
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Home once again

The sound of a book turning the page will be heard early in the morning in one of the tower chambers.

Lucius always began his day by reading a book.

He had his attention on rereading his favorite book. He abruptly came to a stop when someone knocked on his door. 

It was Ayira. 

Ayira approached him as he watched her walk towards him, wondering why she was here so early.

The princess was well known for not being a morning person. 

"Let's go," she stated, making Lucius look perplexed because he knew they had no plans for today, so what was going on this time.

"Zagan is waiting" she continued, pointing to Zagan who is peeking at the door, waiting for them. He accompanied the princess to fetch Lucius from his room.

Lucius then looked to the door, where Zagan was trying to peek inside. When Zagan caught his gaze, he just cracked a smile which prompted Lucius to get up from his bed, closing the book he was reading. 

He excuses himself to Ayira, not wanting them to wait for too long. He then goes to his bathroom to change clothes.

After a few minutes of waiting. The three began walking outside. They garnered a lot of attention since it was the first time anyone had seen Her Royal Highness and the holy saint together on the training field.

When the three arrived at the training area, they noticed the devoted Adira undergoing private training with Avra.

She was Avra's favorite comrade. 

"Adi!" yelled Ayira, who was hurrying towards her, ditching Zagan and Lucius behind.

She hugged her, causing Adira to chuckle. She was delighted to see her again. 

Following their encounter that night, the four of them became friends. 

Mike, who was not far away, approached them, curiosity-driven as to why Her Royal Highness and the Holy Saint were in the field. 

"Your Royal Highness, what reason you came here?" he sought out. 

"I'm starting training here," she stated, surprising Avra and Mike by unexpectedness.

"You're training. Here?!" he said, his eyes enlarged.

The princess smiled and nodded.

"I and Lucius will begin our training here," she said, making Lucius appear surprised. He was perplexed since he had no understanding of what was going on.

"Father gave us permission," she said, seeing that Lucius appeared to have no idea.

"The old man didn't tell you?!" she gasped, comprehending Lucius had not been notified by the priest. 

Lucius nodded slowly. He was shy, yet a trace of excitement was written on his face. 

After they finished explaining everything to the Captain, Mike, about how and why they were going to train here. Themis allowed them to join to obtain skills and knowledge but prohibited them from participating in any duel or sparring with others without his highness' permission. 

Their day begins with basic exercise and stretching, followed by Avra and Mike instructing the two and teaching them important swordsmanship skills such as proper sword handling and form. 

While Adira sat down alongside Zagan, who was preoccupied observing the two trains while eating a snack, he hid. He then glanced at Adira, who was drinking from her bottle to regain energy. She looked at Zagan when she noticed he was looking at her. Zagan then offered her the snack that he was eating. She grabs a piece of crackers, and the two of them begin watching them while having a snack. 

The day ended with the princess' complaint. She told the three of them that she was exhausted and her body sore. Zagan advises her to quit if she wants to, but the princess is determined to continue training, while Lucius, who is also looking worn down, is quite satisfied since he believes this is where he will begin to get stronger. 


"You've worked hard and served well at the Ariadne Tower, and now it all pays off. Congrats."

The king emphasized that he was grateful to the soldiers who worked tirelessly to restore the country's tranquility. 

"Your new orders are to do whatever the heck you want!" he screamed, cheerful as he granted permission for all of the soldiers to return to their hometown to visit their families after two years of training inside the tower. 

All of the troops yelled in delight since they could now go visit their families. 

"Are you going?" She inquired of the busy Zagan, who was enjoying his meal. The four are currently dining in the cafeteria after the assembly.

"Not sure," he responded. Ayira then looks at Adira, who is also eating.

"What about you?"

"Yep!" she exclaimed with excitement. She was looking forward to going back home and visiting her sister and sharing a story about all that was happening here. 

"Are you going tonight or tomorrow?" Lucius demanded before scoping and taking a bite of food.

"Tonight, so it will be morning when I get home." She replied. She has already calculated the days and hopes to come when her sister is awake. 

"You said you have a sister," Zagan asked at random, recalling how Adira was often telling them about her sister. 

"Oh! Yeah, what does she look like? Does she look exactly like you?" Ayira wonders tensely. She was thrilled by the thought of Adira having a sister since she saw Adira as attractive, and she believed her sister would be equal. 

Adira then motioned that she was thinking before returning her gaze to Ayira, who was looking at her with anticipation. While the two guys, Zagan and Lucius, waited for her reply. 

"Well, she has a little face. Like small." She said while making a hand movement to demonstrate how little her sister's face is. 

"Perhaps because she was young at the time," Zagan commented. suggesting that her sister's face was little because she is a child. 

"No, she was the same age as Ayira and Lucius," she explained.

"Really?" Ayira enthusiastically said, causing Adira to nod.

"So when is her birthday?" 

Ayira's question caused Adira to hesitate. 



she lied.

She will not reveal to people her sister's actual birthday, no matter how close they are. 

"Ow! She shares the same birthday as Lucius." Ayira commented.

"Is she good at swordsmanship?" Lucius inquired, drawing Adira's attention to him.

"Nope, but she enjoys reading just like you," she explained.

"Does she have black hair, just like you?" Ayira sought out, and then Adira shook her head, indicating that her sister had a different color. 

"Which color is her hair? Is it red like Zagan's, mine, or Lucius'?"

"Almost the same with Lucius," she said, prompting Ayira to think about what hue is closest to silver. 

"It's white," Zagan responded after seeing Ayira's difficulty thinking.

Ayira then looked at him, pleased, but he merely shook his head, as if he was displeased by the princess's poor intellect. 

"White, similar to the late saint's hair color?" Lucius stated, recalling how the text he had read described the deceased saint's appearance. She had white hair, the same Aura color as him, and a face like Ayira. 

A gentle, doll-like appearance. 

The four continue their day by talking and eating. Enjoying every moment before Zagan and Adira return to their home.

All troops were permitted a one-week visit to their hometown, however traveling to Asvattha from Absalom takes one day and a half, whereas Yorath takes two days. 

Before sundown, Adira leaves the Ariadne Tower and rides in a carriage to Asvattha with three other soldiers who also dwell there.

While Zagan contemplates whether he should return to his residence or remain in the tower. 


"How's the training going?" a man asked in a rough, low voice. 

"Good," he said, prompting the man to nod in approval. 

"How's the king?" he inquired. 

"He's doing good" 

"What about the princess?" another voice inquired. 

"She's also fine. she is also starting to look mature"

"What about the holy saint?" 

"He is also doing good. He was frail-looking before but now I can tell he is starting to be muscular"

"I see..."

"So when should we show up?"

"Not now"


After a one and a half-day trip. Adira rushed out of the carriage and closed her eyes, longing to breathe in the clean air of Asvattha. 

She's coming home!

She began roaming about the market looking for something to gift to her sister, but she came to a halt when she was attracted by the beauty of one of the necklaces on display. 

A lavalier necklace with one huge pendant and several smaller pendants dangling from the main stone.

It was pleasing to the eye. 

"These exquisite adornments have served as powerful symbols of faith, love, protection, and self-expression," said the elderly guy who was selling the pendant. 

"How much is this one?" she said, pointing to the simplest pendant on display, recollecting that her sister dislikes overly elaborate designs. 

"That one is 1 silver" 

Adira then reached inside her bag and handed 1 silver to the old man. 

"It serves as protection; give it to someone you want to protect." He explained as he handed it to her. After hearing it, Adira smiled, assured that she had chosen the appropriate necklace. The necklace boasted a lustrous gold chain adorned with an oval tulip flower pendant. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the pendant held deeper significance, acting as a talisman of protection.