
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Clash of Elements

As the duel between the two was about to commence, Lucius instinctively reached for his wand at his waist. Zagan couldn't help but tease him, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

"Ah, Lucius, always so well-prepared," Zagan remarked mockingly, earning a chuckle from Avra, Adira, and Ayira.

"But are you prepared to lose?" he added. 

Lucius shot Zagan a good-natured grin in response, his competitive spirit undeterred.

"We'll see about that," he retorted.

However, as Lucius glanced at Zagan, he noticed something peculiar – his friend wasn't wielding a wand like he was. Curious, Lucius couldn't help but inquire about it.

"Hey, Zagan, where's your wand?" he asked.

Zagan's cocky demeanor didn't falter as he responded.

"Who needs a wand when you've got skill?" He then added confidently.

"Wands are for the weak. I can cast magic just fine without one."

Lucius's eyes widened in surprise as he remembered Yuno, his mentor, who also possessed the ability to cast magic without a wand.

It was a skill that few possessed, and Lucius couldn't help but admire Zagan's proficiency.


Soldier 1: Hey, look over there. Isn't that Zagan and Lucius? What are they up to?

Soldier 2: Looks like they're about to duel or something. But wait, they don't have swords. What are they dueling with?

Soldier 1: I don't know, but let's go check it out.

More soldiers gather around, observing the scene.

Soldier 3: Are they really going to battle? What's going on?

Soldier 4: I heard they're going to duel with magic.

Soldier 5: Magic? You've got to be kidding me. Lucius doesn't stand a chance. He's just a failed son of Alaunos.

Soldier 6: Yeah, I heard that too. They say he didn't inherit his father's magic skills. This'll be interesting to watch.

Soldier 7: I can't believe they're actually going through with this. Zagan's got some serious magical prowess.

Soldier 8: But who knows? Maybe Lucius has improved. We shouldn't underestimate him.

Soldier 5: Ha! Lucius improving? That's hard to believe. He's always been a bit of a disappointment.

Soldier 10: Well, let's see what happens. Maybe we'll be surprised.

The soldiers continue to watch as Zagan and Lucius prepare for their magical duel, the tension palpable in the air.

Zagan unleashed a burst of fiery flames, aiming to overwhelm his opponent. Lucius responded swiftly, countering with powerful jets of water to extinguish the flames.

Impressed by Lucius's improved defense, Zagan smirked, acknowledging his friend's skill. However, he wasn't about to back down.

"Well, well, well, look at you. Putting up a fight this time," he stated prompting Lucius to grin at him. 

Zagan intensified his assault, conjuring even stronger flames to test Lucius's abilities.

Lucius remained focused as he dodged his fiery onslaught. Suddenly, he tapped into his newfound magic, summoning gusts of wind to strike at Zagan with precision.

Caught off guard by the unexpected attack, Zagan murmured in acknowledgment. 

"Ha! You've definitely been practicing. I'm almost impressed."

"You're not doing too bad yourself," Lucius replied. 

He realized that Lucius had indeed honed his skills as he had claimed. Despite the surprise, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for his friend's progress.

As the battle raged on, Lucius continued to press his advantage, unleashing a barrage of wind slashes.

"Oh, I see how it is. Trying to match my level of skill, huh?" he stated as he reacted, utilizing earth magic to form protective barriers against the relentless assault.

"Something like that. But don't get too cocky. I might surprise you." Lucius remarked playfully making Zagan smirking.

"Oh, I'd love to see you try. Bring it on."

Zagan then starts controlling the ground, elevating himself. He unleashed a relentless barrage of fiery attacks upon Lucius, who found himself at a disadvantage.

Ayira, watching anxiously from the sidelines, feared for Lucius as he struggled to defend himself against Zagan's onslaught.

But just as it seemed that Zagan had the upper hand, Lucius tapped into his power.

The wind itself responded to his will, and Lucius began to control the air around him, weaving it into a formidable weapon.

Ayira's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched him. She realized that Lucius had become far more powerful than she had ever imagined during his time in the woods.

Soldier 1: He's gotten really good.

Soldier 2: Yeah, he's come a long way. Who knew getting lost in the woods could make you stronger?

Soldier 3: And Zagan wasn't too shabby either. Those two were really going at it.

Soldier 4: But between them, Lucius was definitely better. His control was impressive.

Soldier 5: You know, I used to belittle Lucius for not being as good as his father, but I take it all back. Being a great mage really does run in his blood.

As Lucius soared through the air, his movements swift and graceful. He seemed untouchable, his mastery over the wind guiding him effortlessly through the sky.

However, Zagan's smirk did not escape Lucius's notice, and he remained vigilant, knowing that his friend was never one to be underestimated.

With a subtle hand movement, Zagan summoned forth a hidden trick, and Lucius's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the trees around them begin to stir.

"What happening?"

"Oh! ghad!"

The soldiers who had been watching the duel gasped in amazement as the veins of the trees seemed to come to life, twisting and writhing as if possessed by some unseen force.

Before Lucius could react, the animated trees surged forward, their branches reaching out like grasping hands, intent on ensnaring their target.

"So, this is how you play, huh?" he commented. 

"Oh yeah, just wait till you see what else I've got up my sleeve," he replied. 

"Bring it on. I'm ready for anything you've got."

Lucius darted through the air with lightning speed, narrowly avoiding the grasping branches as they lashed out at him.

Lucius continued his assault. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a powerful whirlwind and directed it toward Zagan, hoping to catch him off guard.

Zagan, however, remained unfazed by Lucius's attack, his smirk only widening as he braced himself against the swirling winds. As Lucius focused on maintaining the whirlwind, Zagan began his own counterattack, manipulating the trees' veins and branches with expert precision.

The branches lashed out at Lucius, forcing him to split his attention between defending himself and maintaining his offensive. 

Unbeknownst to Lucius, Zagan was not simply aiming to fend off his attacks. With each move, Zagan strategically maneuvered to keep Lucius occupied, all while subtly preparing his trap. The ground beneath Lucius began to morph, turning into a sticky clay-like substance, ready to ensnare its unsuspecting victim.

With Lucius distracted by the barrage of attacks, Zagan seized the opportunity to spring his trap. The ground beneath Lucius suddenly shifted and molded itself into a sticky, adhesive clay, reaching up to ensnare him in its grasp.

Lucius' movements slowed as he became entangled in the clinging clay and struggled to get free. Zagan's sneer spread wider as he observed his friend's difficulty.

He found himself ensnared in Zagan's cleverly crafted clay trap, he could do little but watch as Zagan confidently approached him. With each step Zagan took, the ground seemed to support him. 

With a smirk, he looked down at Lucius, his eyes glinting with triumph.

"Looks like I won this round," he declared.

"That's one point for me."

"Yeah, yeah, you got me. Nice move, Zagan."

Despite being trapped and defeated, Lucius couldn't help but smile in response. He chuckled softly, accepting his defeat gracefully.

"Well played," he conceded, his voice filled with admiration for his friend's skill and cunning.

Zagan extended his hand to help Lucius up, causing him to accept and get up.

As the duel came to an end, Zagan slung his arm around Lucius, ruffling his hair. 

"You're getting really good, Lucius," he remarked making Lucius chuckle.

Approaching the group, Ayira, Adira, and Avra applauded enthusiastically, impressed by the display of skill they had just witnessed.

Ayira couldn't help but comment, "I thought Lucius was a goner there for a moment," prompting laughter from the others.

Adira chimed in, admitting, "I actually thought Zagan was going to lose. Lucius, you're amazing!"

Her compliment caused a faint blush to spread across Lucius's cheeks, much to Zagan's amusement.

Noticing Lucius's embarrassment, Zagan couldn't resist teasing him further. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he began to tickle Lucius, causing him to burst into laughter and attempt to evade Zagan's grasp.

"Stop it, Zagan!" Lucius protested between giggles, but Zagan only continued his playful pursuit.

"Come here, lover boy!" he called out as he chased after his friend.

As the three watched Lucius and Zagan frolic around the field and their laughter echoing through the air. 

While they were running around the field, Zagan and Lucius were then approached by their fellow soldiers.

Their playful demeanor shifted to a more serious tone. Zagan's expression hardened as he glanced at the soldiers, his eyes narrowing slightly. He remembered their past comments about Lucius, their skepticism and belittlement.

However, to Zagan's surprise, the soldiers greeted Lucius warmly, their smiles genuine as they expressed admiration for his newfound skills. Lucius, taken aback by their unexpected praise, seemed unsure how to react.

"Wow, Lucius, you were amazing out there," one of the soldiers remarked.

But Zagan's expression remained stoic, his arm tightening around Lucius as he shot a glare at the soldiers.

"After all, he was Alaunos' son," he muttered, his tone laced with bitterness as he pulled Lucius away from the soldiers, his protective instincts kicking in.