

Mrs. Groscow observed her seventeen year old daughter as she walked down the stairs a visible scowl on her lips. Her tongue flicked through her teeth and the wine glass was swooshing dangerously on her fingers.

Jeans booty shorts and of course a purple tank top. Mia stopped at the end of the stair and crosses her arms.

"So you've resorted to flaunting? I see you gave up on your face." The first thing she uttered to her, kicking up her left leg across the right one.

Mia rolled her eyes and shifted her weight to her right foot.

"You're too fat for those shorts."Her mom points out blankly taking another sip of her drink. " You got a lot of mirrors to check that out for yourself, don't you?"

"I know. And that is why apps were created." She whispered but her mom caught  it, a small smile tugging at the end of her lips. The older woman's brow creaked app and she mused at her words.

"Why didn't you go to school today?" She chose to change the subject leaning back on the couch.

"My face." Mia obviously stated. She had vowed not to ever apply make up... Although she wanted to; apply concealer on her zits, mascara, a little lipstick perhaps.

'Oh my goodness Mia!You look like an undercooked turkey!' Her mother's words.

"I don't give a hoot miss! You have to go to school whether you look ugly, or uglier."

Luke Groscow got in at this moment. A male servant took his coat, briefcase and car keys. According to Annah, no female hand shall lay her hand on her man.

She was right to be protective, after all Luke was a male model, a really good looking male model younger than Annah by three years.

"Hey honey." He greeted his wife and made for the little drink area. "Hello Mia."He voiced to her daughter lifting the drink to her in some sort of a toss. She gave him a small smile.

He then walked back across the room and slumped down the comfy white couch. Pure fur.

"Your daughter missed school, again!" Annah started going back to the random act of flicking her tongue inside her mouth.


"Puberty. Look at her ugly face."

"Annah!" Luke raised his voice a little. He nervously watched Mia at the corner of his eye.

An uncomfortable silence enveloped them for about a minute.

"What's wrong with that? She's bright." Luke said in a monotone. A little low this time.

"That doesn't mean she can miss school, Luke."

"I need a shower." Luke announced downing his drink.

He walked to Mia and cupped her cheek. "You'll be fine. At least now everyone will want to look at your pretty face."

Mia smiled. Her dad always gave her hope. Always made sure she was smiling.

Yet her mom was the complete opposite. She is the one who got her a full make up set... Indirectly telling her you're ugly, yet she's still the one who hated the same make up on her.

"Just give me a minute and we'll go get that mirror, okay?"

Mia nodded. Yester night she was so mad she punched her bathroom mirror six times, getting hurt in the process.

Because she let her mother's words get to her.


They drove out of their expansive house onto a private road for five minutes before joining the main road.

Mia looked outside the window as they passed the mall. She didn't want to get her mirror from the mall because most of her schoolmates hang out there... and she wouldn't be seen dead with her pimply face.

They were going to an old shop downtown belonging to an old black man. She found the place after getting lostin the area. Of course she had to glance around before asking for directions.

"Here we are." Her dad announced stopping the car.

"I'll go alone." Mia quickly stopped her dad from unbuckling his seat belt.

She didn't want him to see her posing in front of mirrors, possibly giving herself a complimenting speech and other self embarrassing acts. "Just wait here. I will try not to take long."

"Well, okay..."

The door chimed on opening and the shop was visibly empty. No shopper appeared to be present apart from her.

"Hello?"She called looking around. The reception area was also empty. She decided to walk around the isles, admiring the fancy, plain and artistic mirrors.

"Hello?"She called out again. Last time he was here. The man was odd and always zoned out in his speech and it spooled her a little but he was no threat.

"Careful young girl, your voice might break the mirrors!" Mia whipped around immediately a little startled. The old man closed the door, made of a mirror that it actually looked like he was coming out of it.

He had the same old tired but warm smile on his face.

"Good evening Mr.William you do remember me?"

"Well of course!" He laughed and walked to her to shake her hand. "You're the crazy one, right?" His hands were rough and crusty and he possessed a firm grip. He released her hand finally and walked behind the counter.

Entirely reflective.

"What can I interest you with miss Groscow?" She was a little amazed that he remembered her awkward second name. Nevertheless, she spoke up.

"I need a bathroom mirror."

"Just that? Oh we have a lot... Framed perhaps? Slitted?"

"I need your most clearest mirror."


"Yes clearest, doesn't matter really, it'll still work."

"Well,all my mirrors are clear as you see, but you do want the clearest?"


"Okay then." The sir walked from the counter and walked to the door he had come out earlier.

"Come on, you have to pick for yourself... I have two of them, nobody really seemed interested in having the clearest mirror so they stay up back.

Mia nodded. She half trusted the man enough to set her teaser at 60V, not too much to kill him or paralyse him.

The back of the store was like a workshop. Wood and mirrors, noise from the glass cuter worked by a man and a set of boys preparing a frame.

"Here we are." Mr.William announced walking past the two boys.

He opened a closet and called one of the boys to help him take them out. Mr.William stood them on the width side leaning on the wall.

They were clear, more than Mia ever imagined. The surface seemed like a calm river, promising a ripple if the surface was gently poked.

But one had a slight crack on the left corner, and given the angle of a perfectionist by her mother, she picked the other one.

It was framed with dark brown wood and carved into a beautiful pattern. It looked ancient,and she fell in love with it. She took one last look of herself and smiled.

She turned and waited for Mr.William to finish showing the boys how to smoothen the edges.

"Which one will it be?" Mr.William asked still helping his boys out.

"The framed one."

"You got it, give me a minute."

Mia wanted to turn and look at it once more. Her reflection on it was beyond perfect, it was beautiful. It gave her a sense mysterious sense of security. She opted to look around the place, placing her hand over her lips.

If only she would turn then maybe she would change her mind, because her image was still smiling.