vicious Night Wolves that roamed that region, half dead?

That did not matter , He decided . She had somehow escaped from the clutches of death and was still alive. Certain that Dai Fang piercing gaze was not on him, Huo Xun stealthily reached towards one of his dead companions and retrieved a bow and an arrow from underneath his deadweight. His breath wavering , Huo Xun summed up the courage in him and aimed his new found weapon at Mizuki . He drew out the bow and released the arrow from its grasp. It cut through the air , building up speed and momentum as it whizzed through the air heading straight for her.

She did not see the projectile coming until it was too late. The glint from its sharp edge momentarily blinded her as She stumbled and fell to her feet.

Blood began to boil in his veins and slowly Huo Xun began to choke on his blood and With a powerful blow from Dai Fang , Huo Xun landed against the ground , his head bleeding severely. Mizuki tried to hold him back pleading for him to stop this madness but Dai Fang pushed her aside as he progressed menacingly towards the bleeding man.

"Dai Fang stop! You are going to kill him!" She cried but he paid no heed to her pleas as he took out his Demon Blade ready to deliver the final blow. The Devil King brought down his Sword but in an instant Mizuki stood over Huo Xun , preventing Dai Fang from reaching him as viciousness gleaned in his hardened eyes.

"Get out of my way Mizuki Yang ." He said threateningly, his breathing harsh and ephemeral.

"I wont stand by and let you condescend into this." Mizuki retorted her eyes daring him to strike her. "This is not you! This is not the Dai Fang I know nor I want you to be!"

"Oh really?" Sarcasm dripped from his coarse voice, the same way bloodlust filled his eyes. "And how will you know what truly resides in this cold dark heart of mine?"

"Because..." She whispered softly as she stretched out her hand and ran her soft silky palm over the handle of his sword. She could feel his expression soften, his devilish ardor wane. " I know you Dai Fang. You are kind , benevolent and much more than you ever know ." Mizuki said as she gently touched his cheeks with the warm tips of her fingers speaking from her heart.

The Devil King lowered his weapon , his blades almost inches away from piercing through Huo Xun's heart.

The panicked man didn't attempt to attack the man before him. He scurried off into the forest, the trail of blood and massacre hanging in the air behind him. He would live to fight another day. As for the heiress... she was no longer a priority as The Emperor have to be notified of these recent developments.

Dai Fang ignored the man that had run off like a scared little mouse. Instead his gaze was fixed on the heiress before him. Never had he ever hesitated to take a life. His actions were carried out swiftly and pitilessly.

But as Mizuki stood before him , he could not do it , bring himself to hurt her. She made him weak and being weak meant being powerless and becoming powerless made him Vulnerable.

She was his one and only true weakness.

"Leave this place and never return." He said finally , his dark tone echoed across the now silent forest as he turned away from her.


"I said LEAVE!" Dai Fang thundered and Mizuki tensed and faltered. She took a step back; She was pained and it was evident on her face. No , he could not mean it...

"No....No...! I will never leave you Dai Fang , even in death..."

He held her wrists tightly , his fingers digging into her skin and Mizuki was consciously growing aware of the sudden change in his tone. His eyes spoke volumes, conveying both anger and passion warring inside of him.

"You do not care for me Mizuki . You could never care for someone like me." He growled. "You only what to be with me because you rejected the outside world . An outcast of your own making.What? Did you really think I , Dai Fang , the Devil King could fall in love with a inferior mortal like you?" He told her without remorse as scalding tears dropped from Mizuki's eyes , the pressure of his grip on her increasing He turned his back on her, avoiding her gaze.

"Yes Dai Fang." She countered driving back her emotions so she could speak clearly. "We have been together all this time and I know how I feel for you. You feel the same way too...I know you do!"

He gave a derisive scoff and suddenly he let her go.

Mizuki drew back and Dai Fang spoke once more in his icy voice, giving her a condescending look. "You must be mistaken then, Mizuki Yang. I have never felt anything towards you ...and I doubt I ever will. So I would advise you in your best interest to leave."


That was the sound of Mizuki's heart breaking and falling apart...Piece by piece. She collapsed to the ground , her legs and will failing her as couldn't bear the thought of even existing without him. She had fallen for the Devil King , head over heels and loved him more than life itself. Maybe this was his plan all along. To make her want him...Need him...To take her will and leave her beautifully broken.

"Why..." She muttered , her voice shaking as she held her hand against her chest as if it would stop it from hurting. Mizuki lashed out in pain,directing her accusation at the man whose back was turned against her. "Why did you not kill me...Why did you spare me, let me love you before you ripped out my heart?"

Dai Fang did not make any effort to answer .

"You are afraid are you not?!" Mizuki shouted at him. "Afraid to care for anyone . The all powerful Devil King is afraid that a common mortal girl might become his only weakness. You are afraid to feel , to love and be loved..."

He grasped her face , forcing her to look up into his intimidating red eyes as he snarled. "I am a god ! Empires and Kingdoms, Nobles and Peasants , All tremble before my feet and glance from me can make a world fall into chaos and destruction and my Power make men despair. Love holds you back , it makes you weak..." Dai Fang derided , releasing her.

"Power will never full the void in your soul. Chaos can never make you complete and Destruction will never fufill your desires to make you truly happy." Mizuki spoke rising to her feet.

"I want to love you but you are afraid to be weak. Afraid to let me in. So in the end Dai Fang, you will always be alone."

He clenched his fists then turned his back to her and walked away.

"What! You can not face me even now as you run away..."

"A final warning Mizuki, Do not come back to the Palace . I wavered once but it shall never occur again. If you do ... I will not hesitate to end your life."

And the Devil King vanished , leaving her all alone with Cracks in her heart as a reminder of him.