
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · アクション
49 Chs

Chapter 19: Return

Early in the morning, Li Changsheng took off his robe, folded it and put it in the suitcase, and then put on his jacket. He walked out of the rental house in the village with his suitcase. His work handover has ended, and he also had a farewell dinner in the company yesterday. He should go!

Li Changsheng had just walked to the village, when a strong man in his 30s stood in front of him and grabbed his suitcase. Li Changsheng looked up and saw that it was Du Qing, the private bodyguard of the company boss Chen Guiyan. Du Qing, a dark-skinned man, said with a hearty laugh, "Li, the boss arranged a good job for me to take you back to your hometown in the northwest. I wander between the boss's home and the company all the year round, and I have never been anywhere else. Unexpectedly, the boss arranged me to take you home. Thanks to you, I can travel with public money once!

Li Changsheng didn't expect the boss Chen Guiyan to be so generous. The boss paid an extra month's salary when settling the salary yesterday. At this time, Li Changsheng was very moved when he sent people to escort him for thousands of miles. But he knows that there is no love without reason in this world. Li Changsheng worked in the company for one year. Although the boss is an alumnus and a good person, he has never treated other employees like this. The boss became very kind and appreciative of Li Changsheng. It was completely after Shen Ziyu came. Li Changsheng is not stupid. He knows that it was arranged by the guy with extraordinary family background and modest as jade. Li Changsheng feels warm.

"Mr. Du, please thank my boss for his kindness. I don't think it is necessary for you to accompany me through half of China because I go home."

Du Qing shook his head and smiled: "Li, it seems that you don't understand the purpose of the boss. Although it is the Republic of China, public security in big cities is still guaranteed. But leaving big cities is full of bandits and warlords, it is still not peaceful. The boss asked me to accompany you to take care of you on the way. Well, Li. I think you have just graduated, and certainly have no chance to see the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland. This trip will be treated as a tour. I suggest we leave Guangzhou by bus first. Then go to Tianhe Posthouse to buy two horses. Your home is in the mainland, and there is no ship. It is convenient to ride home. When you return to your hometown, you can sell the horse and change it into silver coins. "

Li Changsheng knew that Du Qing was a native of Guangzhou. He learned martial arts from his childhood. He can knock down three ordinary people at the same time. When Du Qing was young, he worked in the Qing Gang in Shanghai, which is the largest gang in China. After Du Qing was in his thirties, tired of the days of underworld killings and arson, he returned to his hometown Guangzhou to marry and have children and settle down. Chen Guiyan's father liked Du Qing's martial arts and underworld experience, and hired Du Qing as his son's private bodyguard with a high salary.

They left Guangzhou on a city bus, bought horses and rode the dusty road north. Two people on the road talking and laughing, not lonely.

After a few days together, Li Changsheng felt that Du Qing was generous and forthright, because he was just ten years older than himself, and sometimes liked to pose as a big brother. But he took good care of him all the way. He was a person who was worthy of making friends.

At this time, it is late autumn, with picturesque roadside scenery and continuous autumn whisper. The South China is as beautiful as spring all the year round. Shortly after passing Lingnan, they passed a maple forest, and saw that the whole mountain was as red as fire, and even more gorgeous.

Du Qing held the reins and said with a smile, "Li, I think of a sentence: there are red flags flying in the maple forest. Fools see red flags, wise people see red leaves, and Zen people see red. What do you see?"

Li Changsheng said even did not think: "It is human nature for people to see the red flag. Because the red flag flutters in the wind, it is not stupid to see it moving. When they see the maple leaf, because there are red leaves all over the mountains and the fields, it is not wise to see it still. But when prople only see the red color, although highly condensed, they have lost the leaves, lost the color flag, and lost the interest of life.I prefer to see the red flag at a close place and grasp the moment. Look at the red leaves in the distance and grasp the future. See the red mountains in a far place and grasp my life.When you choose one thing, you must lose another. So the wise and the Zen are just choosing one and abandoning the other, which is no better than the fool."

Du Qing was very impressed: "No wonder the boss thinks highly of you and always praises you as a rare talent. At first I didn't believe it, but now I am convinced. You really have a unique idea."

After Hengyang, the sky is dark. The two men sat on their horses and just talked and missed the inn. They ran along the road in the dark for half an hour, but still no villages and towns appeared.

Du Qing said, "Long life, it's not safe to travel at night. Let's find a place to rest."

The two stopped at the roadside, lit a pile of leaves with a match, and looked at the map by the light of the fire. The map shows that there is a large town on the left not far ahead, and there should be a hotel. The two men then led the horse and walked all the way. The dirt path was badly eroded by the rain and was pitted. The two people stumbled for several miles, and the road was not only more difficult to walk, but also the roadside was luxuriant with weeds, and more than one person was tall. Du Qing could not help saying that he was strange.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to walk to an open place. The two people stopped to have a look. The lights were dark and there was no one. The houses in front are arranged in rows, and the streets are in good order. They boldly led their horses to the nearest street. There were shops and houses, but the walls and the doors and windows were broken. Obviously, the village had been abandoned for a long time.