
The Redemption Of The Forgotten Heiress

WARNING: (This novel is slow burn, and may be frustrating for some readers.) Marianne Walcott is betrayed by her elder sister, and the young Duke she loves. After the duke has taken advantage of her, he promised to marry her. But to cover his misdeeds and wrongdoings, he plotted against her with her sister, Beatrice whom he is in love with. They made Marianne a betrayer of the viscount family, as her family is killed, and she is beheaded in front of many people ordered by The crown prince of the Austria. She wakes up to 6 years back, when she is still 14 and has not revealed to people that she is a girl. She is so useless like ever trash of the viscount. Even her lovely father is disappointed in her. Useless? Idiot? Trash? Because of love, she let everyone knows that she is a girl, betraying her father. But she is going to show them this time how capable she is. Although she has a very bad reputation in London, but there is a way for changes right? She's going to be the most excellent bachelor in the whole England. But something is quite not right, why is the cautioned and upright crown prince of Austria always following her around? "His highness, don't tell me you are a gay." "Nonsense! Why would I be a gay, when you are a girl?" She is really done for this time. ⚠️ THIS NOVEL IS A DELIBERATELY DRAWN OUT, WITH A LOT OF FOCUS ON CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING. ⚠️

PrixyGold_03 · 歴史
116 Chs

Determine to be a wise Viscount.

"Young Master, what happened?" The maids rushs to her, getting scared and surprise that their young master let out a scream like that.

She must be dreaming.

A short older woman with aging face enters the room with her hands crossed at her back.


She witnesses Mother Theresa being murdered by them alongside her father.

"It's impossible!" She mutters.

"Young master, hope no problem." The mother Theresa asks as she watchs her (Marianne) touching her neck and feeling her body with her hands.

All the other maids keeps their heads bow, but cusses their young master in their head,

'How crazy'.

If there is anything to serve her that could kill her at that moment, they are ready and can gladly give it to her.

Feeling that her head is still attached to her body, she stands up from the bed and walks to the mirror. Her face is still the same, but sometimes is wrong. Her face is smaller than before. It's like she is back to her early teens.

What amazes her is the bob hair cut on her. She stares a her body and surprisingly notices that she is still in a male disguise.

"Mother Theresa, is reincarnation real?" She turns to the speechless woman and the woman smiles in return.

"Why that question, young master?" She asks.

Marianne feel so happy as she pinches her thighs and it pains her.

"It's real. I'm not dead." She says hugging the confused woman with tears streaming down her cheeks. The other maids look at her with their expression of sneers and smugs.

"Your bathe is ready, young master." The maids says and let themselves out of the the room.

"Hope you are fine?" Mother Theresa asks with a gentle expression.

"I can't be finer than this, Theresa. It's like I must focus on church on Sunday. It's good you are fine." Marianne says in all smiles.

Mother Theresa looks at her and couldn't help but shake her head sadly and pitifully. She knows that their young master just got better from a carriage hit of last week. She thinks harder, maybe she is like this because of the hit.

Who tells her to be rude and arrogant to the son of the Count, who is ten times bigger and smarter than she is.

"Young master, can you go and take your bathe and come to eat." The woman says and she nods her head with a smile.

Mother Theresa leaves immediately she sees her enters the lavatory.

She is so happy to see herself like this. She stares at the wooden bath and smiles at the rose flowers that floats. She disposes her clothes and enter the bath.

As she bathes, she thinks so hard.

She stares at her chest and notices that the two buns in her chest is forming gradually. She remembers people that she is a girl when she is fourteen.

Hope she hasn't disclosed her secret to anyone? She cut off the thought as she remembers that the maids still call her master.

Because of the shame as she loves men, and mainly because the duke son rejects her so many times and to grab his heart, he reveals to people that she is not a lad.

She can't forget the disappointment she sees last in her father's eyes before her grandmother banish her from the Viscount's family. That's when she sees her father last, till the day he dies, when she is framed by the man she sacrifices everything for, and her step sister who pretends to be so loving.

Her mother never bear his father a son as she dies when giving birth to her, and her father loves her so much. For her to be able to inherit the Viscount's title, her father disguise her as a lad.

She swears to herself in that bath, that she is going to be a wise Viscount. She is ready to make her father proud.