
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Desperate Hope

In the dimly lit chamber of the Ariadne Tower, Themis and Damayanti sat across from each other, discussing the latest developments in the search for Adira's missing sister. Their conversation was interrupted when Adira, looking pale and worn, suddenly appeared in the doorway.

"Adira," Damayanti greeted, surprise evident in his voice.

"What brings you here?"

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to ask.

"I want to join Mike's search team tomorrow," she said, her voice shaky but determined.

Themis and Damayanti exchanged a concerned glance. They knew her health had been deteriorating since the disappearance of her sister, and the idea of her venturing out on a search mission was worrying.

"Adira, we understand your eagerness to find your sister," Themis began, his tone gentle yet firm.

"But your health..."

"I know my health is fragile, but I can't just sit idly by while others search for my sister and friends," Adira interrupted, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Please, let me join them. I promise I'll be careful."

"Adira, we can't risk your health. You need to focus on recovering." Themis sighed, torn between his duty to protect Adira and his desire to honor her wishes.

"But what if something happens to them? What if they need me?" Adira's voice cracked with emotion, her eyes pleading with Themis and Damayanti to understand.

Damayanti placed a hand on Adira's shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze.

"We'll make sure they have everything they need to find your sister and bring her home safely. But you need to trust us to handle this."

"I cannot bear to lose another person in my life...I can't let Ayira, who comes to check on me in my room every day, be in danger as well." she pleaded.

"Your majesty...Please..." 

Adira's pleading touched something deep within Themis and Damayanti. They understood her desperation and the bond she shared with Ayira and Lucius.

After a moment of silent deliberation, Damayanti turned to Themis and spoke quietly.

"Perhaps it's best to let her join the search, under Mike's care. He'll keep a close eye on her," Damayanti suggested, his tone thoughtful.

Themis nodded, his expression grave yet compassionate.

"We'll allow you to join the search tomorrow, but you must promise to take care of yourself and listen to Mike's instructions."

Relief flooded Adira's features as she nodded vigorously.

"Thank you, both of you. I promise I'll be careful."

"We'll hold you to that promise," Themis said firmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"Rest well tonight. We'll inform Mike of your participation once they arrive."

 Adira left the chamber with a weight lifted from her shoulders.






As the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the bustling courtyard of the tower, Avra and Zagan stood amidst a group of mages and soldiers, awaiting the arrival of Captain Mike. Avra's impatience was palpable as she paced back and forth, muttering complaints under her breath.

"Why is Mike taking so long?" Avra grumbled.

"We should have left already."

Zagan chuckled at her irritation.

"You were practically begging for him to leave yesterday. Now you're missing him already?"

Avra shot him a glare.

"Don't be ridiculous. I just don't understand why he's making us wait like this."

Zagan raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Maybe he's trying to avoid you because he knows how much you've been complaining about him."

Avra huffed, crossing her arms.

"I have not been complaining that much."

Zagan grinned mischievously.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say."

Their banter was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps, and they turned to see Captain Mike striding towards them with purposeful steps. 

Avra's eyes widened in surprise as she watched Mike approach with Adira beside him.

"Adira? What's she doing here?" she asked, her tone tinged with concern.

Mike grinned, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

"Guess who's joining our search team today?" he announced proudly, gesturing to Adira.

Zagan's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

"You're kidding, right? What's she gonna do out here?" he exclaimed, his tone skeptical.

Mike shook his head, his smile unwavering.

"Nope, not kidding. His Highness gave her permission to join us. Adira insisted on helping, especially since we're looking for her sister and Ayira."

Avra looked at Adira, her expression softening with concern.

"Are you sure about this? It could be dangerous out there," she said.

Adira nodded, her eyes determined.

"I want to do everything I can to find my sister and Ayira. I can't just sit around and wait," she replied.

Mike clapped his hands together, his smile widening.

"That's the spirit! Welcome aboard, Adira," he stated.

"Alright, everyone. Let's get moving. We have a mission to complete." he added as he turned to address the group.

As the group begins their journey, Zagan can't help but notice Adira, who is behind him. He spotted she had turned pale and slender, which was unusual for her. He slowed down his pace so she could join him. He then gently nudges her, causing Adira to look at him. 

"You doing alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she replied, offering him a weak smile. 

"You don't look fine. Are you sure you're up for this?" he pressed, as he studied her for a moment.

Adira hesitated before nodding again, her eyes meeting his.

"I'll be okay" 

Zagan sighed, reluctantly accepting her answer.

"Alright, but if you need to rest or anything, just let us know, okay?" he said.

Adira nodded gratefully, touched by his concern.

"Thanks. I appreciate it," she replied, offering him a small smile before they continued on their journey.

The four then continue their quest together. After a long stroll, Avra approaches Adira when she notices one bench in town.

"Rest first," she remarked.

"No, I'm okay "

"It's our break time, so don't worry."

"Yes, we'll have a break first," Mike spoke. 

After exchanging words, Adira sat with Mike and Zagan, while Avra walked away from them to stop by one of the sellers. 

"What is she up to?" Zagan murmur.

Avra returned from the vendor with a small assortment of food in her hands. She approached the group and handed the food to Adira.

"Here, Adira. You should eat something first," she said.

"Hey, what about me?" Zagan protested. 

"You can have some too, but let Adira eat first. She needs her strength," she replied.

"Yesterday, I almost kneeled in front of you so you could lend me money while Adira received food without opening her lips." 

Avra chuckled at Zagan's exaggerated expression.

"Come on, Zagan, don't be so dramatic," she teased, nudging him playfully.

"You know I would have bought food for you too if you had asked nicely."

Zagan pretended to pout, but couldn't hide the twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, next time I'll make sure to ask with puppy eyes and everything," he replied, earning a laugh from the group.

Mike shook his head, still chuckling.

"You two are something else," he remarked, amused by their banter.

"I recall how you disliked the presence of Zagan, and now you look like you adore him," he added. 

"Is there a time when Avra likes someone at first glance?" he replied as he remembered how Avra dislikes people.

"I tolerate just you at best." she retorted with a grin. 

Zagan pretended to look hurt, placing a hand dramatically over his heart.

"Ouch, Avra, right in the feels," he joked, earning another round of laughter from the group.

While they were joking, Zagan excused himself, explaining that he needed to pee. With an affirmative nod, Zagan stood from his seat and went to the nearest public restroom. After finishing his business, he came to a halt after he noticed individuals who appeared to be seeking someone. Their attire looked very familiar to him. He kept wondering where he'd seen it before, and he gasped as he realized it was Christos' men. He hid behind the walls and listened to their chat. 

"Hey, did you hear the news? They're saying the other group spotted the princess and the holy saint."

"Really? Where?"

"Somewhere near the outskirts of the town. They're gathering a team to go after them."

"They're heading back to the palace to report it to Christos."

"We should join them."

After the two vanished, Zagan cautiously looked over to where they were standing and realized that they were gone. He let out a sigh as he put his head and back against the wall where he was hidden, followed by closing his eyes and wondering about a lot of things. 

Has Christos already located Ayira and Lucius? If the two are now in Christos' hands, it will be extremely dangerous; he has no idea what will happen if Themis finds out. But he knew one thing: it would bleed blood.

As he opened his eyes, his heart made a badump sound as he met one of the passerby's gazes. He doesn't know him and has no idea who he is, yet his gaze sends shivers down his spine, It's like stabbing his heart with his red, bloody eyes.

Zagan returned to Mike, his expression twisted with distress, causing the three to look at him with concern etched on their faces. They could sense that something was amiss, and their worry only deepened as they waited for Zagan to speak up.

"Zagan, what's wrong?" Mike asked, his voice laced with concern.

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

he took a deep breath before responding, his voice tense with worry.

"I overheard some soldiers talking near the restroom," he began, his gaze shifting between his companions.

"They said they spotted the princess and the holy saint near the edge of town."

Adira's eyes widened in surprise, while Avra furrowed her brows, processing the information.

"What did they say they were going to do?" she asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

"They're heading back to the palace to inform Christos," he replied.

"We need to act fast. Who knows what he'll do once he finds out they've been spotted."

Mike nodded in agreement, his mind racing with possibilities.

"We have to find them before Christos does," he said determinedly.

"Let's move quickly and stay vigilant. We can't let them fall into Christos' hands."

"Also, I saw a man with crimson eyes. I don't know him, yet something about him screams danger and chaos," he added prompting Adira to glance at him, anxious.