
The Nightmare on the Tower

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Claude, a high-ranking demon hunter who was captured by the demonic army on the front line, was in a strange state of mind as the others. He had refused to talk and even attacked Vivian; there was nothing they could do about him. Hao Ren thought that this guy would take a long time to recover. After all, even the MDT could not understand what was in his mind. But now, he regained his sanity all of a sudden.

This came as a pleasant surprise. Y'zaks went up to Claude curiously. "Do you know what you're doing now?" he asked.

"I'm still suffering from the sequelae," Claude said, standing in the middle of the soldiers. His face was a little pale, still wearing his tattered clothes, and a chain restraining him. He looked a sight and embarrassed too. "Looks like I have caused you guys a lot of trouble," he said.