
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso_o · ファンタジー
52 Chs

A Kingdom in Peril

Another ordinary morning in Lia's cabin, Ayira and Lucius found themselves immersed in their daily routines. Ayira lent a helping hand to Lia in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and stirring pots as they prepared breakfast together. 

"You're getting quite skilled in the kitchen, Ayira," she remarked, her voice filled with pride.

Ayira beamed with delight at the praise, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

"Thank you, Lia! I've been learning a lot from watching you," she replied, her enthusiasm bubbling over.

Lia chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection.

"Well, you certainly have a knack for it," she said warmly.

"I have a feeling you'll be cooking up a storm in no time."

Ayira's grin widened at Lia's encouragement, her excitement evident in every movement.

"I hope so! Cooking with you is so much fun," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Meanwhile, Lucius focused on honing his magical abilities under Yuno's guidance. With each passing day, he could feel the power within him growing stronger, his spells becoming more potent and precise. Under Yuno's patient tutelage, he delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, unlocking new abilities and mastering ancient techniques.

Yuno watched with pride as Lucius performed a complex spell with ease, his eyes gleaming with admiration.

"You're making remarkable progress, Lucius," he remarked, his voice filled with encouragement.

Lucius beamed with satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your guidance," he replied, his gratitude evident in every word.

Yuno smiled warmly at Lucius, his heart swelling with pride at the young boy's growth.

"You have a natural talent for magic," he said earnestly.

Lucius's eyes sparkled with excitement at the praise, his confidence soaring with each passing moment.

As he practiced his spells, he couldn't help but marvel at how far he had come since he first began his training.

The once timid boy had blossomed into a confident and skilled magician, his potential only beginning to be realized.

But amidst the bustle of activity and the excitement of newfound power, there was a noticeable absence in the cabin.

Leo, their steadfast companion and mentor, was absent, having left town on a mysterious errand.

As they continued their daily routines, Leo arrived at the cabin, his urgent demeanor caught Lia and Yuno's attention immediately. Sensing the gravity of the situation, they excused themselves from their tasks with Ayira and Lucius and moved to speak with Leo in private.

"What's wrong?" Lia asked, her voice tinged with concern as she noticed the seriousness etched into his features.

Leo's expression was grave as he relayed the news to them.

"Ayira and Lucius need to return to the tower," he said, his tone urgent.

"Are Christos's men coming after us?" Yuno asked, his voice tinged with worry.

"No...Themis has arrived at the Palace with his soldiers and mages." 

Lia and Yuno exchanged shocked glances, the weight of Leo's words sinking in. "

"We need to get Ayira and Lucius to safety before things escalate further."

Yuno's brow furrowed in concern as he processed the information.

"This could escalate into a battle between Themis and Christos," he murmured, his mind racing with the implications of such a conflict.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Yuno and Leo made their plea for Ayira and Lucius to return to the safety of the tower.

Lia's conflicted expression betrayed her inner turmoil, her gaze flickering over the children whom she had come to care for deeply.

"We understand your reluctance," Leo began, his voice steady yet tinged with urgency.

"But we cannot afford to risk Themis's safety by keeping Ayira and Lucius here."

Lia's brows furrowed in frustration, her protective instincts warring with the knowledge of the impending danger.

"But I promised to protect them," she protested, her voice tinged with desperation.

Yuno stepped forward, his expression grave as he spoke.

"Keeping them here puts Themis in even greater danger," he stated firmly.

"We must prioritize the king's safety above all else."

Lia's shoulders slumped in defeat, the weight of their words settling heavily upon her.

"I... I understand," she conceded reluctantly, her voice barely above a whisper.

The three returned to where Ayira and Lucius were.

Ayira couldn't help but notice the subtle sadness in Lia's eyes. Concern etched her features as she approached Lia, her voice soft with worry.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, her concern evident in her tone.

Lia offered her a gentle smile, her sadness masked by a facade of reassurance.

"Oh, everything's fine, Ayira," she replied, her voice cheerful despite the turmoil within.

"Just a little tired, that's all."

Ayira's brows furrowed in concern, but she trusted Lia's words and chose not to press further. Instead, she nodded understandingly and moved to assist Lia in setting the table for breakfast.

With practiced efficiency, Lia busied herself with the task at hand, her movements fluid as she arranged plates and utensils with care.

She called out to Leo and Yuno, her voice bright and cheerful as if nothing had happened.

Despite the weight of worry that still lingered in her heart, Lia pushed aside her feelings for the sake of the children she had come to care for deeply.

As the group sat down to eat together, Ayira and Lucius couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The atmosphere seemed tense, and a sense of unease hung in the air like a thick fog.

Sensing their apprehension, Lucius spoke up, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Yuno exchanged a meaningful glance with the other adults before responding.

"After breakfast, we'll be accompanying you back to the Ariadne Tower," he stated calmly.

Ayira and Lucius exchanged bewildered glances, their shock palpable.

"But why?" Ayira exclaimed disbelief etched into her features.

"We don't want to go back there!"

Lucius, feeling a surge of determination, interjected.

"I've made a life for myself here in the woods with all of you," he declared, his voice unwavering.

Yuno placed a comforting hand on Lucius's shoulder, his expression gentle yet resolute.

"It's not just about you, Lucius," he explained.

"We need to ensure the safety of everyone."

Ayira's eyes widened with realization as the pieces fell into place.

"Is it because of me?" she asked quietly, her voice trembling with guilt as she remembered the attack by Christos's soldiers.

Lia reached out to comfort her, shaking her head gently.

"No, sweetie, it's not your fault," she reassured her.

"We just want to make sure you're all safe."

"Your father is in danger" Leo chimed in making the two taken aback.

 "Why would my father be in danger?" she questioned, her voice laced with worry.

 "The king arrived at the Palace today, accompanied by his soldiers and mages," he revealed, his tone somber.

Ayira's eyes widened in shock, her heart pounding with fear for her father's safety.

"But why would anyone want to harm him?" she asked, her voice trembling with apprehension.

Lucius, sensing the urgency of the situation, interjected with a pointed question.

"Was Adira with the soldiers?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on Ayira.

Leo looked at Lucius, his confusion was evident.

"Who's Adira?" he asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Lucius fell silent and turned his gaze to Ayira. His eyes conveyed a silent understanding as he took a deep breath and spoke softly.

"We need to go back," he stated.

Ayira's heart sank as the weight of the situation settled over her. Without another word, she nodded in agreement.

As the group journeyed back to the Tower of Ariadne, a solemn air enveloped them, each step heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

Ayira and Lucius walked ahead, flanked by Leo, Lia, and Yuno, their presence a comforting reassurance amidst the looming threat that lingered in the air.

Hours passed, and finally, they arrived at the tower's imposing gates. The once bustling structure now stood silent and empty, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere they had grown accustomed to.

Lia's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she embraced Ayira tightly, the weight of impending farewell heavy in her heart.

"I'll miss you, Ayira," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Yuno's hand gently ruffled Lucius's hair as he smiled warmly at him.

"Take care of your mom, Lucius," he said softly, his words filled with genuine concern.

Ayira nodded solemnly, her resolve unwavering as she spoke.

"We'll come back to visit," she promised.

"We'll return to you," Lucius affirmed, his voice steady with conviction.

With a bittersweet smile, Lia gestured for them to enter the tower. Ayira and Lucius exchanged one final glance with their companions, their hearts heavy with the weight of farewell.

As they disappeared through the towering gates, Leo wrapped his arms around Lia, offering her comfort in her time of need.

Tears streamed down Lia's cheeks as she buried her face in her brother's chest, finding solace in his embrace.

"My daughter..." 


As Ayira and Lucius stepped into the tower, the two mages guarding the entrance were taken aback by their unexpected return. Eyes widening in disbelief, one of the mages dashed inside to spread the news, his voice echoing through the halls.

"Her Royal Highness and the Holy Saint have returned!" he exclaimed, his urgency evident in his tone.

Priest Damayanti, alerted by the commotion, hurried down the tower stairs, his robes billowing behind him as he made his way towards the entrance. Lady Eshe, Lucius's mother, followed close behind, her heart pounding with relief and concern.

Upon seeing her son, Lady Eshe's eyes brimmed with tears of joy as she rushed forward to embrace him tightly.

"Lucius, my dear boy!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion as she checked him over for any signs of injury.

Priest Damayanti wasted no time in issuing orders, his voice firm with resolve as he directed one of the mages to hasten to the palace and deliver the news of the princess's return to King Themis.

"Go swiftly and inform King Themis that his daughter has returned safely," he commanded, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

The mage nodded in acknowledgment, his expression serious as he turned on his heel and hurried off to carry out his task.

Lady Eshe couldn't contain her relief at the knowledge that her son was safe. 

Damayanti gestured for them to follow him into his office, a quiet sanctuary where they could speak freely and discuss the events that had transpired during their time away.

"Tell us what happened and how you ended up lost." he inquired. 

The two exchange glances as they realize how upset and disappointed the priest is with what they have done. 


"W-We follow Avra's team..." Lucius began.

"Why, didn't I allow you?"

"I am sorry."

"We were really sorry; we followed them because we wanted to help...but" Ayira stated then she pouted avoiding the priest's gaze. 

"Where have you two been? What happened out there?" Lady Eshe chimed in, her voice laced with a mother's concern.

Lucius, ever the practical one, spoke up first.

"We got lost in the woods," he began simply, his tone matter-of-fact.

"But don't worry we're not hurt. We met some amazing people."

Ayira's eyes suddenly lit up with excitement as she eagerly joined in, her words tumbling forth in a rush of enthusiasm.

"Yes! There was Lia," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with admiration.

"She was so elegant, like a princess, and she cooked the most delicious meals!"

Lady Eshe couldn't help but smile at her animated description, while Damayanti remained silent, observing the two. 

"Lia sounds like a wonderful person," she remarked warmly, her interest piqued.

Ayira nodded enthusiastically before continuing.

"And then there was Mister Yuno. He's a mage, and he taught Lucius how to improve his magic! Plus, he's really handsome," she added with a playful twinkle in her eye.

Lady Eshe chuckled softly at Ayira's candid observation, her heart warming at the thought of the kind mage who had helped her son.

Priest Damayanti leaned forward, his interest piqued.

"And who was the third person?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet curious.

Ayira grinned, eager to share more.

"The third person was Master Leo," she continued, her words tumbling forth in a rush.

"He was blind, but he was an incredible swordsman. Lucius even healed his eyes!"


"Yes, because he saved us from Christos soldier!"

Lucius nodded in agreement.

"Master Leo saved us from Christos's soldiers. He taught us swordsmanship and helped us along the way," he added. 

"They sound like truly remarkable people," Lady Eshe remarked, her admiration evident in her tone.

"I'm grateful for their kindness and for keeping you both safe," she added as she embraced her children, she couldn't help but feel thankful for their safe return. 

Priest Damayanti's brow furrowed slightly at this revelation.

"Where do these people live?" he asked, his tone serious.

"If they saved your lives from Christos's soldiers, they deserve recognition."

Ayira and Lucius exchanged nervous glances, a silent understanding passing between them. They remembered Lia's words, urging them to keep their whereabouts a secret, even from the king. Uncertainty flickered in their eyes as they hesitated to reveal the truth.

"We... we're not sure where they live," Lucius replied hesitantly, his voice tinged with unease.

"They never told us."

Damayanti regarded them with a thoughtful expression, sensing their hesitation.

"But surely you must have some idea," he pressed, his tone gentle yet insistent.

Ayira and Lucius faltered, their resolve weakening under Damayanti's scrutiny.

They exchanged another glance, silently communicating their dilemma. Unable to bear the weight of the lie any longer, Ayira feigned a yawn, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"I think I'm feeling quite tired from the journey," she murmured, hoping to deflect further questioning.

Lucius nodded in agreement, his voice faltering as he added, "Yes, me too. We should rest."

Sensing the discomfort in the air, Lady Eshe gently approached Ayira and Lucius, her expression soft and understanding. Placing a comforting hand on Ayira's shoulder, she addressed Priest Damayanti with a gentle smile.

"Perhaps it's best to let them rest for now," she suggested kindly, her tone soothing.

"They've been through quite an ordeal, and they may need some time to recover from their journey."

Priest Damayanti nodded in agreement, his concern for the children evident in his expression.

"Of course," he conceded, his voice gentle yet concerned.

"Rest well, my children," he added.