
The Rebirth Of The Fallen Demon Lord.

In a world there was a small town named Toshi. The town was peaceful until the demon lord and his army of demons attacked; the humans tried their best to fight back against the demon lord and his army, but they were lacking manpower. When the demon lord made his appearance amidst the chaos. 7 heroes rose to attack the demon lord. Their battle went on for 8 consecutive days. The heroes then use a skill called link to use a joint attack on the weaken demon lord. The demon lord was trying his best to hold off the heroes until the rest of his army could arrive. The joint attack from the heroes then pierced a hole in the demon lord's chest. Blood started pouring out of the hole in the demon lord's chest. The demon lord tried to heal it but his mana was too depleted to continue the fight. After the demon lord died; 30 years later the town Toshi returned to being the small and peaceful town once again; Until something unexpected occurred.

RealShadow · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Beginning of Kurai's Adventure.

Kurai was a young boy of age ten, born and raised in the small village named Toshi. It was a peaceful place located on the outskirts of a mountain range, surrounded by lush greenery. The village had a population of about 2000 people, with houses made of wood and straw. Kurai lived with his family, his mother named Iris, his father named Daichi, and his older sister, Aiko.

Kurai's father was a swordsman and was a skilled swordsman. His mother was a mage that was in a party with Daichi before she got pregnant. Aiko, on the other hand, was attending a magic and sword academy called Cross Academy.

Kurai was always curious about the world outside of Toshi. He would often ask his father about the mountains he could see from his house and the stories about the magic beasts that lived in them. His father would tell him stories about the frost wolves, dark bears, and the elusive flame wyverns. Kurai was in awe of these stories and would often dream about going on an adventure.

One day, Kurai's father took him on a walk to the far edge of the village. As they walked, Kurai saw people working in the fields, children playing, and women weaving. He saw a group of children gathered, playing with sticks, pretending to be warriors. Kurai eagerly joined in, feeling excited to play and use his imagination.

As they approached the edge of the village, Kurai saw a small forest at the base of the mountain range. His father pointed to a tree and said, "You see that tree, Kurai? That is the beginning of the forest. Beyond that lies the rest of the world. It's a vast and dangerous place, but it's also full of wonders and beauty."

Kurai's heart fluttered with excitement, and he asked his father, "Can we go explore the forest?"

His father smiled and said, "Not today, son. You're still too young, and it's not safe beyond Toshi just yet. But one day, when you're older, you can explore the forest and find out what adventures await you."

Kurai felt both excited and disappointed at the same time. He still had to wait to explore the world beyond Toshi. But he knew that it wouldn't be long until he could do so.

As time went on, Kurai grew more curious about the world beyond Toshi. He continued to ask his father about it, but his father would always tell him to be patient and that the time would come when he could explore.

One day, while Kurai was playing with his friends in the village, he overheard a group of men talking about the dangers they faced outside of Toshi. They talked about bandits, magic beasts, and the dangers of the forest.

Kurai listened intently, and as they finished their conversation, he walked up to them and asked, "Excuse me, sirs. Can you tell me more about the dangers outside of Toshi?"

The men looked at him strangely, surprised that a young boy would ask such a question. But they soon realized that Kurai was genuinely curious.

One of the men, a seasoned traveler, began to tell Kurai stories about the vast and dangerous world outside of Toshi. He spoke of the dangerous dungeons, polluted oceans, and deserts filled with giant sandworms, each with their own unique dangers and wonders.

Kurai felt his heart race with excitement and fear as he listened to the stories. He knew that he wanted to explore the world outside of Toshi, but he was also afraid of the dangers.

As he walked home that day, he thought about what the traveler had said. He knew that one day, he would leave Toshi and explore the world outside. But he also knew that he would have to be prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Kurai continued to dream about the adventures that awaited him outside of Toshi. His father saw how restless he was becoming and decided that it was time to teach him some basic sword skills.

Kurai's father taught him the most effective way to use his sword, how to hunt animals, and how to defend myself when I'm in danger. He also taught him about the different tiers of monsters in the world and the rank that ranks how strong an adventurer is.

Kurai was grateful for his father's teachings and felt more confident about exploring the world outside of Toshi.

One day, a group of travelers arrived in Toshi. They talked about a village that was in need of help and asked for volunteers to join them.

Kurai felt a sudden surge of excitement. This was his chance to explore the world outside of Toshi and help someone in need. He pleaded with his father to let him join the travelers, and after much persuasion, his father finally agreed.

Kurai's journey had finally begun. He felt both excited and scared as he set out with the travelers. They journeyed through the forest, crossing streams and climbing mountains. Kurai had never felt so alive.

They arrived at the village in need and saw that it had been attacked by monsters. The villagers were injured and scared, and their crops had been destroyed.

Kurai and the travelers quickly got to work, trying to hold off the monsters and helping them escape the village as too many monsters were there. They went back to the village of Toshi and made shelter there

Kurai felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as he helped those in need. He knew that this was what he was meant to do, explore the world outside of Toshi and help those in need.

As the journey came to an end, Kurai returned home to his parents, a changed boy. He felt more confident and grateful for the teachings of his father. He had learned that the world outside of Toshi was vast and full of wonders and dangers but that he could handle whatever lay ahead as long as he remained prepared.

Kurai's journey had only just begun, and he knew that he had much more to explore and help those in need. He was excited to see what the future had in store for him, confident in his abilities, and proud of his family and his village of Toshi.