
the train ride home~

The moon follows me everywhere,

sometimes it hides behind the trees and sometimes behind buildings and it never leaves me alone, maybe only during the day it does. It is so mesmerizing seeing it everyday, but I wonder why it changes shapes tho? Ma told me it was due to light, but I don't know what she meant, today the moon looked like C it was very pretty to look at and the wind was blowing nicely on my arm

"pull your arm inside anshu it's dangerous" said Ma

"ok Ma" I replied. She then started asking me about school and whether I was excited or not since it was my first ever school day tomorrow, I was excited but I was also scared, Ma told me there would be many kids my age and I could befriend them, that's what I was scared about I don't like people I never understand how to speak with them I don't know what to talk about that would be interesting, but Ma reassured me and told that it would be fine as long as I would be a good boy nothing could go wrong. Soon we arrived at our station in Delhi.

When we reached home i was so tired from traveling all day that I slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.