
The Red Kite Story

Written in the eyes of a Red Kite and how he came to befriend a human life form...

JayJ127 · ファンタジー
28 Chs

The New Life…

It felt like I've been asleep for months, I stretched out my arms and felt something soft brushing against my back I looked left, I looked right - I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. I rubbed my eyes and repeated 'surely this isn't happening' I said out loud feeling shocked and amazed.

It took me quite some time getting used to them, even now I'm still astonished, I couldn't stop looking at how beautiful my feathered Kite-like wings are. I was stretching them out and retracting them back, but I kept knocking things over, I knew I didn't have enough room. With restricting space I walked outside with the tips of my wings dragging along the floor.

I practically whipped out...Well, more likely my wings sprung open immediately after I stepped outside like it had a mind of its own. They were BIG and STRONG, I was eager to test how powerful they are. So I staked-out a clearing, had a small run-up and before I knew it I was gliding in the skies allowing the breeze flow around me. It took a lot of great power to move my wings before I could flap properly, I'd had watched Tatum soar and hoist himself with ease. I flapped and flapped and I flapped my wings to thrust myself high up in the altitude that had taken some immense power and time to get the hang of.

As I mastered the skies, flying to look for Tatum - whistling so he could hear me - there was a noise that bellowed through the clouds. I glide slowly looking all around, I saw nothing so I carried on, picking up speed again. With a whoosh as I skimmed passed the top of the trees, I noticed the wildlife acting bizarrely as they scarcely ran out of the forest with the pack of wolves closing in. I tried to swoop in to chase away the pack, but I almost lost control, I was a fool to think I was fully in control of my wings in such a short time. Luckily I managed to quickly regain control and swooped straight back up narrowly missing the edge of a mountain. I must say that was the most exhilarating move I've done so far and still after all that there was no sight of Tatum anywhere. I could sense him, but I don't possess the sight of a Red Kite.

The clouds bellowed out again after a few flashes, then spits of water came pouring out and I flew somewhere to stay dry… till it stopped…

Over the rushing of falling rain, I heard a faint cry that sounded familiar...I flew towards that sound and couldn't see a thing - the cries were unavoidable, 'where was it coming from?' I thought.

I saw something, it couldn't be a predator - it was smaller than me, but it was attacking another species - it took me awhile to gather up my courage - I dove towards it and in one blow I took it down, I did not feel good afterwards.

I turned around, there was nothing, but bloodstained stump - I felt a wisp from under my wings that warmed me from the inside.