
Chapter 5: The religious town

After traveling and hiding for over a week scarlet and lunar came finally to see Mt Vanguard in the distance and a small town just a few kilometres away. "Before we enter the town you need to understand some things first you stay by my side no matter what happens and two don't talk to anyone don't even greet them back got it". "understood". With that settled Scarlet and Lunar made there way down to the town lunar wondered why she had to stick like glue to her master and not speak. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, not the buildings and even the people didn't seem strange everything seemed be fine to her. Was her master just over cautious or distrusting. As soon as they had made there way to the main square a young woman Suddenly started to speak to them"Hi there have you lost lambs come to our blessed town to". In that short time that the woman was talking lunar noticed that her master was pulling something out from under her leather chest plate and keeping a firm grip on her shoulder when her master pull out the small charm the woman in front of them leaped back as if she was being stung she hissed at them lunar saw then why her master had told her not to leave her side for the woman before them wasn't human. Scarlet slowly moving making sure that her fledgling stayed by her side. She then beginning a slow but steady pace towards the mountain While she maintained a watchful eye on the angel and her surroundings for she knew that more where waiting for a moment of weakness to appear so that they could strike. Two other angels had appeared in that time and tried to get near them but because of the charm they can't come close enough to harm them the bell in the distance told midday when they finally we're outside the town and close to Mt vanguard. The angels had finally gave up at that point for they known that Mt vanguard is a place of death for them lunar finally let her breath loss in relief "well welcome to Mt vanguard".