
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

The Seige of Basilia

Adira's eyes widened in fear as she turned to Zagan, her voice trembling slightly.

"Does he have black hair?" she inquired, her heart pounding with apprehension.

"Yes, he does," he confirmed.

Adira's breath caught in her throat as she processed this information. The memory of their previous encounter with the man flooded back to her, sending shivers down her spine.

"Do you know him?" Zagan's question brought her back to the present, and she looked at him with a troubled expression.

"I'm not sure," Adira admitted.

"I remember. There was a man with red eyes and black hair who crossed paths with us when we were young. He gave off an eerie vibe like he was hiding something." she added

Zagan's expression turned grim as he processed this information.

"If it's the same man, then we need to be on high alert," he cautioned, glancing around warily.

Mike and Avra exchanged worried looks, realizing the potential danger that the man's presence posed.

"We can't let our guard down," Mike asserted.

"We'll keep an eye out for him while we continue our search."

"Let's return to the tower and bring our findings back to his highness," Avra remarked. 

"You're right. We can't waste any time. The king needs to know about this immediately," he affirmed.

The group swiftly made their way back to the tower. They knew that they needed to alert the king about the potential threat lurking in their midst. 

"What? Are you saying that Christos has my child?" Themis remarked.

Damayanti's expression turned serious as he processed the information.

"Are you certain?" he inquired, his gaze piercing.

Mike nodded solemnly.

"No! My Lucius, that cannot be..."

"Zagan unintentionally heard Christos man converse about finding the princess and the holy s-" Avra was interrupted by Lady Eshe declared. 

"Then we should go, now!"

"Lady Eshe, please be calm," Damayanti stated trying to calm Lucius's mother.

"How can I calm down when that man has my son?!" she stated, her hands trembling.

"Lady Eshe..."

"Send 80% of our mages and warriors near the palace right now!" Themis stated looking so anxious. 

"80? that's a lot Your Majes-"

"My daughter's life, as well as that of the holy saint, is in danger. 80 percent is nothing!" he replied enraged. 

"Bring forth eighty percent of our people to guard the perimeter near the palace."

King Themis's command echoed through the halls of the palace, sending ripples of urgency through the gathered officials and guards. His voice carried authority as he issued his orders.

The officials sprang into action, hastily relaying the king's orders to the guards stationed throughout the palace as the Soldiers were deployed to strategic locations.

"Tomorrow, I will personally go to the palace," he announced, his voice commanding attention.

The gravity of his decision weighed heavily in the room, as his advisors exchanged concerned glances. Lady Eshe's anxiety was palpable, her hands clasped tightly together in worry.

"Your presence at the palace will be risky, Your Majesty," Damayanti affirmed. 

"I'll face Christos on my own."

"I cannot let it happen, your Majesty. It's risky to be alone."

"Yes, Your Majesty, what Priest Damayanti said is correct. If it's okay with you, I'll go with you." Mike stated. 

"You will be accompanied by Alec and 30 percent of our workforce. Christos is a dangerous man." Damayanti added. 

"I'll go," Zagan remarked. 

"I will go too" Adira followed. 

"As a vice-captain, I will go, too." Avra declared. 

Themis hesitated, his concern evident as he regarded the two youngest members of their group. 

"Zagan, Adira," he began.

"You are both still young. This task may prove to be dangerous."

"We may be young, but we are willing to fight for our kingdom," Zagan asserted, his resolve unwavering.

"We cannot stand idly by while our kingdom is threatened," Adira declared.

Mike feels proud of the two declarations, and he smiles as he faces the King. 

"The two are the tower's best swordsmen; they have skills, so don't worry about them, Your Majesty," he stated. 

With a nod of gratitude to Mike, Themis turned his attention to the task ahead, his mind already formulating plans for the confrontation with Christos. 

As Themis concluded his preparations, he turned to face the group once more.

"Be ready for tomorrow," he reiterated, his voice firm and resolute.

Adira, Zagan, Avra, and Mike stood at attention, their resolve unwavering as they saluted their king. With a final nod of acknowledgment, Themis watched as his trusted companions departed, their footsteps echoing in the empty corridors of the tower.

As the morning sun rose, casting its golden rays across the land, the kingdom stirred with anticipation. In the courtyard of the Tower of Ariadne, King Themis stood tall, his steely gaze fixed on the horizon.

Beside him, his trusted companions—Mike, Avra, Zagan, and Adira—mounted their horses, their faces determined and resolute. Today was the day they would confront Christos and put an end to his tyranny once and for all.

With a solemn nod, Themis signaled for the procession to begin. The sound of hooves echoed through the streets as they made their way towards the palace, the towering structure looming in the distance like a silent sentinel.

As they rode, the air crackled with tension, each member of the group steeling themselves for the battle ahead.

Their hearts beat as one, united in their quest to bring justice to their kingdom and restore peace to their land.

"Thirsty?" Zagan inquired, handing the water bottle to Adira, who was riding next to him. 

"No, I'm fine," she stated.

"If you say so..."

Zagan then faced ahead while taking a drink from the bottle. 

After a day of riding horses and walking, Themis' brave soldiers arrived at the Palace of Basilia, which was once his. Ahead lay the palace gates, guarded by Christos's loyal soldiers.

As Themis and his companions approached the imposing gates of the Palace of Basilia, a flood of memories washed over him. This grand edifice, once his own, now stood as a symbol of Christos's usurpation and tyranny.

As Themis dismounted from his horse, a sinister chuckle echoed from the top of the tower. Turning his gaze upward, Themis's eyes narrowed as he spotted Christos, perched like a vulture on the highest parapet of the palace. His silhouette outlined against the azure sky, Christos wore a malevolent grin, his eyes glinting with malice.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the deposed king returning to reclaim his throne," Christos taunted, his voice carrying down to Themis and his companions below.

"I must say, I didn't expect you to have the audacity to show your face here, Themis."

Ignoring the taunts, Themis held his head high, his expression steely and determined.

"Your reign of tyranny ends today, Christos," he declared, his voice ringing out with authority.

"I have come to reclaim what is rightfully mine and restore peace to our kingdom."

Christos's laughter echoed across the courtyard, sending a chill down the spines of all who heard it.

"Oh, how noble of you, Themis," he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt.

"But you and your ragtag band of rebels stand no chance against the might of my army. You're nothing but a mere inconvenience to me."

As Themis bristled at the insult, his fury simmering just beneath the surface, Christos fixed his gaze directly on him, a sly grin twisting his lips.

"Or perhaps you're not here to reclaim your throne at all, but rather to rescue your precious daughter," he taunted, his words a calculated barb aimed at Themis's heart.

"So you have my daughter," he seethed, his voice low and menacing.

"I knew it."

With a chilling laugh, Christos leaned back against the stone parapet, his posture relaxed yet exuding an air of malevolence. 

"Give me my daughter back, and I will let you have whatever you desire. You can have the kingdom; just give my daughter back."

"Your little princess is extremely important to you," he murmured, smirking. 

Now he understands what Casimir is talking about. Target your enemies' weaknesses, and victory will be yours. 

Christos's laughter echoed across the courtyard, a hollow sound that reverberated off the palace walls like a sinister symphony.

"You expect me to believe such empty promises, Themis?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with derision.

"You, who would dare challenge me for the throne of Basilia? You, who would stand against the might of my army?"

Themis's jaw clenched in frustration, his hands balling into fists at his sides.

"I am offering you a chance to end this bloodshed," he growled, his voice a low rumble that carried the weight of his determination.

"Give me back my daughter, and I will relinquish my claim to the throne."

But Christos only shook his head, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"Your words hold no sway over me, Themis," he spat, his tone laced with contempt.

"I hold all the cards in this game, and I have no intention of surrendering them to the likes of you."

With a final mocking laugh, Christos gestures to his soldiers to shoot Themis soldier, his soldiers sprang into action with a swift and coordinated attack.

Mike's keen eyes caught the movement, and he shouted a warning to his fellow soldiers.

"Protect His Majesty!" Mike bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos of the courtyard.

"The enemy is upon us!"

With adrenaline pumping through their veins, Mike, Avra, Zagan, and Adira leaped into action, drawing their weapons and rallying their comrades to defend the king.

Arrows rained down from above as Christos's soldiers unleashed a relentless barrage, seeking to overwhelm Themis's forces with sheer numbers and firepower.


How I wish I had your daughter...