
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

A New Journey Begins

Morning dawned at the palace. Servants scurried about, their footsteps echoing against the marble floors as they rushed to carry out the king's orders. 

Today was no ordinary day; today marked the arrival of Karasi, a young girl who would soon call the palace her home.

There was a lot of curiosity in the air, the servants worked hard, whispering as they fulfilled their jobs, and conversations were full of speculative talk.

"Is she a distant relative of the king?"

"That's unlikely. If she were, we would have heard about it long before now."

"Maybe she's a noblewoman, seeking refuge or protection."

"I don't know... Do you think she could be Christos's daughter?"

"Impossible," one servant whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

"If Christos had a daughter, he'd never allow her to live here."

"Exactly," another agreed, nodding solemnly.

"He'd have his soldiers kill her before she ever set foot in the palace."

"A lady will be killed if she becomes pregnant so that's impossible"

With that, the servants meticulously prepared one of the grand chambers, ensuring that every surface gleamed with pristine perfection. Dust was banished, and the air was filled with the scent of fragrant flowers, transforming the once-empty room into a welcoming sanctuary fit for royalty.

In his private chambers, Christos luxuriated in the warm waters of his bath, his thoughts consumed by plans of vengeance against Casimir.

As he reclined with his eyes closed, lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts, one of his servants gently placed a towel around his shoulders, signaling the end of his bath. With a resigned sigh, he rose from the water as the servant wrapped him in a soft robe.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, he ordered the servants out of the bathroom, eager to be alone with his thoughts. 

As he stepped out of the bathroom, his eyes narrowed in irritation as he caught sight of Casimir lounging on his bed, a goblet of wine in hand. With a flicker of annoyance, he approached his advisor, his gaze piercing and unyielding.

"Why are you here?" he demanded.

Casimir straightened his posture, meeting Christos's gaze.

"Never lay a hand on the girl," he replied.

Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room, his departure leaving Christos alone with his thoughts.

As the door closed behind him, Christos muttered to himself, his mind whirling with schemes and strategies. 

"Is this girl really important to you?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Should I destroy her, use her to destroy you?"

But as quickly as the thought arose, he pushed it aside with a shake of his head. No, he had better plans in mind—plans that would ensure his victory and secure his dominance over Casimir once and for all.


As Casimir walked through the palace hallways, the servants scattered like leaves in the wind, their eyes downcast and their movements hesitant.

His presence alone seemed to exude an aura of coldness and intimidation, sending shivers down the spines of those who crossed his path.

Finally arriving at the designated room where Karasi awaited, Casimir pushed open the door to find her sitting nervously, her eyes wide with fear. As she caught sight of him, she rushed forward, clutching desperately at his garments, her voice trembling with apprehension.

"I don't want to stay here," she pleaded, her words coming out in a frantic rush.

"I won't sneak out again, I promise. Just let me leave, please."

But Casimir remained unmoved, his expression impassive as he regarded her with cool detachment.

"Why are you scared?" he asked calmly, his voice laced with manipulation.

"Don't you trust me?"

Karasi hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I trust you," she said. 

"But I don't trust Christos."

Casimir's hand reached out to gently caress her cheek, leaning closer as he spoke in a low, seductive tone.

"That's right," he murmured.

"I am the only one you should trust. Stay in the palace, improve your skills, and when the time is right, you will have your revenge for your father's death."

"How certain were you that I was safe here and that Christos would not touch me.?" 

As she voiced her concerns, he settled into a chair, his expression calm and composed.

"Half of Christos's men and servants are under my command. If he ever lays a hand on you, I will know," he stated as he regarded her with a steady gaze.

Karasi nodded in understanding, a flicker of relief crossing her features as she absorbed his words. She obediently took a seat beside him as he gestured, her trust in him unwavering.

"Remember, if I say 'trust me,' you trust me," he reiterated.

She nodded once more, her loyalty evident in the unwavering certainty of her gaze. She was determined to prove herself worthy of his trust, to show him that she was willing to follow his lead without question.

Casimir couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her obedience. With a gentle pat on her head, he offered a small smile, impressed by her unwavering loyalty.

"You're very obedient, Karasi," he remarked.

"And if you remain loyal, I can assure you of your safety."

Karasi nodded silently as they sat together in the quiet of the room.

A gentle knock echoed through the chamber, signaling the arrival of a servant. With a courteous bow, the servant informed Lady Karasi that her room was now prepared. Casimir glanced at Karasi, a silent nod of approval passing between them.

She rose from her seat and followed the servant out of the room. As they walked through the palace's opulent hallways, she couldn't help but be captivated by the magnificence around her. 

After a few turns and corridors, they finally came to a stop before a massive wooden door. The servant, with practiced ease, swung the door open, revealing the splendor of her new quarters.

Stepping over the threshold, she felt a sense of awe wash over her as she took in the sight before her.

The room was spacious and adorned with lavish furnishings fit for royalty. A canopied bed stood majestically against one wall, its silken drapes cascading elegantly to the floor.

A crackling fire danced in the hearth, casting a warm glow over the room and bathing everything in a soft light.

She couldn't suppress a gasp of delight as she stepped further into the room, her eyes sparkling with wonder. This was to be her sanctuary, her haven within the palace walls.

"Lady Karasi, this is your closet," the servant said, gesturing toward the ornate wardrobe.

"You'll find everything you need here for your stay in the palace."

She nodded, taking in the sight of the finely crafted furnishings with wide eyes.

"Your breakfast will be served promptly at 8 am every morning. And your mage lessons with Ms. Rio will begin at 10 am," 

"I understand," she replied as she absorbed the information. 

Before the servant could depart, Karasi hesitated, a question lingering on her lips.

"Is there a library here in the palace?" she asked tentatively.

"Yes, Lady Karasi, there is indeed a library," she confirmed.

"If you ever wish to visit, simply press this button beside your bed, and a servant will be summoned to assist you."

She nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of relief knowing that she would have access to the knowledge she craved.

"Thank you for your help," she said sincerely as the servant made her way toward the door.

"It's my pleasure, Lady Karasi," the servant replied with a warm smile before disappearing from the room.

She settled into her luxurious bed, the softness enveloping her tired body, she closed her eyes and drifted into the realm of sleep.

"Are we going to die?" 

"No, we're not." 




"...," she muttered. Despite her exhaustion, she continued to look and roam around for her, who was out of sight. 

It was a dark, frigid night. The blood was everywhere, and the lifeless body was lying all over the place. 

She hurried towards the lying girl with all her strength. 

She kneels to see her up close. She checked out its pulse and was devastated, as she felt nothing.

She felt the depth of her sorrow as tears streamed down her face. 

If she died, I'd be alone...


As the nightmare unfolded, her heart began to ache with a profound sadness, her chest tightening with each passing moment. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume her.

Suddenly, she jolted awake, her body drenched in a cold sweat, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Confusion clouded her mind as she struggled to make sense of the tumultuous dream that had gripped her so fiercely.

"What was that?" she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Why do I feel like this?" she added as she wiped away her tears and gazed out at the moonlit sky, the faint light casting eerie shadows across her room.