
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Fragments of Gratitude

As the morning light filtered into the chamber, Karasi stirred from her fitful slumber, her eyes swollen from the tears of the previous night. With hesitant steps, she approached the door, her heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty and grief.

Stepping out into the chamber, Karasi's gaze fell upon Alias, the young boy who stood nearby. Despite the heaviness of her heart, she offered him a tentative smile, her voice soft as she spoke.

"Good morning," she greeted, her words tinged with a hint of weariness.

Alias returned her greeting with a warm smile of his own, his eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity as he observed her.

"Good morning to you too," he replied gently, his voice soft and reassuring.

Curious about her surroundings, Karasi turned her attention to Alias, her eyes reflecting a mixture of wonder and curiosity as she took in their unusual surroundings.

"This place is... different," she remarked softly, her voice tinged with awe.

"Why do you live in a cave?"

Alias smiled warmly at her question, his eyes twinkling with amusement at her curiosity.

"Well, it's not your typical home, that's for sure," he replied, his tone gentle.

"But it offers us shelter and protection from the outside world."

Karasi nodded, her curiosity piqued by his explanation.

"It's certainly unique," she mused, her gaze sweeping over the cavern's walls adorned with shimmering crystals and intricate rock formations.

"But it's also... beautiful."

Karasi's curiosity deepened as she listened intently to Alias's words. 

"Is Casimir your father?" she asked gently, her eyes searching his for answers.

Alias's expression softened as he spoke of the man who had shown him kindness in a world filled with darkness.

"No... he's like a hero from darkness," he explained, his voice filled with gratitude.

"He rescued me from that life of suffering and brought me here, to this cave. He's taught me so much and shown me that there's still kindness in this world, even in the darkest of places."

"But why do you look afraid at him?"

"I'm not sure, but occasionally his expression worried me."

"But his expression is the same. He always has a blank expression."

Karasi's interest increased. She questioned Alias how he met Casimir if he wasn't his father. Alias fell silent, wondering if he could tell Karasi about it, but since this is the first time someone had spoken to him and had an interest in him, he began telling her about his first encounter with Casimir. 

"I formerly lived in the mansion. I am not a noble, but rather a servant. The family I was staying with treated me like an object, allowing me to clean their entire mansion alone and without providing me with enough food to fill my hunger." he began.

Her brows furrowed with concern as she listened to Alias's somber tale, her heart heavy with empathy for the young boy who stood before her.

"They also use me to make money. They sold, you know... My body." he continued as he laughed awkwardly, with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"I'm so sorry," she murmured, her voice filled with compassion.

Alias offered her a small, resigned smile, his eyes reflecting the pain of his past.

"So, the day arrived!" he exclaimed. 

"When the witch woman informed me that my guest is waiting in the chamber. I was not frightened at all because I was used to it, but when I walked in, I noticed a man sitting. My thoughts... This guy is my guest? I felt afraid and nervous." 

Karasi's curiosity deepened as she listened intently to Alias's words, eager to learn more about the mysterious figure who had played such a pivotal role in his life.

"Is that Casimir?"

Alias nodded and went on to his story. 

"I expected him to do the same thing, but instead of saying anything or asking questions, he grabbed me out of the room and we fled the mansion while the witch woman after us."

A flicker of emotion crossed Alias's face as he recalled the kindness and compassion he had encountered in that moment, 

"He offered me a chance at freedom, a chance to escape the life of abuse and suffering that I thought I would never be free from. "

Karasi's heart swelled with admiration for Casimir who had intervened on Alias's behalf, 

"He saved me that day, and I will be forever grateful to him for giving me a second chance at life." he stated, his voice filled with reverence.

"who saves who?"

The two were startled when a voice that seemed familiar spoke near them.

Karasi and Alias exchanged a quick glance, their hearts racing as they turned to face Casimir, the enigmatic figure who had suddenly appeared beside them. His presence sent a shiver down their spines, his expression unreadable as he regarded them with an inscrutable gaze.

"Who saves who?" he repeated, his voice a low murmur that seemed to echo through the cavern. 

Karasi's throat felt dry as she struggled to find her voice, the weight of Casimir's scrutiny pressing down on her like a heavy cloak.

"We... we were just talking," she stammered, her words faltering in the face of his piercing gaze.

"About... about gratitude."

Alias nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving Casimir's inscrutable face.

"We were discussing how... how grateful I am to you," he added, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"For everything you've done for me."

Casimir's expression remained unchanged as he listened to their words, his gaze betraying nothing as he regarded them with a silent intensity.

"I see," he murmured cryptically, his tone enigmatic.

Casimir then looked at Karasi and said sternly, "Come" 

As Karasi nervously trailed behind Casimir, she couldn't help but steal glances at the enigmatic figure leading her deeper into the cavern. The shadows seemed to dance around him, cloaking him in an aura of mystery that sent shivers down her spine.

"Where are we going?" Karasi finally ventured, her voice barely above a whisper in the oppressive silence of the cave.

Casimir glanced over his shoulder at her, his gaze unreadable as he replied in a voice as cold as the stone walls surrounding them.

"You'll see soon enough."

Finally, they reached a small chamber bathed in flickering torchlight. Casimir gestured for Karasi to enter, his expression inscrutable as she tentatively stepped inside.

"What is this place?" Karasi asked, her voice barely more than a whisper as she took in her surroundings.

Casimir regarded her with an unreadable expression, his crimson eyes glinting in the dim light.

"This is where you will begin your training," he replied cryptically.

Karasi's heart skipped a beat at his words, a surge of excitement mingling with a newfound sense of apprehension. Training? What kind of training awaited her in this dark and foreboding place?

Karasi's brow furrowed in confusion as Casimir's words washed over her.

"See someone's auras?" he stated.

"What do you mean?" her voice tinged with uncertainty. 

Casimir regarded her with a steady gaze, piercing through the darkness as he explained.

"Auras are the energy fields that surround living beings," he began, his voice low and measured.

"With proper training, one can learn to perceive these auras, to see beyond the surface and into the very essence of a person."

Karasi's mind raced as she tried to comprehend Casimir's words. Auras? Energy fields? 

"But... how do I do that?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Remember how your sister taught you how to conceal your auras?" he continued, making Karasi nodded in response. 

"Conceal is to imagine," Casimir reiterated, his voice calm and steady.

"To see is more focused."

Karasi took a deep breath, her thoughts racing as she tried to process Casimir's words. Imagining and focusing... It sounded simple enough in theory, but she knew that putting it into practice would be a different story altogether.

Closing her eyes, Karasi took a moment to center herself, blocking out the distractions of the outside world as she delved deep into her own thoughts.

She pictured the familiar sensation of her auras, envisioning them as shimmering threads of light wrapped tightly around her being.

With a mental effort, she willed those threads to fade into the background, to become as invisible as the air she breathed.

As Casimir's words echoed in her mind, she knew that she must take her abilities to the next level. Focusing her concentration, she turned her attention outward, reaching out with her senses in search of the elusive auras that danced before her.

"See now?" He inquired after Karasi opened her eyes. 

Karasi nodded slowly, a glimmer of excitement dancing in her eyes. She focused her gaze on Casimir, studying him intently as she reached out with her newfound ability to perceive auras.

At first, all she saw was darkness, the shadowy silhouette of Casimir looming before her. But as she concentrated, willing her senses to sharpen, she began to discern a faint glow emanating from his form.

It was a subtle energy, barely perceptible at first, but as Karasi focused her attention, it grew stronger, swirling around Casimir in a shimmering halo of light. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, a vivid display of colors and patterns that seemed to pulse with a life of their own.

With a sense of wonder, Karasi turned her gaze inward, directing her newfound sight towards herself. And there, surrounding her like a protective cocoon, she saw them: three distinct auras, each radiating with its own unique hue.

There was a white aura, pure and bright, symbolizing purity and innocence. Next to it, a violet aura shimmered with an ethereal glow, representing spirituality and intuition. And finally, a golden aura bathed her in its warm embrace, exuding strength and resilience.

It was a sight that took Karasi's breath away, a glimpse into the depths of her own soul that left her feeling both exhilarated and humbled. With a newfound sense of clarity, she turned back to Casimir, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Yes," she replied, her voice filled with quiet awe. "I can see."

"The white aura," he began, his voice soft yet filled with authority,

"represents purity and innocence. It is a beacon of light in the darkness, a source of healing and renewal."

Karasi's eyes widened in wonder as she absorbed his words, the significance of the white aura sinking in. Healing... It was a concept she had always been drawn to, a desire to ease the suffering of others that had been ingrained in her since childhood.

"And what about the violet aura?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned in closer, eager to learn more.

Casimir's expression softened as he continued, his crimson eyes alight with a spark of magic.

"The violet aura signifies spirituality and intuition," he explained.

"It is the essence of magic itself, a conduit through which you can tap into the mystical energies of the universe."

Karasi's heart fluttered with excitement at the thought of wielding such power, her mind racing with possibilities. Magic... It was a force beyond comprehension, a realm of endless potential waiting to be explored.

"And finally, the golden aura," Casimir concluded, his tone turning solemn.

"It is a symbol of guidance and protection, a beacon of strength and resilience in times of need."

Karasi nodded, her gaze drifting to the golden aura that surrounded her like a suit of armor. Guidance and protection...

"Now, learn magic." 

Karasi stood there, rooted to the spot, her mind reeling from Casimir's sudden declaration. Learn magic alone?

For a moment, she stood there in stunned silence, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of Casimir's abrupt departure. Why would he leave her alone without any explanation? What was she supposed to do now?

Feeling a surge of frustration welling up inside her, Karasi clenched her fists, her brow furrowing in confusion. And now, he was leaving her high and dry, with nothing but vague instructions and a sense of unease.