
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Dangers Ahead

As the morning sun bathed the bustling market of Asvattha in a golden hue, Karasi walked beside her father, Alaric, her small angelic face hidden beneath a hood, her white hair tucked away from prying eyes. The streets were alive with the sounds of vendors hawking their wares and shoppers bartering for the best deals.

As they made their way through the crowded market, whispers and murmurs followed in their wake. People stopped in their tracks, their curiosity piqued by the sight of Alaric accompanied by a mysterious girl with such striking features.

Alaric, accustomed to the attention, smiled politely as he fielded the questions thrown their way.

"Who is she?" some would ask, while others would simply stare in wonder.

With a warm smile, Alaric would reply,

"This is Karasi, my youngest child. She's decided to join me in selling vegetables today."

The revelation would often elicit surprise from the onlookers.

"Karasi...daughter?" they would murmur in disbelief, their eyes widening with astonishment.

Karasi, content to remain hidden beneath her hood, would simply nod in acknowledgment, her presence a mystery to those around her.

As the whispers spread through the market, confusion rippled among the crowd. Alaric's revelation that Karasi was his youngest daughter left many scratching their heads in disbelief. After all, the townsfolk knew Alaric as the father of Adira, his eldest daughter, but the existence of another daughter had never been mentioned.

Speculations ran rampant as people exchanged puzzled glances and murmured amongst themselves. Some wondered if Karasi was a long-lost sibling, while others questioned if she was perhaps a cousin visiting from afar. The mystery surrounding Karasi's sudden appearance only deepened the curiosity of the townsfolk.

Alaric, sensing the confusion among the townsfolk, decided to address the situation directly. With a warm smile, he spoke up,

"I understand your surprise, Karasi here is indeed my daughter, but she's always been more of a homebody, unlike her sister Adira."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing,

"However, with Adira away, Karasi has graciously offered to lend me a hand today. It's her first time joining me in the market, and I'm grateful for her help." he continued.

Karasi, though still shy beneath her hood, nodded in agreement, her determination to assist her father shines through. The townsfolk, now understanding the situation, nodded in acknowledgment, their curiosity satisfied.

With the air cleared, Alaric and Karasi resumed their duties in the market, the confusion of earlier moments replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance.

As the days turned into weeks, Karasi became a familiar presence in the bustling market of Asvattha. Accompanying her father, Alaric, she navigated the crowded stalls with ease, her once-shy demeanor gradually giving way to a newfound confidence.

Despite her efforts to conceal her auras, Karasi's ethereal beauty still drew the attention of those around her. Vendors would often pause in their tasks to admire her delicate features, showering her with compliments that left her feeling both flustered and grateful.

"Karasi, my dear, you are as lovely as a flower blooming in the spring," one vendor would say, their words filled with genuine admiration.

Another would chime in, "Truly, you possess the grace of a goddess. It's a blessing to have you among us."

Karasi, unsure of how to respond to such praise, would simply smile shyly and offer her thanks, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. She was humbled by the kind words of the vendors, grateful for the warmth and acceptance they showed her.

As the weeks passed, Karasi's presence in the market became a cherished part of the community. Her gentle demeanor and quiet strength endeared her to those around her, and she found herself surrounded by friends who appreciated her for who she was.

And though she may have initially felt unsure of how to react to the attention she received, Karasi soon came to embrace it with grace and humility.

On this particular day, as Karasi wandered through the market with her father, she found herself engrossed in conversation with Nena, an elderly woman who had taken a fondness for her. As they strolled among the stalls, Nena regaled Karasi with tales of saints and heroes, her voice filled with warmth and nostalgia.

"And then there was Saint Hygeia," Nena began, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"She had hair as white as snow, just like yours, my dear Karasi."

As Nena continued her story about Saint Hygeia, Karasi listened intently, her interest piqued by the tale of the saint who shared her hair color. She leaned in closer, captivated by Nena's words as she painted a picture of Hygeia's life.

"Hygeia was a child who faced great hardship," Nena recounted, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Her parents passed away from illness, leaving her alone to fend for herself. She sought solace in a humble cabin nestled in the heart of the woods."

Karasi's eyes widened with realization as Nena described the cabin. Memories flooded back to her, and she interrupted Nena with a gasp.

"Wait, Nena," she interjected, her voice filled with excitement.

"Is that cabin near our home?"

Nena nodded solemnly, her eyes meeting Karasi's with understanding.

"Yes, my dear," she confirmed softly.

"It's the same cabin you and your sister used to visit when you were young."

Karasi's heart swelled with emotion as she recalled the cherished memories of her childhood spent in the cabin. She and her sister, Adira, had spent countless hours playing and exploring the woods surrounding the cabin, finding solace and joy in each other's company.

As Karasi leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued by Nena's tale of Saint Hygeia, she eagerly asked, "What happened next, Nena? How did Hygeia become a saint?"

Nena smiled kindly at Karasi's enthusiasm, her eyes twinkling with warmth.

"Well, my dear," she began,

"Hygeia was just a normal girl living in the woods, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited her."

As Nena continued her story, she recounted how the mages of the Tower of Ariadne had noticed Hygeia's unique auras during their magical observations. These auras, shimmering with an otherworldly light, marked her as a person of special significance.

"The mages were astonished by the sight of two distinct auras surrounding Hygeia," Nena explained, her voice filled with wonder.

"They knew that such a phenomenon was rare and could only mean one thing – that Hygeia possessed a power beyond the ordinary."

she recounted how Priest Damayanti had acted swiftly upon learning about Hygeia's extraordinary auras. Recognizing the danger that lurked in the world for a girl with such unique abilities, Damayanti had hastened to Asvattha to bring Hygeia under his protection.

"Damayanti knew that it was not safe for Hygeia to wander the world freely," Nena explained, her eyes grave with concern.

"There were many aristocrats and individuals who would stop at nothing to capture someone with such rare and powerful auras."

Karasi listened intently, her heart heavy with the weight of the danger that Hygeia faced. She couldn't imagine the fear and uncertainty that must have plagued the young girl as she navigated a world fraught with peril.

"And so," Nena continued, her voice soft but determined,

"Damayanti made it his mission to ensure Hygeia's safety, bringing her under the protection of the Tower of Ariadne where she could be shielded from those who sought to exploit her powers for their own gain."

As Karasi listened intently to Nena's story, her senses heightened by the tale of danger and intrigue, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. A flicker of movement caught her eye, and she turned her head subtly, scanning the bustling market for any sign of the mysterious observer.

In the distance, she spotted a figure shrouded in a dark hood, their features obscured from view. Karasi's brow furrowed with suspicion as she noted the expensive attire that hinted at wealth beyond the means of ordinary folk. Who could this person be, and why were they watching her?

Before she could ponder further, her attention was drawn away as her father's voice called out to her. With a start, Karasi turned back to Alaric, who was busy packing their vegetables into baskets.

"Karasi, dear, could you give me a hand with these?" Alaric asked, his voice tinged with warmth.

Karasi nodded, momentarily setting aside her concerns as she hurried to assist her father. As they worked together, her mind still lingered on the mysterious figure she had spotted. Who were they, and what did they want with her?

As Alaric and Karasi returned home, the weight of the encounter with the mysterious observer still hung heavy in the air. The journey back had been uneventful, but Karasi's thoughts kept drifting back to the hooded figure who had been watching her in the market.

As dawn broke over the market of Asvattha, Alaric, and Karasi found themselves once again surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the town. But today, the air was thick with tension, whispers of the rumored girl with three auras spreading like wildfire through the crowd.

Alaric's heart sank as he heard the unsettling murmurs around them. He exchanged a worried glance with Karasi, their fear mirrored in each other's eyes. Could it be that Karasi's unintentional slip had led to these dangerous rumors?