
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

King's Secret Scheme

Asvattha Cavern Residence 

Karasi's days at the cavern had stretched into months, each passing day filled with relentless training and solitary practice.

Despite her best efforts, she found herself struggling to make progress in her magical abilities without the guidance and support of a mentor.

And as the nights descended, she would often find herself haunted by nightmares of her father's death. Tears would stain her pillow as she wept silently into the darkness.

But on this particular morning, as the first light of dawn crept through the cracks in the cave walls, she made a decision. Today, she would seek out Adira, her sister. 

She began to tiptoe through the cavern, her footsteps echoing softly against the rocky floor. But before she could make her escape, she felt a sudden jolt as she collided with someone in the darkness.

Startled, she stumbled backward, her heart racing with fear as she looked up to see Casimir standing before her, his gaze piercing and unforgiving.

"You think you can just sneak away like this?" he said, his voice was low and menacing.

"Not on my watch."

Before she could protest, he seized her hand in a firm grip, his touch sending a wave of apprehension coursing through her veins.

She felt a surge of panic rising within her as he began to pull her along, his intentions unknown and terrifying.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear, her mind racing with a thousand unanswered questions.

But Casimir remained silent as they hurried through the cavern.

Her confusion only deepened as she saw a carriage waiting for them. She looked at him, her anxiety mounting with each passing moment.

His unreadable expression only served to heighten her fear, leaving her on edge as she tried to anticipate his next move.

With a gesture from him, Karasi reluctantly climbed into the carriage, her heart pounding with uncertainty. Casimir followed.

As the carriage began to move, the rhythmic clatter of hooves against the cobblestones filled the silence between them. Unable to bear the tension any longer, Karasi mustered the courage to speak.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Your skills are wasted inside that cavern," he replied, his tone devoid of warmth.

"We're heading somewhere where you can enhance your abilities."

Karasi's brow furrowed in confusion, her mind reeling with questions. But before she could voice her concerns, Casimir silenced her with a stern glare.

"Hush your mouth," he snapped, his words cutting through the air like a knife.

"I don't like nosy people."

With a sinking feeling in her chest, she fell silent, her thoughts consumed by the uncertainty of their destination. As the carriage rolled on into the unknown, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being led down a path from which there might be no return.

The journey from Asvattha to Absalom had been long and arduous, each passing day stretching into an eternity of uncertainty and unease. But finally, after what felt like an eternity, the carriage came to a halt, and he gestured for her to follow him.

Hesitant but obedient, she stepped out of the carriage and followed his lead. As they approached the towering gates of the mansion before them, her heart began to race with trepidation.

The gate guards, their faces hidden beneath the shadow of their hoods, greeted Casimir with a silent bow, their movements as precise and mechanical as clockwork. 

As they crossed the threshold of the mansion, she couldn't help but feel a wave of apprehension wash over her.

Female servants bustled about the grand halls, their movements stiff and robotic, their eyes downcast as if afraid to meet her gaze.

Her curiosity was piqued, her mind racing with questions about the nature of this place and its inhabitants. What kind of place was this, where fear and anxiety hung heavy in the air like a pall?

But before she could voice her concerns, Casimir's voice cut through the silence like a knife.

"Follow me," he commanded.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she obeyed, her footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors as she trailed behind him. 

As they ventured deeper into the mansion, he led her through the labyrinthine halls until they reached a towering door. Without so much as a knock, he pushed the door open, revealing a vast chamber bathed in dim light.

Karasi hesitated at the threshold, her heart pounding with uncertainty as she followed him into the room.

The sight that greeted her sent a shiver down her spine—a scene of decadence and debauchery unfolding before her eyes.

Casimir stood at the center of the room, his hand nonchalantly tucked into his pocket as he observed two naked women pleasuring Christos.

Karasi's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she averted her gaze, unable to bear the sight before her.

Impatient with the interruption, he spoke up.

"Get out," he commanded, his tone cold and authoritative.

Startled, the two women turned to look at him, fear and desperation written across their faces as they scrambled to gather their clothes and flee the chamber.

Christos, his mood soured by the disturbance, shot Casimir a venomous glare.

"What do you want this time?" he demanded, his voice dripping with irritation.

"Why do you always insist on disturbing my nights of pleasure?"

Casimir's expression remained impassive as he met Christos' gaze head-on.

"I have a business to discuss," he replied curtly.

"Important matters that cannot wait."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Christos motioned for him to approach.

As he settled back into his seat, he barked orders to a nearby servant, demanding a glass of wine. The servant scurried off to fulfill his request, leaving the room in a tense silence.

Turning his gaze back to Casimir, Christos's eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"So, why is the girl here if she will not be my toy?" he inquired, his tone dripping with disdain.

"Find a top mage to teach her magic," he stated bluntly.

Christos scoffed at the suggestion, his lips curling into a sneer.

"And why would I do such a thing?" he retorted, his arrogance shining through.

As Christos settled back into his seat, he barked orders to a nearby servant, demanding a glass of wine. The servant scurried off to fulfill his request, leaving the room in a tense silence.

Turning his gaze back to Casimir, Christos's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "So, why is the girl here if not to be my toy?" he inquired, his tone dripping with disdain.

Casimir's response was swift and cold. "She is here to receive instruction in magic from the best mage in town," he stated bluntly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Christos scoffed at the suggestion, his lips curling into a sneer. "And why would I do such a thing?" he retorted, his arrogance shining through.

Before Casimir could respond, a knock echoed through the chamber, and a servant entered with a tray of wine. 

Taking a sip before turning his attention back to Casimir.

"So, Why should I provide her with a mage teacher without gaining anything in return?" he quipped, a sly grin playing on his lips. 

"Perhaps I could offer her a teacher in exchange for a night of pleasure." 

Casimir's jaw clenched with irritation at the suggestion, his patience wearing thin.

"Do not lay a finger on her," he warned, his voice low and menacing.

Christos's laughter filled the room at his threat, but beneath the facade of amusement, a flicker of fear danced in his eyes.

There was something about Casimir's steely resolve that sent a chill down his spine, a sense of power and authority that even the throne could not diminish.

Casimir looked at Karasi and gestured for her to leave the room, she obediently complied.

Alone now, Christos turned his attention back to Casimir, curiosity burning bright in his eyes.

"Why does she need a teacher?" Christos inquired, his tone laced with intrigue.

"She will be our tool to destroy Themis and the princess," he explained.

A slow smile spread across Christos's lips as he realized the full extent of his plan.

"So she's the tool you were talking about," he mused, nodding in understanding.

"Yes," he affirmed.

"So provide her with a teacher to enhance her skills."

Christos's smile turned devious as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Casimir with renewed interest.

"I'll do it," he agreed, his voice dripping with malice.

"But not without payment."

"What do you want?" 

Christos's grin widened as he revealed his demands.

"There's a girl I'm interested in," he began, his tone sly and predatory.

"Young, with black hair...She was Themis Soldier"

"What will you do to that girl?" he asked. his stoic facade remained unyielding.

"She will become my toy."

Casimir's displeasure was evident as he recoiled at the thought.

"If she is young, I won't do it," he declared. 

But Christos's patience wore thin at his refusal.

"I won't do what you want if you won't do what I want," he snapped, his irritation palpable.

He rose to his feet, his gaze icy as he met Christos's stare head-on.

"I don't care what you want," he retorted coldly.

"But remember, I can dethrone you in an instant, just like how I dethroned Themis."

A tense silence hung in the air as Christos processed his threat, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. He watched as he turned to leave, his parting words ringing in his ears like a warning.

Alone in the chamber, Christos's anger simmered beneath the surface as he brooded over Casimir's defiance. With each muttered curse, his resentment grew, fueling the flames of his desire for revenge.

"How dare he order me like this, when I am the king?" he seethed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"One day, I will kill him. If he thinks he can threaten me, then I need to have a plan to not only destroy Themis but also this treacherous man."

His mind churned with thoughts of vengeance as he paced the length of the chamber, his steps echoing in the empty space.

He knew that Casimir was a formidable adversary, cunning and ruthless in equal measure.

He needs a plan—a scheme so intricate and devious that it would leave his enemies trembling in fear. He would bide his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and when the moment was right, he would unleash the full force of his wrath upon them.

And as he gazed out into the darkness, a sinister smile twisted his lips. The game had only just begun, and Christos was prepared to play it to the bitter end, no matter the cost.