
The Red Kite Story

Written in the eyes of a Red Kite and how he came to befriend a human life form...

JayJ127 · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Leap of Faith

Stace took a long run as she felt her blood rush through her entire body. Her speed was so fast everything around her was a blur. As she neared the edge she prepared herself and pushed off on her hind legs and leapt into the air thrusting herself forward.

Stace woke up from her sleep state with a start.

"Damn! Now I will never know if I'll make it to the otherside" she told herself.

"I must train harder. I must find bigger challenges to make myself stronger."

Everyday she trained hard, from dusk until dawn, until exhaustion took her. She had not realised that she was being watched from afar by someone who was intrigued by her every move. This person did not want to disturb her, though he desperately wanted to. He was worried she may not recognise him. After all, it had been so long since they'd seen each other.

He watched her daily when he had the chance to, and one day during Stace's training he witnessed something incredible. Something he never even imagined was possible. Unfortunately he was called away before he could see what happened next.


Stace did another big leap straight after the first, she almost felt as though she was flying. Unfortunately, her landing that time was a bit choppy so she decided to stop for the day to rest and regain her strength. She now felt ready. She had spent months training herself.

The next morning she was up full of energy, but nervous as hell. All her energy was focused on what she wanted and that was to get over to the otherside of the gorge. She knew the stakes were high, and that things might go wrong. She took her position glancing around her making sure nothing else was around to get in her way. She crouched and let out a low growl. Once she felt ready, she leapt forward and began sprinting faster and faster. As she reached the edge, in one swift motion she pounced into the sky thrusting herself forward. The air flowed through her fur coat down to the tip of her tail.

"This is amazing. I know how Jay feels when he is flying now. This breeze feels phenomenal. I feel free!" she thought loudly in her own mind.

She landed near the edge, stumbled forwards a little and then carried on running. She had made the impossible - possible. Unknown to her, her admirer had watched in awe, he could not believe she had actually made it across the gorge.