
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · アクション
49 Chs

Chapter 26: The demise of human trafficking gangs

Lao Liu said, "Lao Luo, who is on duty in the upper house, has not come down to deliver the message. I guess Mr.Third and others have not come back. Neither Zhou Fugui nor Director Feng have come back. Zhou Fugui flatters too much. Every time there are new goods, he runs to invite Director Feng to enjoy."

Zhang Haizi smiled low and said, "Our base camp is located here, and we need to be covered by Director Feng. You go in and warm up. My brother is playing Double Flying."

"Oh, this guy can really enjoy it!" Lao Liu said, "Get out of the way, let me have a look."

When Zhang Haizi and Lao Liu passed each other, Li Changsheng pulled out his seord and ran over with a light step. His wrist swung, and the short sword quickly cut both their necks in both directions. The two men leaned and slowly fell to the ground.

Li Changsheng stretched his arms around the bodies of the two men, slowly put them on the ground, and then flashed into the hole. He looked back at the big stone that blocked the hole. It turned out that there was a log under the big stone, which acted as a labor-saving wheel. When you push the stone hard, the round wood under the stone will turn, and the stone will move away, exposing the hole. If someone closes the stone door from the inside, and the stone is inserted in the rock gap in the hole, it is difficult to open it from the outside.

It is very bright in the cave, but it is relatively dark near the hole. In front of Li Changsheng is an irregular circular hall with a diameter of about nine meters. The hall is half a meter lower than the entrance, and there are all kinds of stalagmites in the hall. There are five or six people scattered around the stalagmites. On the flat ground in the middle of the hall, there was a bonfire burning brightly, which made the hall warm and bright. On the flat ground on the right front of the campfire are several wooden cages, some of which are one, some are two or three women.

Li Changsheng took heavy steps and imitated Lao Liu's footsteps. He counted "ten" in his heart as he approached. At this time, a man sitting on the stalagmite in front of him said: "Lao Liu, you just come here now, hurry to have a look..."

A big man with his arms around his shoulders, his back facing him, was leaning against a stalagmite. When the big man heard the footsteps, he smiled back and said to Li Changsheng, "Lao Liu, Zhang Goudan's action is called the old man's pushing cart..."

His expression changed before he finished speaking. Without waiting for him to speak again, Li Changsheng quickly extended his left hand like lightning, crushed his throat with his fingers, and killed him silently. Then he wiped it on his face, made a smile, and then twisted his head back. Looking from the front, the man looked at the field with a smile on his face. Nobody could see the fear in his eyes.

Li Changsheng said "11" secretly. Suddenly, everyone in the hall burst out laughing. Li Changsheng looked and saw three naked girls standing or lying in various shapes.

A stout, short and fat man, naked, was pulling the hair of a girl lying on the ground and dragging her to the center of the hall. Although it was a cold night in late autumn, the girl's delicate skin was covered with sweat. She closed her eyes, her arms hung limply on the ground, and let the sharp stalactites on the ground cross her tender breasts. Her beautiful face was full of painful and humiliating expressions.

Li Changsheng counted and found six traffickers in the hall. According to the newspaper clip photos provided by Yin Yue's parents, the three naked girls beside the bonfire are not Yin Yue. Maybe she is in a cage. Anyway, he should leave a living mouth to ask.

Zhang Goudan squatted down, grabbed the girl's hair and pulled it hard. The girl gave a low cry of pain, lifted her upper body completely, and a pair of plump breasts swung around in front of her chest.

"Dirty bitch, are you playing dead?" Zhang Goudan slapped the girl in the face and said viciously, "It's your turn to serve me today." He held her hair for half a circle, raised his hand to slap her in the face again, but suddenly saw a figure flashed out of the hole and came to his side. The man was tall, with a short sword in his right hand and an angry expression on his face. Seeing him, Zhang Goudan was shocked and just wanted to ask who this man was? When his neck felt cold, a sharp sword came in from his mouth, pressed it on his tongue, and went out from behind his neck. "Shit, how come there is foot odor on the sword?" This was the last sentence in his mind.

All the people in the hall could not help sitting straight. None of them had time to stand up. There was a bloodstain on their neck and they fell down again.

Without waiting for everyone to fall, Li Changsheng turned around like a ghost, held the woman tortured by Zhang Goudan, and gently laid her flat on the ground without making a sound. At this time, the man in black sitting on the farthest stalagmite rushed to him. Before he raised his knife, Li Changsheng punched him in the chest. The man in black was startled and felt a powerful force hitting him. He subconsciously blocked his left arm forward. An overwhelming force broke his left arm and hit him in the chest.

The man in black heard the sound of his arm and sternum breaking. He felt a sweet taste in his throat and spit out a mouthful of blood. His body immediately softened. Li Changsheng was stunned for a moment. The strength of his fist with all his strength was beyond his imagination. The wind and thunder were faint with his fist and the remaining momentum was not stopped. As his energy and internal power increased day by day, he was too inexperienced in fighting and often could not keep his strength.He had intended to leave a living person for interrogation, but this last one also died.

Li Changsheng filled his arms with energy in his body, and then easily ripped off the thick boards on several wooden cages to release the women in the cage. He told them to find their clothes and put them on. Together with the three girls by the campfire, there were nine abducted girls in the cave. When they heard that they had been rescued from the Devil's Cave, they were both happy and sad, and immediately burst into tears.

Li Changsheng looked at the girls and was not sure. "Which girl is Yin Yue, please?" he asked.

The nine girls cried like rain drops on the pear flower, but looked at each other and shook their heads to deny. Li Changsheng's heart sank. He spent a lot of trouble tonight to destroy the gang of human traffickers and really safeguard justice. His heart was very happy. But he didn't find Yin Yue. How could he tell her parents when he went out?