
The Recital of Character Zero

"Know nothing. See nothing. Be nothing. Forget everything that you think you know of this reality where you now exist. Only then can the Nilverse fulfill its purpose to you." CK may be the honorable salutatorian, but this does not stop the Institute of the Nonaphrontistery from putting her on trial and accusing her of unethical practices to accomplish her thesis. The people once believed this would be the most difficult aspect of CK's life as a wordsmith, but the outcome of the trial was only a prelude of what was to come. And this is true; for what reason should one limit themselves to a single world when the Empire spans across worlds in the Vast Expansion? This is a place where fairytales are the cornerstone of a noble's society; where systems answer the call of the ambitious but not call them special. This is a place where only a single empire conquers all, and where a page of history is questioned in the era of peace. This place is not a story, but a journey that begins with a trial before Knowledge herself. Come, bear witness, and applaud the recital that is about to unfold! *** Prologue: The introductory volume. Students are meant to be nurtured and sheltered by the schools that took responsibility. But when the school has turned against one of their own, shall this be the sign of the student's downfall? To CK, probably not. It does make an excuse to do things she wasn't allowed before, though.

penofsaoirse · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Verse Seven

If there's one thing CK can give Miss Yvonna and Miss Dulia credit for, it's the accurate information they obtained about the entity caged in front of her. Malphas is one of the 72 archdaemons that originated from Almadel, the home of daemons. 


Malphas could easily turn an entire human kingdom into a giant's ashtray just for fun. If not for the Chalk Prison, CK wouldn't treat him so casually while inside the Nonaphrontistery. She was confident she can neutralize him like before, but there'd be too many casualties.


<That's a thoughtful twinkle in your eyes.> Malphas commented, <Come now, say something. You'll make the situation a little awkward if you'll just stare at me chained up like this.>


"Aw, you sensitive thing. Don't worry, I'm just surprised. Is it just me, or have you gone paler since the last time I saw you?" CK gibed as she placed a hand on her hip. Malphas chuckled.


<What you're staring at is the manifestation of my soul. If you could see me in truest form, will lose what remaining sanity have left…and I would happily break free.> he said blithely, <Ah, but alas, this pest of a prison prohibits me from harming you, so that's just happy dream I get to relive in my sleep. You know, watching you turn mad with single glimpse purest, darkest form.>


"Blah, blah, I get it. You hate me so much, you see me in your dreams. That's understandable because I'm amazing like that and you hate losing to me," CK smirked, "But I didn't come here to listen to your fever dreams. Tell me, is your 'offer' still up?"


Malphas smiled in immediate realization. <Who knew that an angel would ironically help me in this situation? Haha! The irony.> he laughed, <Yes, it is, little CK. For someone like you, the offer will always remain open.>


As a being whose imprisonment is connected to CK, the Chalk Prison's current warden, Malphas could read and understand CK's line of thought, so he knew why CK summoned him and asked about the 'offer'. Aside from this, sadly, Malphas could not do anything else to CK's mind. For now, at least.


"Oh, good," CK said. <Has the gravity of your situation driven you to desperation, I wonder?> Malphas taunted her, <Oh, what would poor, master Erzem say?>


"I'd like to think he'd tell me 'good job' for dealing with the consequences of his actions after leaving me to deal with it myself," CK muttered in irritation, causing Malphas' eyes to glow with amusement. 


"But for now, let's let him rest. I've heard the saying that the devil is a good salesman," CK sat on the couch and crossed her legs with a smug smirk, "Let's see how well you'll sell yourself to actually win me over."


<Ah, look at you take delight in me destroying my own dignity for your amusement. Haha! Isn't that a sign of good master the making?> Malphas smirked at her, <But I have to disappoint you by turning your request down. We both know why you're here. You already the terms of contract. Whether like my behavior now or not does change fact that here make me familiar.>


"Hehe. You're right. Your strength and the fact that you can follow along my intentions easily are enough," CK said, "Let me be the one to emphasize the terms, then: I officially take you as my familiar, and you will serve me and treat me as your only master devotedly. You will do what I instruct you to regardless of how good or bad it is, and your safety is guaranteed in exchange."


<Correct. You can add anything if you wish.> Malphas smiled blithely. CK smirked at this. If she hadn't known the nature of daemons, she would be ensnared in the traps of his 'loyal and faithful servant' act.


"Nah, I'm good. But if you want to add anything else, let's hear it," CK replied. Malphas' eyes twinkled, <Then could you perhaps add this: In times where this loyal servant gets his chance to dress and feed master, the master must concede unless she has a valid reason deny harmless request.>


CK's lips twisted in dismay. "That's a poor way of disguising any attempt to poison or kill me," she said disappointedly, "But you'll be doing these things anyway since you're soon to be my servant. Alright. I'll add that to the contract. Anything else?"


<You're giving me too much authority. Must you be so confident in your abilities?> Malphas chuckled, <No. I dare not add anything that could possibly trouble me in the long run.>


"You should have thought of that before offering to serve me," CK's deceitful smile was hardly obvious, "But regrettably, your desperation to escape my master's watch made you believe I was the better option."


Malphas watched as the ivory cage opened before CK, allowing her to step in and place a hand above his head. His lips curled emotionlessly as CK recited a verse.


"I take your soul into my hand. Turn my will into the star that guides your plan. The prison of dust shall let you be. In the name of the Magnum Opus, you're now linked to me," she chanted, the echo of her voice in the language of Syntaxis following in a whisper.


'Animam tuam in manu mea accipiam. 

Converte voluntatem meam in stellam, 

Quae consilium tuum dirigit, carcer terrenus eris, 

In nomine Magni Opis, nunc mihi coniunctus es.'


<Into your hands, you take my soul. To will and plans, I give all. This prison of dust now lets me be. Under oath the rational, am at mercy.> Malphas recited, an ominous hush of a voice speaking a similar language.


'In manus tuas, tolle animam meam

Ad voluntatem tuam ac consilia tua omnia mea do. 

Hic carcer terrenus nunc me sinit esse. 

Sub juramento rationali, nunc sum in misericordia tua.'


"Consummatum est," CK declared. Malphas nodded his head, <Consummatum est.>


The chains binding Malphas' hands turned into dust, releasing him from repression. The cage remains unchanged, but runes now appeared around Malphas' neck and wrists. He looked at them with a tilt of his head.


<Well, this is better than hanging off the ceiling.> he said and rotated his shoulders with a satisfied grunt. "Ah, master's going to give me the lecture of a lifetime," CK sighed as she left the cage. She looked over her shoulder, "You better not be up to funny business unless it's in my humor."


<Naturally. > Malphas replied. CK glanced at her palm before flexing it open and close. She took a seat on the couch once more.


<What's your first assignment, little CK?> the daemon asked with a smile. "Why don't you start by quitting calling me 'little CK'?" CK said in annoyance, "You make it sound like I'm some child."


<'Little miss', it is. Or perhaps, 'little lady'? 'My 'Mistress' or 'madame'?> Malphas smirked. "It hasn't even been a minute and you're annoying me already," CK rolled her eyes, "Forget it. Just stop calling me 'little CK'."


<Everything except 'little CK', then.> Malphas hummed. "That's enough. I only have a few more days to complete my investigation and I don't want to waste time," CK regained seriousness as she looked at the caged daemon.


"You should be aware of everything so far after being trapped in my consciousness. If Winslow managed to get into the higher floors with just the help of his angels, I should be able to do the same with you," she stated.


<A correct assumption, little miss. The angels that the Danchev boy can invoke are of a separate power ranking, thus do not fall under influence tower's system judging wordsmiths. Is it wise to assume you wish get highest floor possible?> Malphas asked.


"Not just that. The master has mentioned that each tower is supposed to hide a sift that is similar to yours. I want to enter the sift inside the Maiden's Tower and take the item being safeguarded in it," CK stated and looked at Malphas, "You will help me get there."


<I can do that. But if I make a quick suggestion, it would be to show little more concern the facts that used against you in trial.> Malphas said. "Most of the accusations can be turned over. What else should I be paying attention to?" CK asked.


<For one, the 'sift' that chick from Radiance Church pointed out for your thesis.> Malphas shrugged, <That 'sift' is where my dungeon was established, and some other details you already know. Although there are no signs of 'wrongful' oppression happening, there's denying that are…certain violence in there.>


CK's brows rose. Malphas smiled as he saw this, <Not to mention, the very reason I'm being 'imprisoned' is there. If they use wrong narrative, it could get a little bit nasty on your end.>


"I see. What do you want me to do about your dungeon, then?" CK asked. <I want you to conquer it and take as your own.> Malphas replied, causing CK to giggle.


"Hehe. Is this meant to be your first gift to me as your master? Dungeons are symbols of authority among certain races like yours, and you're about to give yours to me," CK said, "And there's no telling what I'll do with it once it's mine. You sure you want that?"


<You can think of it that way. But make no mistake, little miss: I'm not doing just for your own sake.> Malphas smirked, <Although my soul is influenced by the Chalk Prison, I'd be half-assing duties as servant if I cannot accompany you. Once you take dungeon, what remains of power in there will transferred to you, which allow me physical form. Although partial, can still manifest physically.>


"Hmm, that is true. How cool would it be to have you tailing after me everywhere I go?" CK mused with delight. Then, she grimaced, "But if you'll manifest as some disfigured mandrake, no thank you. You can stay in the cage."


<Although embarrassing you would be a sight to see, can sure I will take normal form avoid too much attention.> Malphas said and pouted, <Come on, my merciful mistress. It's been months, and I am sick of being in this cage. Won't you allow me to join the physical world exchange letting rule over dungeon?>


"Hm… I really have no use for a dungeon, but I guess indulging you this time won't hurt. You're no use if you can't help me in my times of need, and I'll be needing you lots when we go back into the Maiden's Tower," CK said and yawned, "Fine. Let's go there tomorrow. For now, I need my much-needed rest."


<In that case, allow me to bid you sweet dreams.> Malphas smirked, <Get plenty of rest, little miss. I reckon these next few days will demand out you.>