
The Rebels [FNF Fan-Story]

A random FNF fan story, telling the story of how these 5 boys (Whitty, Tabi, Ruv, Agoti, and Garcello) became such an awesome group, and telling the best adventures they had, including rap-battling, to their own past stories and family moments with Rasazy, Selever & their parents. !WARNING!: These characters are not mine! All the story is written by myself, and (almost) nothing here is canon. Also, the 2nd volume is more appropriated for +16 (even though I'm just 15, but "almost" 16) Credits: FNF created by: ninjamuffin99 Whitty/Updike Mod: sock.clip, NateAnim8, KadeDev & bbpanzu Tabi/Ex-Boyfriend Mod: Homskiy A.G.O.T.I. Mod: SugarRatio Mid-Fight Masses: Dokki.doodlez, Mike Geno, & kuroao_anomal Garcello & Annie Mod: atsuover Big Brother Mod: The Savvy Peridot Ayana/Ex-Girlfriend Mod: RatNonFat Carol & Sunday Mod: bbpanzu Abigail Mod: PixelatedEngie Madness Combat: Krinkels (Tricky Mod by Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev, Cval/Hank Mod by NotJoNUTan) Hex Mod: YingYang48 Eddsworld: Edd Gould [R.I.P] (Mod by CoralineHecc & SnowTheFox) Kapi Mod: PaperKitty Maginage Matches: Frances Bobis Bob and Bosip: AmorAltra Vivian (Ice on Fire Mod): ViviGamer01087 Nonsense: NonsenseNH Skie: Skie (she's not a mod) Lullaby: Banbuds Cyber Sensation: Tae Yai FNFever: Cesar Fever (Probably adding more mods, while writing the story) Book Cover: Me, but of course, I'm not gonna take ALL FULL credit, 'cause I took some poses for Whitty, Garcello, Ruv, AGOTI, Tabi & Selever from the game files for the cover, so credits for the creators/artists. My credit is the background and details (except Selever's circle)

_vandrawn_ · ゲーム
23 Chs

The Siren's Song (Part 2)

At McDonald's...

Whitty: (looking at the menu) Hmm...

Garcello: Man, you've been staring at the menu for the last 5 minutes...

Whitty: That's my problem when I come to McDonald's, I'm never sure of what I want. Everything looks so good!

Garcello: Well, just go with whatever your stomach desires.

Whitty: But I don't know what my stomach - *sigh*, you know what? I'm just going with a Big Mac menu...

Ruv: Hmm... They don't have anything spicy here?

Garcello: I guess they have spicy nuggets.

Ruv: Nice, I'll get those. Thanks, Cello.

Garcello: No problem. Wait did you just call me-

Vivian: Ух, а разве можно просто скидку получить? Раньше я здесь работал, хорошо [Ugh, but can't I just get a discount? I used to work here, ok]?

Cashier: *sigh* Вивиан, как бы я ни хотела сделать вам скидку, к сожалению, не могу. Правила работы [Vivian, as much as I'd like to give you a discount, unfortunately I can't. Rules of work].

Vivian: *sigh* (turns) Хорошо, дай мне рулет с креветками, так что ... Пожалуйста [Fine, just give me a Shrimp Roll then... Please]...

Cashier: (notes on the screen) Понятно [Got it]. (gives the bead to Vivian) Вот оно что [There you have it].

Vivian: Спасибо [Thanks]. (grabs the beab) *sigh*

Tabi: You seriously don't have the best luck, hehe.

Vivian: Tchh, shut up.

Tabi: Hehe, just sayin'.

Vivian: Hmm, so... How did you meet your precious boyfriend you got (points at Agoti with her eyes) there?

Tabi: Oh, Ag? Well, we meet on the streets?

Vivian: Really? Wow. So like, love at first sight?

Tabi: Weeee can say that... *sigh* I just hope, at least, my mom accepts me as you said earlier.

Vivian: She will, I'm sure of it.

Cashier: Вот, Вивиан [Here, Vivian] (gives her the Shrimp Roll).

Vivian: Спасибо [Thanks].

Cashier: Вы что-нибудь захотите [Will you want something]?

Tabi: Ой, незачем, друг уже заказал. Все еще жду этого [Oh, there's no need to, a friend already made the order. Still waiting for it].

Cashier: Понятно, мы постараемся сделать это побыстрее [I see, we'll try to make it quick].

Tabi: Хорошо, спасибо [Alright, thanks].

Vivian: *sigh* Things rolled so much faster with me on the other side of the bench.

Tabi: Tchh.


Annie: Hmm, that actually tasted pretty good.

Garcello: Indeed.

Ruv: Ok, so what do we do now?

Sunday: Oh, can I suggest something?

Ruv: Sure, spell it out.

Sunday: Ok, so, there's this talent show on the other side of the street.

Whitty: Are you gonna suggest competing there?

Sunday: Huh... Yeeeah? I mean, if you also want to.

Agoti: I think that doesn't sound bad.

BF: Beep!!

Whitty: You sure you wanna go in? Every time you sing against someone, you always make people crazy!!!

Agoti: Gotta agree.

Tabi: Me too.

Sunday: C'mon guys, it's not that we're gonna battle against other people.


Sunday: Oh, so you can actually battle against other people... This is bad...

Selever: Is it?

Sunday: I mean, I don't consider, but they probably do.

Whitty: I'm fine with it, as long as I don't go ballistic.

Ruv: I don't know if I should or not, 'cause of my... Earthquake thing.

(Microphone noises)

Presenter: Дамы и господа, добро пожаловать на декабрьское шоу талантов. Сегодня у нас более 30 конкурсантов, разыгрывающих 1500000 рублей [Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to December's talent show. Today, we have over 30 contestants competing for 1500000 rubles]!!

(Crowd cheering)

Selever: 1500000 what?

Tabi: It's the money here in Russia. It's right for... 20000 dollars or something.

Selever: Damn, I didn't know we were competing for money. I want it.

Sunday: Not so fast, Selever. We're only here for fun.

Selever: I'm aware, but, I'm a pure sinner, person. Keep that in mind.

Sunday: Hehe, alright.

Presenter: А теперь давайте начнем с ... (whispering) Уита-Уитмора? Я правильно говорю [Now, let's start with... Whit-Whitmore? Am I saying this right?]?

Tabi: Hey, Whitty, you're going first.

Whitty: Wh-What?

Sunday: Here (gives a guitar to Whitty).

Whitty: Thanks, Sunday.

Carol: Hey, remember, you're doing this for fun, don't be nervous. (kisses Whitty on the cheek)

Whitty: Thanks, Carol. Love you. (walks on stage with his guitar)

(Crowd cheering, and then silence)

Whitty: (deep breaths, whispering) Ok-

BF: Beep bop!!

Whitty: Wha- BF? (whispering) What are you doing...?

BF: Helping you out!

Whitty: Oh... Thanks, bud.

[Overhead starts playing]


(Bushes sounds)

???: Там они [There they are].

Tom: Hmm? (turns)

???: (hides)

Tom: Hmm...

Edd: Hey, Tom.

Tom: Huh, wha-?

Edd: Is there something wrong?

Tom: I... don't think so...?

Edd: What?

Tom: I don't know... *sigh* I feel like... someone's watching us.

Edd: (looks around) I don't see anyone.

Tom: Huh, well... (puts his hands on the pockets) Maybe it's just my impression then, c'mon.

Edd: Hmm...

(The music ends, and the crowd cheers once again)

Whitty: Oww, it's been a while, I've seen people cheering about me.

BF: Beep!

Sunday: Hey, that was awesome!!

Whitty: Thanks, Sunday.

Edd: Hey, guys!!

Tom: So, how was it?

Whitty: I feel pretty good, actually.

Tom: Nice.

Presenter: Все очень мило. Теперь у нас есть довольно известный гитарист из Америки. Дамы и господа, воскресенье [Very nice, everyone. Now, we got a pretty well known guitarist coming from America. Ladies and gentlemen, Sunday]!!

(Crowd cheering)

Ruv: You got it, Sunday.

Sunday: (grabs the guitarist, while running to the stage) Thank you!! Hello, everyone! It's really nice to be here. So, since it's my first time performing here in Russia, I'd like to sing one of my favorite singles I made recently, called BI-NB. So... Yeah. Hit it!!

[BI-NB starts playing]

(Version 1)


1, 2, 3, 4!!

I don't think you really know what's going on out here

And if you don't, I think you should really hear


(BF Noises)

(Chorus - Verse 2)


There's something inside us

And it's called pride

It's nothing to discuss

Just take your own side


(BF Noises)


(Verse 3)


I don't think you really know what's going on out here

And if you don't, I think you should be updated


(BF Noises)


(Verse 4)

[Epic guitar solo]


(BF Noises)

(Chorus - Verse 5)


There's something inside us

And it's called pride

It's nothing to discuss

Just take your own side


(BF Noises)

(The music ends, and everybody cheers)

Carol: Yay!!! Way to go, Sunday!!

Sunday: Thank you!! (runs to the backstage)

Whitty: Dude, that was amazing!!

Sunday: Thanks!!

Presenter: Это было великолепно !! Удивительно, но у нас есть два врага, которые ... собираются вместе петь? Дамы и господа, Торд и Томска [That was splendid!! Now, surprisingly, we have two enemies who... are going to sing together? Ladies and Gentlemen, Tord and Tomska] !!

Tom: Wait... WHAT?!?!

Tord: Who the hell put us in-

Tom: Edd...

Edd: Hehe, well... You have no way back now. (pushes Tord and Tom onto the stage)

Tom: What? EDD!! I don't wanna do this!!!!

Tord: Me either!!

Edd: No way back, guys. Good luck!! Now, hit it.

(Nerves X Norway But It's A Tord And Tom Cover starts playing)

Whitty: Hmm, they actually don't sound that bad.

Tabi: Yeah, they could be a great duo, if they wanted to.

Edd: I know, right?

Ruv: Hmm... Am I the only one who has the feeling of being watched...?

Whitty: What do you mean?

Agoti: Ayo, huh... Those guys over there, seem to come in our direction.

Ruvina: Is that-?

Tabi: Oh no... It's the military. Ruv, you and Ruvina have to go there and promote an earthquake.

Ruv: Are you sure, there isn't a better way?

Tabi: Just go for it!!!

(Ruv and Ruvina looks at each other)

Presenter: Так держать, мальчики. Сейчас мы [Way to go, boys. Now, we]-

Ruv: Извините меня!! Мы с сестрой хотели бы петь [Excuse me!! Me and sister would like to sing].

Presenter: Ох, хорошо. Действуй [Oh, ok. Go for it].

BF: Beep.

Ruv: Really to hold yourself again, little man?

BF: Beep boop!!

Ruv: So be it then. Get ready to break your legs. Not literally this time.

(Zavodila but it's Ruv & Ruvina vs BF plays)

Tabi: Now, I would like to- Woah!! (almost falls, cause of Ruv/Ruvina's vocals, but Agoti catches him)

Agoti: Gotcha!!

Tabi: Huh, (blushes) thanks... (gets up) *sigh* I'd like to know, WHO THE HELL MADE THE MILITARY COME AFTER US!! (looks at Deimos)

Deimos: Don't look at me!

Sanford: Wasn't me either.

2BDamned: (slowly looks at Hank) Haaank?

Hank: Huh... Oops...

2BDamned: Seriously, Hank? Everywhere we go, there's always someone after us!! Did you kill someone?

Hank: N-N-No...

2BDamned: Then what did you do?

Hank: I... I don't know...

Tabi: Ugh, god damn it!!

Whitty: Huh, I think the earthquakes aren't working, guys.

Tabi: WHAT?!?!

Agoti: Holy sh*t, holy sh*t, holy sh*t.

Selene: I think I may know a way for people out there to wear us.

Tabi: How? Are you gonna say that LGBT people are about to get attacked?

Selever: That's precisely what we're doing.

Tabi: ARE YOU-?!?!

Selene: We have hypnotic voices. I'll go first. Selever, you go after me. Try to figure out some way to tell those what's going on.

Selever: Alright.

(Zavodila ends)

Selene: (runs to the stairs of the stage, and dumps into her uncle) Ugh, uncle Ruv.

Ruv: Is something wrong? Did the earthquake work?

Selene: Surprisingly not. I'm now going onstage to hypnotize these silly people, meanwhile, Selever is thinking about creating a message in the next round. Well, wish me luck. (goes onstage)

Ruv: Go it. Good luck.

Selever: (walking around nervously) Dad!!

Ruv: Are you ok? I have never seen you so nervous like that...

Selever: Ugh, I'm thinking about a message to tell those f*ckers. The thing is, I still... don't know how I use my music power. Selene said is by using my head, but my head is confused and I don't know what to do about it... I think I need... help...?

Ruv: Sit.

Selever: (sits on the ground)

Ruv: (sits) *sigh* Look... Selever... If your cousin can, you can also.

Selever: I know, but how?

Ruv: Hmm... I'm sure your cousin told you more than using your head for that. What did she tell you?

Selever: She told me... That to use my power, I had to think like it's something I really... want. Like... Like I wanted us to be an actual... happy... family...

Ruv: Wait... What do you mean...?

Selever: *sigh* I'm aware of everything, ok? Rasazy and I... We're aware... Ok?

Ruv: Aware of what?

Selever: Ugh, we already existed, before you and mom... you know... f*cked... *sigh* Sorry, I... really can't find other words... You know me...

Ruv: Oh, so... You already knew about my feelings for your mother, right before you were born...

Selever: Yeah. We were like... existing, while not really existing, somewhere called "The Nothing World". We waited... years, to exist in this world. The reason why I hate you... It's because... You made me... And my sister... Wait... For 60. F*CKIN. YEARS. To this happen... (starts crying)*sniff* I just... wish we could... actually-

Ruv: (hugs Selever)

Selever: ...

Ruv: I'm sorry, Selever. I... should've given you more attention...

Selever: *sniff* It's ok... *sigh* I mean, it's been 17 years since I've actually... been here. I'm used to it...

Ruv: *sigh*

(microphone noises)

Selene: (whispering) F*ck, is this thing working...?

Selever: (walks to the backstage, to watch her cousin)

Selene: There!! (whispering) This is how you do it, dear cousin. *gasp*

(Demonila, but it's Selene starts playing [didn't find one, so search one with Selever])

Selever: (vibing to her song) Wait... Weren't we supposed to get hypnotized?

Ruv: Hmm... (notice the feeling of demonic energy around him, and raises his hand)

(A weird barrier blocks the way)

Ruv: I think she created some kind of barrier to protect us.

Selever: Ohh, I see!! Now, while she's on stage, I should reeeeally think about what to say out there.

Ruv: Hmm... What are we trying to do again?

Selever: Trying to get those f*cking militaries out of our sight.

Ruv: Well... Since they're gonna be hypnotized, I'm sure they're not gonna mind us talking about how LGBT people are equal like all kinds of people.

Selever: You sure?

Ruv: I think so...

Selever: Hmm... Ok, we'll go with that.


Selene: Thank you, everyone!! (walks to the backstage, and gives her mic to Selever) Your turn, don't ruin this.

Selever: I know, I-

Military#1: (points a shotgun to the gang) Stop. Right. There.

Everyone (except Ruv, Ruvina, and Hank): *gasp*

Hank: (slowly take a knife from his belt)

Military#1: We had information you're one of those... disabled people, from the, (says it with a disgusted voice) ugh... LGBT community...

Deimos: We're not disabled people, you f*cker!!

Sanford: (holds Deimos) Deimos, calm down.

Selene: Guys, go to the stage, NOW!!!

Military#1: You maniacs are coming with us, or-

(gun loading)

Military#1: Who- (slowly back)?

Cloud Guard#1: (arrests the military with handcuffs) You're the one who's coming with us.

Military#1: What the- Безопасность [Security]-

Updike: (cover the military man's mouth with a cloth) That

That should be enough. Take him.

Whitty: No way... Updike!!

Updike: Hello, Whitty.

Whitty: But... How did you-

Tord: (loads a gun from the Norway military) Oh, I called him. And also some back-up.

Tom: (takes a few harpoons from a box extracted from Norway) Now way that have harpoons.

Tord: I asked Patrick if he could bring some for you. I know you're not the same without those.

Tom: Haha, you bet.

Whitty: Sooo... We're actually gonna fight them.

Tord: Yes. You know, in Russia is kill or be killed, friend.

Agoti: (gets up) Welp, (popping particles from hands) guess it's time to use earthbending again.

Deimos: Also count with firebending.

Vivian: (from distance) AND ALSO ICEBENDING!!!

Tabi: Vivian!!

Vivian: (slides off an ice slide) 'Sup, shortie.

Tabi: *sigh* I'm so glad you came.

BF: Hey, guys!!! I called a person who might help us.

Tabi: Who?

GF: His name's Nonsense.

Agoti: Nonsense? Who the hell has that name? It doesn't name any sense...

BF: Because he has no common sense. That's kinda of his... thing.

Tabi: His... thing-?

???: (teleports out nowhere into the middle of the gang)

???#2: (holding ???'s hand) Are we at the right place?

BF: Nonsense, you made it- Huh... Who is she?

Nonsense: Her name's Skie.

Skie: Heyo!!

Tabi: Aaaren't you like... to young to travel around into... this...?

Nonsense: I might be 14, but honestly, I don't really care if I die of not. I'm too stupid to care.

Skie: No, you're not!

Nonsense: I am.

BF: So, are you able to distract those guys with your nonsensical nonsense?

Nonsense: I can try, but huh... Who am I distracting again?

Tabi: (turns Nonsense's head to the militaries' way)

Nonsense: Oh... Sure I guess. (walks a bit to face the military)

Tabi: No, wait, there's a...

Nonsense: (crosses the barrier and looks back) Oh sorry, what did you say?

Tabi: Oh... Huh, nothing...

Military#2: Hey, you there!!

Nonsense: (turns and blocks the military with a barrier)

Military#2: Что за [What the]- What are you, kids?

Nonsense: We are just people who enjoy everything about life on earth, unlike you. (eyes glow yellow, looks at Selever and Ruv) GO FOR IT!!!

Ruv: I think I have an idea, tell what you what to say, and I'll translate to Russian. That way, everybody here will understand.

Selever: *sigh* Alright, here goes nothing...

(Attack, but Selever vs Ruv starts playing, while everyone fights the military)

(Verse 1 - Chorus)


Listen up, you freaks

But I just can't take this anymore

And my friends and I

Can't accept your type of tolerance


Слушайте, уроды

Но я просто не могу больше этого терпеть

И мои друзья и я

Не могу принять твой тип толерантности

(Verse 2)

[(Tabi tries to attack a military with his knife)]


Why can't just you Russians

Accept others, just by the way the people they are?

[(The military dodges it, and attacks Tabi back; Agoti attacks the military with earthbending)

Agoti: You're ok, Tab? (gives his hand)

Tabi: Yeah. (holds Agoti's hand and gets up)]


Почему нельзя только вам, русским

Принимать других, просто такими, какие они есть?


Liking the same gender,

doesn't mean they're disabled

They're making a difference,

you freaks just can't see it


Люблю того же пола,

не означает, что они отключены

Они меняют ситуацию,

вы, уроды, просто не можете этого видеть

[(Vivian creates a snow storm temporaraly; Nonsense holds Skie's hand while the storm is occuring, while she's grabbing some heapons from the Norwegian troops)]

(Verse 3)


Instead of that,

you just make them suffer

Paying for the things, they don't deserve

Why are you like that?

I don't think you see

The problem you're causing

Around world

Everyone's "afraid"


Вместо этого,

ты просто заставляешь их страдать

Платя за вещи, они не заслуживают

Почему ты такой?

Я не думаю, что ты видишь

Проблема, которую вы вызываете

По всему миру

Все "боятся"


(Verse 4)


Instead of that,

You could just make a difference around and-


Вместо этого,

Вы могли бы просто изменить ситуацию и-

Selever (Ruv):

- Show a bit of care and love

(Прояви немного заботы и любви)

And just move on from the past, and

(И просто отойди от прошлого, и)

Change laws once and for all

(Измените законы раз и навсегда)

And everyone will be happy

(И все будут счастливы)

(Verse 5)



See, (points at the military) those are the bad guys

Those are the ones that we-


Смотрите, (looks at the military) это плохие парни

Это те, которые мы-


Those are the ones that we need to destroy

Not destroy, but just change their ideas


Это те, которые нам нужно уничтожить

Не разрушать, а просто менять свои идеи


All of you had been brainwashed

We're just here to make y'all realize


Всем вам промыли мозги

Мы здесь, чтобы вы поняли

(Verse 6)


Just be whatever you want

And be happy in your own way


Просто будь тем, кем хочешь

И будь счастлив по-своему

[Nonsense: (walks in with Skie) May I join?

Selever: Sure!]


What the country's been saying is nonsense

Just find a way to find yourself and be happy


То, что говорят в стране, - ерунда

Просто найди способ стать счастливым


This doesn't

Make any


[(Nonsense teleports to the top of the stage with Skie for no reason)]

(Verse 7 - Chorus)


Listen up, you freaks

But I just can't take this anymore

And my friends and I

Can't accept your type of tolerance


Слушайте, уроды

Но я просто не могу больше этого терпеть

И мои друзья и я

Не могу принять твой тип толерантности

(Verse 8)


Instead of that,

You could just make a difference around and

Show a bit of care and love

And move on from the past and-


Вместо этого,

Вы могли бы просто изменить ситуацию и

Прояви немного заботы и любви

И уйти от прошлого и-

(Verse 9)


Now it's your time to make a move

And show to the world you can be different


Теперь твое время сделать ход

И покажи миру, что ты можешь быть другим


Just get up your asses

And show those bad guys what you're capable of


Просто вставай задницей

И покажи этим плохим парням, на что ты способен.

Selever: Ohhh!! That felt good, now seriously, (looks at the hypnotized crowd) go get 'em!!

(The crowd starts to walk and sound like zombies, towards the military.)

Military#3: *gasp* ЗОМБИ [ZOMBIE]!!!

Ruv: Huh, I never thought that would actually work... (looks at Selever) I'm proud, Selever.

Selever: (looks away) Thanks...

Ruv: ...*sigh*

BB: (walks in a wheelchair with a huge cloth, covering someone) And that's not all. We also called every special person to join the party. I present you, our wheelchair friend!! (takes the cloth, and reveals Lost Silver)

(Monochrome - Beginning Instrumental starts playing)

Lost Silver: (looks up) ... (twists his head, looking focused at the military)

Tabi: No way.

Agoti: Is that...?

Updike: Lost Silver...