
The Regressed Me : Little Miss Doesn't Want To Be A Scapegoat Anymore

[Warning : Mature Contents] Megha was an extraordinary genius and Martial arts Master of one of few powerful force in the whole Blazing meter continent she was the kind who born with a silver spoon and everything arranged for her future. Her father was a powerful and revered leader of Longevity Sect and as one of a few seed Dicsiple and heiress to the sect she can just wave her hand and things could be done. She, who basked in the praise and envy of the mass and hailed as a heroine and raising star unexpectedly find her life turned upside down in most unexpected way. For what cause? Her beloved father who was her biggest support dissappered without any lead her sect which has been her home for all those years chased her out. Chased out and hunted down by unknown forces she understands she was schemed against and their was definitely some conspiracy going on as both her enemies and Allies targeting her. Battered and bitterheart she fought day and night for the slim chance of everyday survival she determined clear her name and prove her innocence to no avail run to end of the world. When she cornered and at the end of her pitiful life and faced her grievous end at the hand of some no name canon fodder she was extremely unwilling and heart full of hatred just like that her miserable life come to an end. 'Hmm! why am I here, shouldn't I wake up in Netherworld' she looked at her surroundings with bewilderedment 'How come I wake up here.... and wasn't that statue shattered back in the fight' She carefully observed the place with wariness 'If I'm not mistaken this place was under the watch and constantly patrol by local forces' her eyes widen in panic as her understanding set in but all she could see was beautiful landscape. Her youthful and exquisite face and was stark contrast to the haunted glint in her eyes but all she could see and here was excited chirps of a colorful spirit bird ' Was this dream... they say when people die miserable death their soul sought out their happy memories is that it? ' She frowned lightly but her placid look gone in that instant as her eyes widen in horror "No!..." 'This can't be.... how could this be an- is this some kind of nightmare in netherworld?' she gasped. ___ ___ ___ ___ Megha accidentally find out a dark secret about one of her childhood friend and secret crush, she was extremely shocked and agitated not only that she also unintentionally find few truths about her family allies and finally able connect some dots slowly unravel the mystery surround her previous life death. As a person experience untold hardships and betrayals she vowed to take a different approach make her own path as she intend to ruin the life of her enemies and the force hiding in the shadow ' I will spare no one for their sin ' "Baang" with a loud sound the door of the house slammed open the youth in the house flinched away from the sudden sound "M-megha what are you doing here?" the youth stuttered in shock and panic. Her face was extremely cold she stalked into the room her eyes never left him, the youth subconsciously started to back off soon his retreat halted by the wall behind him. "W-what are you d-doing here in this hour" his eyes shifted from side to side as if he looking for a way to escape. Nothing escaped her eyes, her eyes were like hawks throughly scrutinizing him her expression was severe the look was nonchalant. HIs crimson hair stick to his forehead and Scarlet eyes widen and shaking as if he understand something he tried to persuade her in weak voice "Y-you shouldn't.... Don't d-do this plea-se" he was hyperventilating "Did you u-understand the reper-rcussions?" She sneered at him " Do you think I'm afraid of this threats 'little lamb'... haha! How amusing" she cackled she took out a dagger... [A/N: This is my second work for WSA 2023 so please support me and wish in this ardorus journey, for more. details please check Author Note Thank you so much, ❤U]

raven_lord017 · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Glitters, Dances and Surprised Father (Part 1)

Megha pursed her lips as she stared at the resting place at the other end of the training ground, various emotion flashing past in her eyes the spar between master and apprentice come to an end at some point they went back to the resting area and surprisingly enough they seems waiting for her father just like her such a things never happenes in the past.

With her training halfheartedly, and she showed no improvement in even the basics they were simply embrassed and afraid of questioned by her father the most but seeing them waiting ' Hmm, probably they were trying to curry favor with my father' she thought to herself, having Sect Leader of longevity sect as their backer sound appealing.

But did they know her father wasn't kind to give them support like they wanted, even if he felt grateful for them in his heart and thought highly of them he wouldn't go out of his way to gave them some favor even if they come he might not agree if they couldn't pursued him with justification because that's why they called him, The Unwavering Sword Thuruva a frustratingly honest man.

The two had looked at her with surprise as well, curiosity evident in there eyes but they didn't ask her anything choose to talk between themselves In low voice though she wasn't completely sure what was their purpose but from the old man glance every now and then she deduced she might have misunderstood them earlier it's probably about her.

'Damn just whatever it is better not give me anymore trouble then she was already having' her eyes flickered 'Sigh, I shouldn't felt this restless If I had probed their attitude towards me when I had time' she felt little bitter as she never guessed they would willing to wait for this long to talk about her.

Has it been before she would become so scared and fleed the area if she caught the whiff of them talking to her father with something about her but she wasn't afraid of such a things she was training hard for last week so why should she afraid her mentality wasn't fussy and fragile like fifteen year old Megha back then ' Well maybe tiny wee bit.... it's just my respect for him nothing else'

She didn't seek comfort and security like before she know her life was inside the fishing net waiting to be hauled off according to their plan but if she want to have any sort certainty and grasp about her life then she had to have such a capability in her hand only with her own effort could she succeed in escape from this mess.

That was why she planned and made some ruthless measures which pushed her luck to the verge, had she made any mistakes she dies she doesn't rush her plans either her haste might alert the f****rs she decided to take one step at time without giving away anything.

For now her progress only into that first stage laying good foundation but she was steadily and surely will reach her goal, at least before they make a move on her if everything goes well. For such a strong foundation she was willing to risk her life to gamble her life for better future she choose to cultivate Poison Grand Physique and could be said succeed though she wasn't completely sure what to expect as she has no reference to compare it relieves her mental stress to some extent.

She indeed does have some nerves to even trying it at her age, if that poison grandmaster learn about her boldness he would have shocked and speechless moreover wasn't this slapping his face for his concern and advice and arrogantly claiming she like to courting death.

In fact she doesn't have such attitude it was the action out of her necessity and priorities, as a person who studied and research the book and journal in her both life she, know about his life to some extent and the dangers he encountered to reach where he was, it was this book that gave her means to fight back when she was hunted down she often thought they both had many things common she was very grateful.

Both of them framed for something they have never has any clue about both forced by the so called justice faction to walked on dangerous and vengeful paths both of them had same origin as they are from longevity sect had the blood of the family and shunned by sect to be precise he was her many times grand uncle or something from three centuries ago if she traced it back.

It could be said it was all fated the sheer irony of fate wheel turning, it pushed her in despair and give her means to survive even then she find it quite absurd when she thought of how she obtained the books.

It was all started with Megha stealing secret technique booksfrom her father's secret library which was not so secret to her from last life, when she was put in sect's imprisonment she planned to escape with Vaani, her father showed her the secret library how to access them when she became adult as it was custom and she was the only child to her father and the next sect master if he has anything to say.

It was a pure accident on her part, amongst the books she managed to smuggle out only this book and his journal had any use to her day to day life that is practically to some extent.

At first she was shied away from such a ruthless path put it away it was already a miracle for burning it there and then besides if she cultivate it she could never prove her innocence to meddlesome old foggies, but the death of vaani and her uncle made her think more rationally she was forced to come out of her comfort zone and faced with many unseen circumstances and adversaries.

Even going down this path made her turned into poison being something inhuman and dreadful she has nothing to relay on that point of her life or any support prevent her from taking such a drastic measures. Her life was in her own hands and prove her innocence become least of her concern she know she had to sacrifice things and find her father and remining family whereabouts.

The most trouble some thing for her was the poison path both of them chose to cultivated was indeed said to be inhuman, not only one had to suffer and endure the effects of all kinds poisonous substance from inside out but she also had to risk her sanity every time for advance also this did turn her into a poison being whose blood, Skin, saliva everything turned into poisonous.

Had she slipped up during her bitter cultivation, even her appearance might be changed into that of a abhorrent monster to look she suspect even she might lose her mind even thus fully transformed into really one, despite the path gave them means protect themselves it has some fatal flaws as well.

That was why everyone who succeeded in this path choose to perfect their poison body cultivation to remove such a flaws became human once again it was torturous experience for her to cultivate such a path.

Who would want such a life some last their sense of touch some last their sight some had their internal organs damaged and she can't even eat food to her heart content every thing taste blandly was there any meaning to her life at that point was it better than being a stray? well at least they can taste what they eat.

Megha know how his life ended from his own journal, for someone who infinitely close to perfect his poison body cultivation infamous in flowing light Empire and nearby empires he has no time to see to the end his own disciple sell him out for this book and his research notes which was more valuable than his stubborn and paranoid master.

In the end none of the two spared, died at the hand of longevity sect the things on his person brought back to sect, sect master at the time chose to hide this dangerous book in his own secret library than giving it to dangerous and forbidden book section in the sect library.

Megha boldly chose to cultivate to the unknown path because there was few important reasons, she admitt what she did was reckless and maddening could have really cost her life but has she succeeded it would tremendous help to her future endeavors her life was on the stake anyway she has no choice but to some extream things.

But she was not try this mindlessly first she was different from those people in the document she was born with special physique which was completely an unrecognizable and unrecorded for what she know even probably new type of physique but what she sure about this was it was highly compatible with what people define something as negative and fatal to the life forms.

This was very well known fact every special physique ever recorded always born with some kind of special energy from nature and she was born with strange aggressive energy, the kind could be easily categorized as a demonic or evil thing.

Of course it was only years later from now did she learn this from her uncle, her family decided to suppress this news it become well guarded secret and she was never told about such a thing so she was astonished and bewildered when she was framed for massacring innoct people in one of the Eighteen cities under her sect protection

They absurdly and wildly accused her of being evil and a demoness, even attacked her family for siding with her. She was labeled as an insidious being who like to dabble in Poison and enjoy killing.

When she and her family appeal In justice faction for proving her innocence, she was willing to comply to their test just to prove she has never has any poison residue in her body they even aggressively claimed she might have taken someother reclusive path like certain someone from few thousand years ago, whom regarded as a person who managed walk In such reclusive path.

She often reckon in her past they were implying 'reclusive' means the elusive Poison Grand Path. She got such a idea from this and felt this was most suitable for her then going with her previous option.

Considering her situation this would be the perfect choice to hide her practice in taboo subject, of course at first she wasn't sure of it whether to take their babbling and accusations as a fact and she never heard of this person it was not only her many other first and top forces doesn't seem to aware his existence what can she do even if they lying to her face she was powerless and sectless at the time.

Their brief explanation goes like this : He was said to be cruel from his childhood and vengeful to boot, he was the kind to take revenge for slightest grievance when he became powerful enough he plunged the whole Winged Serpent Empire to Misery by unleashing plague killed tens of millions people.

She know her special physique was abnormal, it was the reason with her ignorance and clumsiness she managed to cultivate and survive the poison body back then she thought this as her luck but after encountering few life and death situation she thought better.

She was smart enough to admit it was something more to it, could be even said it was her special physique that help her overcome the life and death situation when she was poisoned two times but what's the matter if she can't perfect it she would be still lived miserable life.

But her situation was different how could she not seek profit from it they said danger and fortune co-exist, and she was the kind never to in disadvantages so this could tolerated at least that's how she consoled and encourage herself for this step.

In two weeks and few days she could find whether she achieved acquiring Poison Grand Physique There was another reason for her to risk her life which is to succeed in her love life as well her love for Amara was always been one-sided love to be precise an Unrequited love on her part.

He was still the one who believed in her till the end though he didn't do that out love but trust and respect as they were not even consider friend from his point of view well she could blame this on him being thick head and difficult.

Their different status and the kind of interaction and meddling of a certain B with an Itch made it so they couldn't ever close if she honest with herself she would admit not all of them happened because of situation as she was cared too much about what he might think she never dared to express her feeling her fragile mentality made it impossible.

She always thought they somehow end up together strongly and she was secretly wanted to him to woo her and she think about her face and prestige there are so many reason she thought of if one added the trouble she get in to, it was given why something like that happened.

' Well who should have thought even my beauty couldn't move him!?' She thought to herself self deprecatingly though it was less likely for one to notice there was this narsist and confident gleam in the depth of her eyes. 'Well that punk kept surprising everyone wasn't he, haha!?' Her thought were distracted.

"This time I really like to see how you could remain as indifferent as you please, I make things difficult for you honey"She giggled " I make it so hard for you, you couldn't resist me or my charms hehehe! "She muttered to herself with gleaming eyes completely forgot someone sitting right beside her, Vaani looked her with confusion.

Hello friends, what do you think of my story so far? Do you think of Megha was reckless and what do you think of her father?

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