
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Intrigue and Danger

Alaric leaned in close to his daughter, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Karasi, did you conceal your auras the other day?" he asked, his concern evident.

Karasi's brow furrowed with uncertainty as she racked her brain for an answer.

"I'm not sure, Father," she admitted quietly, her voice tinged with guilt.

"But I always make sure to conceal them before I go out. I don't know how this could have happened."

Alaric's heart ached at his daughter's distress. He knew that Karasi would never willingly put herself in harm's way, but the rumors swirling around them painted a grim picture of the dangers that awaited anyone with such unique abilities.

With a heavy sigh, Alaric squeezed Karasi's hand reassuringly.

"We'll figure this out, Karasi," he said, his voice firm with determination.

"But for now, we must be cautious."

As the whispers of the rumors grew louder around them, Alaric felt a growing sense of unease. With a heavy heart, he began to pack up their belongings, the confusion of the vendors beside him palpable.

"Alaric, what's the matter?" one of the vendors asked, concern etched on their face as they noticed his hurried actions.

"Why are you packing up so suddenly?"

Alaric paused, his mind racing for an explanation that would satisfy their curiosity without revealing too much. With a forced smile, he turned to the vendor, his voice tinged with feigned concern.

"Karasi isn't feeling well," he lied.

"I'm taking her home to rest."

The vendor nodded sympathetically, their expression softening with understanding.

"I hope she feels better soon," they said kindly, offering a reassuring pat on Alaric's shoulder.

Alaric offered a grateful nod in return, his mind reeling with guilt over the lie he had told. But in that moment, his priority was clear – to ensure his daughter's safety at all costs.

Alaric gathered up their belongings and ushered Karasi away from the market, his mind consumed with worry for her well-being. As they made their way home, he vowed to do whatever it took to protect his daughter from the dangers that lurked in the shadows, even if it meant resorting to deception to keep her safe.

As the rumors of a girl with three auras spread like wildfire through the town of Asvattha, they soon reached the walls of Ariadne Tower, where Adira was in the midst of her training. The whispers reached her ears, causing her to freeze in her tracks as she listened to the hushed conversations of her fellow soldiers.

A wave of apprehension washed over Adira as she pieced together the fragments of gossip. Without a second thought, she abruptly abandoned her training session and sprinted through the halls of the tower, her heart pounding in her chest.

Her sudden departure left Avra, Mike, Lucius, Ayira, and Zagan bewildered, their confusion evident as they exchanged puzzled glances.

"What's gotten into her?" Avra wondered aloud, her brow furrowed with concern.

Lucius frowned, his mind racing with possibilities.

"I don't know, but we should go after her," he suggested, his voice laced with urgency.

With a shared sense of determination, the group quickly followed after Adira, their footsteps echoing through the corridors of the tower as they called out to her.

"Adira, wait!" they called, their voices echoing off the stone walls.

But Adira's pace only quickened as she raced towards the source of the rumors, her mind consumed with worry for her family back in Asvattha. She knew that she had to find out the truth behind these whispered tales, no matter the cost.

As Adira bolted through the gates of Ariadne Tower, her companions, Avra, Mike, Lucius, Ayira, and Zagan, stood bewildered in her wake. Their confusion quickly turned to concern as they exchanged worried glances, realizing that something must be amiss for Adira to leave so abruptly.

Without hesitation, they hurried back into the tower, their footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as they raced toward the chambers of Priest Damayanti. Bursting through the doors, they found the wise priest engrossed in his studies, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Priest Damayanti," Lucius began urgently, his voice echoing off the stone walls of the chamber,

"Adira has run off! We don't know where she's gone or why."

The priest's eyes widened in alarm as he listened to their report, his demeanor shifting from calm contemplation to swift action.

"Gather a search party," he commanded, his voice firm with authority.

"We must find her before she gets into trouble."

As the search party scoured the streets and alleys, Avra's mind raced with worry for Adira. Suddenly, a memory flashed through her mind - the day she had first met Adira's sister, Karasi, and noticed the unusual presence of three auras surrounding her.

Turning to Priest Damayanti with a sense of urgency, Avra recounted the encounter.

"Priest Damayanti," she began, her voice trembling with concern,

"I remember meeting Adira's sister, Karasi, and noticing her three auras. With the rumors circulating about a girl with three auras, Adira may have run off to find her sister."

The priest's eyes widened with understanding as he processed Avra's words.

"You may be right, Avra," he said solemnly, his voice echoing with concern.

"If that's the case, then we must act quickly to ensure their safety."

As chaos erupted in Alaric's home, the intruders, adorned in the unmistakable insignia of House Lorcan, barged in with a sense of entitlement. Alaric stood his ground, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through his veins.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Alaric insisted, his words firm as he faced the intruders. "I have no knowledge of anyone with three auras."

But his protestations fell on deaf ears as one of the men stepped forward, his expression twisted with anger. Without warning, he delivered a stinging slap across Alaric's face, the force of the blow sending shockwaves through the room.

"I saw it with my own eyes," the man spat, his voice laced with venom. "It was your daughter."

Meanwhile, Karasi cowered in the shadows, her heart pounding with fear as she watched the scene unfold. The realization of her inadvertent exposure weighed heavily on her, filling her with a sense of dread.

As the intruders continued their search, tearing through the belongings in their relentless pursuit of the truth, Karasi remained hidden, her breaths shallow and quick as she prayed for a swift end to the ordeal.

With a surge of adrenaline, Alaric seized the nearest object within his reach—a glass bottle—and launched himself at the intruder who was dangerously close to discovering Karasi's hiding place.

As the man's enraged gaze fell upon Alaric, the air crackled with tension. With a swift motion, he lunged towards Alaric, his fists flying in a flurry of blows. Alaric staggered backward, caught off guard by the sudden assault.

Summoning every ounce of strength he possessed, Alaric fought back with determination, his fists meeting his attacker's with resounding force. But despite his efforts, the man's relentless onslaught proved too much to bear, overpowering Alaric with his sheer strength and ferocity.

Each blow landed with a bone-jarring impact, sending waves of pain coursing through Alaric's body. Desperation surged within him as he struggled to hold his ground against his formidable opponent, his vision swimming with the intensity of the fight.

As the man's fists rained down on Alaric, each blow a painful reminder of the danger they faced, Karasi's heart twisted with anguish. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her father being mercilessly beaten before her very eyes.

In a moment of desperation, Karasi met her father's gaze, her own eyes filled with fear and sorrow. But amidst the chaos and turmoil, there was a glimmer of determination, a silent understanding passing between them.

With a surge of courage, Alaric rose to his feet, his arms enveloping the assailant in a tight embrace.

"Run, Karasi! Go!" he cried out, his voice filled with urgency.

Karasi hesitated for only a moment, her heart torn between the instinct to protect her father and the need to escape the danger that threatened them both. But with a final glance over her shoulder, she knew what she had to do.

Summoning every ounce of strength and resolve, Karasi burst out of the cabinet, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline, she knew that she had to act quickly to defend herself against the assailant who threatened her father's life. With trembling hands, she gripped the knife she had hidden away, her fingers white-knuckled with determination.

Without hesitation, Karasi lunged towards the man, the blade of the knife glinting in the dim light of the room. With a swift, determined motion, she drove the knife into his side, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the resistance of flesh and bone give way beneath her.

The man's eyes widened in shock and pain as he staggered backward, his hand instinctively reaching for the wound. In a moment of desperation, he lashed out at Karasi, his actions fueled by rage and agony.

With a brutal shove, he sent Karasi sprawling to the ground, the impact knocking the breath from her lungs. She landed with a thud, pain shooting through her body as she struggled to regain her footing.

"Get the girl," he growled, his voice dripping with menace as he pointed towards Karasi.

The other assailants wasted no time in obeying, surging forward with menacing intent as they closed in on Karasi and her father. Alaric's heart pounded with fear and desperation as he braced himself to defend his daughter against the onslaught.

With a surge of determination, Alaric rushed towards his daughter's side, his body weary but his spirit undaunted. Ignoring the pain that seared through his battered frame, he threw himself between Karasi and their assailants, his arms outstretched in a protective stance.

"Stay back!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the room with a commanding force.

"Leave her alone!"

The intruders hesitated, momentarily taken aback by Alaric's fierce display of defiance. But their resolve remained unshaken as they advanced towards him, their eyes glinting with malice and intent.

Alaric stood his ground, his gaze locked with theirs, a silent challenge burning in his eyes. Though outnumbered and outmatched, he would not back down, not when his daughter's life was at stake.

The leader's face twisted into a mask of rage as he surveyed the hesitation among his comrades. Disgust colored his voice as he addressed them, his words dripping with disdain.

"Are you all cowards?" he spat, his voice a thunderous growl that reverberated through the room.

"Scared of a weakling and his daughter?"

His words cut through the air like a whip, striking at the pride of his followers. With a fierce glare, he declared their actions an embarrassment to the esteemed House of Lorcan, a stain upon their honor that must be rectified.

"Weakness will not be tolerated," he thundered, his voice echoing with authority.

"We will not leave until we have what we came for."

Alaric cast a protective glance towards his daughter, Karasi. Despite the danger that surrounded them, his sole priority was her safety.

"Run, Karasi," he urged, his voice filled with urgency and love.

"Get out of here. Find help."

Karasi's heart clenched with fear and reluctance as she gazed at her father.

As the intruders closed in, their intentions clear and menacing, Alaric knew that he had little time to spare. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he launched himself towards them, his voice ringing out in a desperate plea.

"Run, Karasi!" he bellowed, his words echoing through the room with a sense of urgency.

"Get to safety!"

Karasi hesitated for a moment.

With a final, fleeting glance at her father, Karasi turned and fled, her feet pounding against the ground as she raced toward the safety of the outside world. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she ran, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.

But behind her, she could hear the heavy footsteps of the leader of the intruders, his pursuit relentless and determined.

Tears streamed down Karasi's cheeks as she ran, her heart heavy with fear and despair. Each step felt like a battle against the overwhelming odds that threatened to engulf her.

The leader's voice echoed behind her, taunting and relentless as he continued to pursue her with unyielding determination.

"Give up, girl!" he called out, his words laced with menace.

"There's nowhere to run!"

As Karasi dashed through the narrow alleys, her breaths ragged and her heart pounding with fear, she suddenly collided with a figure standing in her path. Stumbling back, she looked up, her eyes widening in shock as she found herself face to face with a man whose gaze seemed to pierce through her very soul.



A man standing in front of her had...



Crimson eyes.