
The redemption of a traitor

«What would you do for your favorite character? Will you be willing to become a murder? What would you sacrifice for a happy ending?» Those are questions Tenka must face when he transmigrates into his favourite manga; they are only made worse by the fact that the body he's taken over is a minor villain that is hated by the same character he wants to save.

MikeyGarcia_23 · アクション
2 Chs

When God hates you...

"Oi, Butsujima. Get out before the people upstairs change their mind." One of the adults that guarded the place yelled, obviously annoyed that I stood there like a fool. But in my defence, I had a good reason for acting like I had no brain inside my head.

You see, I had awoken two days ago in a room with bars, blood dripping from my forehead and with no idea of who I was or what was going on. Apparently, one of the other kids had decided that me getting out wasn't fair and had picked a fight with me. Lucky me (or not) I was so confused that I didn't fight back, otherwise, the 'good behavior' would have gone to waste.

Another important thing was that apparently I knew Japanese know. Well, beyond what I had picked up by watching anime. Ah! I also had transmigrated or something like that, although possession was there on the list of possibilities. Especially when I was 87% sure I had been a girl before this.

Having boy parts was… interesting.

Having a boner as you woke up was embarrassing as fuck. And horrifying. But on the brighter side, this meant no period so… It didn't really bother me. I mean, I missed my tiddies but I had abs and breathtaking purple eyes. Oh, also a beauty mark under my left eye. In fact, I was way more pretty than when I was a girl.

The positive sides of the experience ended there, though.

Because the person I was now was a murder, was fifteen or so, and had spend two and a half years on a reformatory! Meaning my life was a mess. Also, I was pretty unsure of what my first name was as everyone called me "Butsujima" or "Psycho." Which again, spoke badly of this dude.

I was also worried sick!

Did I have a house to go back to? Where were my parents? What if I didn't have parents? Was I supposed to go to school? To work? Could I even get a job if I had murder someone? Was I going to have to sleep on the streets? Was I going to starve?

Those are adult worries, I know. But I was twenty-five goddammit! And even if I wasn't the most responsible person around I did have some sense in my head. So yeah, those were valid worries and no one seemed to care. The adults I had asked about this had laughed to my face or had ignored me completely.

The truth was: I didn't want to leave.

A life in the reformatory was better than what awaited me outside, at least until I could put my shit together as I had guaranteed a roof over my head and three meals a day. But of course, this didn't matter to anyone but me.

"Butsujima!" This time the owner of the voice had pushed me with a metal stick, like the ones the police carried, to put emphasis on his demand. "Get to it, kid."

"I'm going, geez." I muttered to myself as my fingers grip on the small bag tightened, taking a deep breath, I forced my feet forward.

The street was empty.

"So no family." I sighed, I had been expecting it but… Well, it was still sad. "And no friends either. Ok, now, left or right? What looks like it will be less terrible…" I looked from one side to the other a few times, "This would be easier if I had a coin. Tails, left. Cruz, right. God, that's pathetic. A toss to decide my fate."

The chill of the morning decided for me, shivering, I turned to my right and started walking. After all, sunlight directly to my face was not my idea of fun. My eyes were too pretty to be burned like that.

Humming 'Pain without out love' by Three Days Grace under my breath to try and improve my mood may be a little pathetic but right now, I felt pretty pathetic. Fifteen and with no future. Damn, if my mother could see me now she would kill me herself. Just to save her the shame.

"This life is filled with hurt. When happiness doesn't work, Trust me, and take my hand..." I cried, getting carried on and still without any talent for singing. "When the lights go out, you'll understaaaand!"

Giving zero fucks, I continued, ignoring the glares I received as I walked down the street, because I was a delinquent anyway so it shouldn't really matter if I created ructus as long as I didn't hurt anyone. Old geezers with disapproving glares wouldn't stop me!

A bike that skidded to a stop in front of me, on the other hand, did stop me. Eyes growing big, I yelped as I jumped back. "Wah!"

That fucker almost hit me.

"What the fuck is your problem, mate?!" I growled, hackles rising as the rider took off his helmet. My bag was on the ground, having let go of it. My stance was a little wide, shoulders threw back and hands forming fists.

Body reflex, I think, because all this happened without me noticing it.

"Aa, you're Butsujima Tenka?" The rider ignored my question, golden eyes examining me with a lazy curiosity.

My brain decided this was a good moment to stop working, choosing to restart itself and making me gap like a fool as a shiver went down my spine. 'Shooting Stars.'

I could recognize those eyes. God, I knew that face and the ugly blue spot of dyed hair right over his forehead. Furthermore, the name that left his lips ringed in my ears and a bunch of memories bursted behind my eyes.


"It's all his fault."

"It means I can kill the King of the Sheep with my own hands."

"Lupe! You will soon witness the biggest alliance between gangs in Kanto. Ragnarok!"

"I'm his first commander, Sato Shiki."

"Kazuo manipulated everyone, he created Ragnarok and looked to turn himself invaluable for Lupe. All to become the most powerful delinquent in Japan. The lives he ruined, the men he killed, all for a girl who didn't love him back."


I was in "The King of Sheeps."

I was Butsujima Tenka.

The realization left me light-headed. Fuck. How had I ignored the dragon tattoo in my neck? Or the inmistacable electric purple in my eyes? Easy, my hair was black. Not the mixed mess that I remembered from the anime and my eyes were normal, not the empty gaze that betrayed his broken mind.

'Fuck, fuck. What do I do now?'

(Shiki was stronger than me; he could fight Osamu. So killing him where he stood was a no-no.)

How do I stop myself from fucking up the plot? Fucking time-travel. How can you even keep things straight when the point of the plot is that everything sucks and nothing goes right. Short answer? You can't.

I need to buy time.

"What if I am?" I asked, smiling as big as I could.

Tenka was a bit looney, so acting weird is ok. Shiki doesn't know him. He can't tell for sure if the personality is fine or not.

"Name's Shiki."

"And should I care because—?"

"Join Ragnarok, Tenka." The bastard totally ignored me. "Together we can destroy The Sheep."

So he did know something about me. Actually, it would be surprising if he didn't. Kazuo is good, he should have investigated the real Tenka. And he wasn't silent about his wish of taking on Osamu, if anything I'm sure that's the reason why they wanted to recruit me.

"No one can beat Lupe." I say, tilting my head to the side. A humorous smirk taking over, emptying my eyes was difficult but I think I got it close if the way he shifted can be used as a tell-tale.

"We can." Shiki refuted, expression suddenly serious. "Ragnarok will have the triple of their numbers. We will crush them. Even the Big-Bad Wolf can't win against an army."

Which, true. Except Osamu doesn't need to beat an army, because he doesn't fight alone. But I doubt Shiki would appreciate my wisdom. Plus, there's not really a way out if Kazuo had already put his eyes on me. And not joining could fuck everything up for worse, which in this manga goes from Lupe being killed to the end of the world.

Fuck, God truly hates me.

"If I join, can I be the one to kill him?" Because Tenka was dead set on that, so no way to avoid the subject.

"Absolutely." He laughed, offering me his hand.

I took it after a moment of hesitation, it felt like I was making a deal with the devil himself. "Good."

"Heh, I knew you would come around." He pulls me closer. Even sitting down, he is taller than me and I have to look up. Its uncomfortable. "Welcome to Ragnarok, Tenka."

Yup, definitely a deal with the devil.

"I'm at your care, Shiki-kun~" Because if I was going to do this, everyone would suffer along with me. "Can we go for Ramen?"

'And what better way to make Shiki regret his life choices than to be the brattiest version of myself?' I thought with glee as I jumped behind him, sitting comfortably on the bike without a care in the world.

He seemed dazed for a moment, I think he had never had anyone act like this with him. Weird, because he has pretty privileges and someone must have to try to take advantage of that at one point but maybe not… his personality did suck. And he was kinda obsessed with Kazuo.

So, yeah.

"Sure, I will treat you." Shiki recovered fast, putting the helmet back on. "Have somewhere to stay?"


"I can also take care of that."

Oh? That's better than what I was expecting. Kazou must really want Tenka's presence in Ragnarok if Shiki is being so nice. Shit.

'Well, at least this means they're not gonna kill me anytime soon...' Hugging Shiki's waist was a dream many fans had. I closed my eyes and hung for dear life, unable to enjoy the experience because the asshole drove like he was being persecuted by wild dogs. 'Why couldn't this happen with someone that wasn't so creepy? Someone nice, like Mitsuya. Or Lupe. Although... Osamu would kill me the moment he saw my face so better not.'

I couldn't hide the wince as my mind wandered to the leader of the Sheep; my life truly sucked, my favorite character hated my guts.

God was cruel.