
The Rebels [FNF Fan-Story]

A random FNF fan story, telling the story of how these 5 boys (Whitty, Tabi, Ruv, Agoti, and Garcello) became such an awesome group, and telling the best adventures they had, including rap-battling, to their own past stories and family moments with Rasazy, Selever & their parents. !WARNING!: These characters are not mine! All the story is written by myself, and (almost) nothing here is canon. Also, the 2nd volume is more appropriated for +16 (even though I'm just 15, but "almost" 16) Credits: FNF created by: ninjamuffin99 Whitty/Updike Mod: sock.clip, NateAnim8, KadeDev & bbpanzu Tabi/Ex-Boyfriend Mod: Homskiy A.G.O.T.I. Mod: SugarRatio Mid-Fight Masses: Dokki.doodlez, Mike Geno, & kuroao_anomal Garcello & Annie Mod: atsuover Big Brother Mod: The Savvy Peridot Ayana/Ex-Girlfriend Mod: RatNonFat Carol & Sunday Mod: bbpanzu Abigail Mod: PixelatedEngie Madness Combat: Krinkels (Tricky Mod by Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev, Cval/Hank Mod by NotJoNUTan) Hex Mod: YingYang48 Eddsworld: Edd Gould [R.I.P] (Mod by CoralineHecc & SnowTheFox) Kapi Mod: PaperKitty Maginage Matches: Frances Bobis Bob and Bosip: AmorAltra Vivian (Ice on Fire Mod): ViviGamer01087 Nonsense: NonsenseNH Skie: Skie (she's not a mod) Lullaby: Banbuds Cyber Sensation: Tae Yai FNFever: Cesar Fever (Probably adding more mods, while writing the story) Book Cover: Me, but of course, I'm not gonna take ALL FULL credit, 'cause I took some poses for Whitty, Garcello, Ruv, AGOTI, Tabi & Selever from the game files for the cover, so credits for the creators/artists. My credit is the background and details (except Selever's circle)

_vandrawn_ · ゲーム
23 Chs

Russian Love

(A little rewind to the Remorse scene, when everything went black)

Whitty: Hmm...

Carol: What are you thinking about?

Whitty: Huh? Oh, nothing.

Carol: Whitty, I know you. We date for a reason.

Whitty: Yeah, I know. I was thinking about whether Updike was able to make me hypnotized, while we were singing in Nevada...

Carol: You sang with Updike? IN NEVADA?!?! Now, I see why you guys took so long to come back.

Sunday: (walks in with their guitar) Wait, you said that Updike did what now?

Whitty: *sigh* He hypnotized me with his singing or something... Didn't know he could do that...

Sunday: Hypnotizing with his voice? That must be a kind of Music Power or something...

Whitty: Music Power? What's that?

Sunday: Wait, you never had one?

Whitty: Huh... I don't think so...

Sunday:... How long was your career as a guitarist?

Whitty: Well, not that long, thanks to Daddy Dearest...

Sunday: Oh, I think I'm starting to get why he's trying to destroy people's music careers. He's not only doing that for competition, but he's also trying to take out people's music powers!!

Whitty: Hmm, I don't admire myself if I say that I felt a bit weak that day that my career was over. But... How does he do that?

Sunday: I don't know... Never took somebody's power to know...

Carol: Wait... Does that mean that Tabi lost his powers too?

Whitty: Maybe...

(TV sounds)

Whitty: Hey, Sunday?

Sunday: Yeah?

Whitty: Do only people that have music careers have music powers?

Sunday: Yeah. But some people gain those for having the passion for music, or by having one of their parents a music power.

Whitty: Hmm...

Sunday: But, why do you ask?

Whitty: Oh! 'Cause I was thinking how Ruv can make earthquakes and stuff...

Sunday: I see... (yawns) Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna go to sleep. Night, guys.

Carol: Sweet dreams.

Whitty: Well, I should also get going, it's almost 2 AM now.

Carol: Why don't you stay here?

Whitty: Huh, I mean... Sure, why not? Besides, you're my girlfriend, so what difference does it make? (seats on the couch, again, and kisses Carol's head) I love you, you know that?

Carol: I love you too, sweetie. (cuddles Whitty)

In the morning...

(Local radio starts playing on the alarm)

Sunday: (opens her eyes) Ugh... (gets up and walks to the bathroom)

Whitty: (opens his eyes) Huh? (looks at Carol lying on him & pets her hair)

Sunday: (walks out of the bathroom) Oh! Morning, Whitty...

Whitty: Morning. (yawns)

Carol: (yawns)

Whitty: Morning, sunshine.

Carol: Hello, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?

Whitty: Yeah, and you?

Carol: Same. (kisses Whitty and smiles)

Sunday: Alright, people, are you ready to learn?

Whitty: Learn about what?

Sunday: About the music powers!! And you should call the others too, this is REALLY useful!!!

(Some random troop music plays)

Sunday: Alright, everyone. Are you guys ready to learn about Music Powers?

Agoti: (drinking a cappuccino) Music Powers?

Tabi: What's that?

Sunday: Glad you asked. So Music Powers is something that is deep inside you. For example, Ruv, you do make earthquakes with your voice, right?

Ruv: I do.

Sunday: There, that's a Music Power. Everyone here has it!!!

Carol: Even I do?

Sunday: Mhm. Now, is anyone here that has their careers ruined 'cause of DD, except Whitty?

(Tabi and Agoti raise their hands)

Sunday: Sh*t, this is gonna be harder than I thought...

Garcello: (goes through the wall) Hey, guys, sorry if I'm late...

Sunday: No problem.

Garcello: So, what's the reason for the meeting?

Agoti: Still trying to understand...

Tabi: Music Powers. (puts his hands on the back of the couch)

Ruv: But what difference does it make for being taken down by DD?

Sunday: Simple. Daddy Dearest not only takes your careers down, but he also takes your Music Power away from you.

Tabi: I used to make fire when I was angry... Don't know how that's a music power, but yeah...

Agoti: *gasp* You make fire?

Tabi: Used to. (pets Agoti's hair) But then DD took that from me, but it doesn't make much of a difference, since I still have my bombs.

Selever: Ha! (smiles) Bombs...

Agoti: Shut up.

Selever: (looks at Agoti) You shut up.

Whitty: Is there any way that we can get our Music Powers back?

Sunday: I'm no professional, but I think you can only get them back by DD...

Tabi: Ugh, not again...

Agoti: Do you really think that he's gonna give up our powers easily?

Tabi: Yeah, he's never gonna give them to us…

Whitty: Uhh, don't you remember that he gave us a papyrus that we didn't even ask for?

Tabi: Yeah, and did you hear what I read, thanks to Garcello?

Garcello: That was nothing…

Carol: Or we could just call GF.

Tabi: … Or that…


GF: (looking around DD's office) Hmm… (On loudspeaker) Nope, nothing here. Sorry, guys...

Carol: No problem, best-

GF: Wait, maybe I can go to the basement, where my dad usually works with the Henchmen, but I don't really wanna get caught there…

Tabi: Pfft, sure…

GF: I'm serious, my dad wouldn't want me there. But I'll try. (goes downstairs)

Garcello: Hey, if she doesn't want to get caught, I could go there. Since I'm a ghost, that shouldn't be a problem.

GF: You would do that?

Garcello: Sure. Besides, you and your boyfriend were the ones who funked with me before I dropped dead. I'll be there in a minute. (teleports)

Carol: (hangs up)

Selever: So what now?

Agoti: You ask me, sh*t face?

Selever: Who are you calling "sh*t face", you b*-

Ruv: Don't start now, Selever.

Selever: But, dad-!!!

Ruv: Just shut up, ok..?

Agoti: Hehehe.

Selever: Errrr, STOP LAUGHING, ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!

Agoti: Oh, and what if I don't?

Selever: Oh, you better do.

Agoti: Or what?

Selever: I could beat you right here, right now.

Agoti: Try me.

Tabi: Ok, Ag, you-

Agoti: It's ok, Tab, I'll take care of this.

Selever: A rap battle should do for you, right?

Agoti: Ha!! Bring it on, b*tch!!

Sunday: I'll just get the sound column.

Later, in the garage…

Sunday: You guys ready?

(Selever & Agoti looks at Sunday)

Sunday: Alright. 3, 2,1, GO!!!

(Attack [from Vs. Selever (Unofficial) Full Week] starts playing (but with A.G.O.T.I.) - You can search it on YT for a better experience)

[While the music it's still playing...]

Tabi: Wow, your son actually has great vocals.

Ruv: Yeah, I know. So does Agoti, right Tabi?

Tabi: Oh, (blushes) huh, right…

Ruv: Hey, have you tried to tell him about your feelings for him yet?

Tabi: What? No… I… Don't think I have the courage for it yet… You know… I'm still having trust issues since I broke up with GF.

Ruv: Hehe, I got you on that trust thing. (looks at Selever singing) I used not to trust Sarv as I told you already, but then she actually proved to me that she is truthful. You should see if Agoti is too. (looks at Tabi) But do you think you can trust Agoti in general?

Tabi: Well, I do, but-

Sunday: Hi, guys. (looks at Tabi, who's with a worried blushed face) Hey, what's wrong?

Ruv: He likes Agoti, but he has trust issues.

Tabi: RUV!!!

Sunday: Oh, 'cause you broke up with GF? Hey, it's ok, you'll soon gain that trust again. Like I did with Carol, I used to date her, now she's with Whitty, but hey, we're still close friends living together.

Tabi: Wait, you dated Carol?

Sunday: Yeah, let us say that I'm a bisexual with a high preference for women.

Tabi: I don't have a preference actually…

Sunday: Nah, I think you have a high preference for demons.

Tabi: Wait… Agoti's a demon?

Ruv: He was born from burned VHS tapes, sooo…

Tabi: Дерьмо [Sh*t]... Why…?

Sunday: It's life, buddy. Carol also has a weird preference for guitarists. We, bisexuals, have strange preferences.

Tabi: I can tell…

Ruv: Now that I was thinking… Tab, if you ever end up dating Agoti, you'll have to present him to your parents…

Tabi: God, they're going to get crazy, if they know.

Sunday: Know what?

(Tabi & Ruv look at Sunday)

Tabi: Hehehe… So, I'll tell you a quick story of why I moved here to America in 1st place. One day, I found out about the LGBT community, and then I found myself bisexual. The problem is… That Russia doesn't allow LGBT Russians there… Or anyone in general… And if the Russian police finds out someone is LGBT, they make a payment or even give you death.

Ruv: 'Yup, the sad truth…

Sunday: … WHAT… THE ACTUAL... F*CK?!?!?!?! (A strong sound wave escapes from Sunday's body)

Tabi: (covers his… [oh wait, he doesn't have ears…])

(Selever & Agoti instantly stop singing, and cover their ears)

Agoti: Holy sh*t, Sunday!!!

Sunday: Sorry, my bad. Sometimes I forget how powerful my voice is while screaming…

(5 seconds of silence, and the rest of the song continues)

Sunday: So, anyway, you like the tentacle guy, huh?

Tabi:(blushes) Ugh, I do… I just wish I could… (looks at Sunday)… Shouldn't probably say what I was going to say…

Sunday: I think I know exactly what you were going to say… It's better not to say it out loud.

Ruv: It's called "gay pleasure".

Sunday: "Gay pleasure"? (dies of laughter, for like, half a minute) Ok… Oof… Ok, we shouldn't be joking with his crush, c'mon, that's mean.

Ruv: Oh, ok. Sorry, Tabi.

Tabi: It's ok. That was actually funny though.

Ruv: But seriously, some of you two should take the 1st step.

Sunday: I saw that they already took a lot of steps, the only thing that is missing is, "the confession".

Ruv: That's what I've been talking about since we were captured, and prisoned in Nevada.

Tabi: But she didn't come with us to the prison…

Ruv: Oh yeah… Where were you?

Sunday: Oh, me? Well, I was the one who informed Hank's agency to warn him, Deimos, and Sanford to go and help you guys out. While that, I was in the base, and then I went to find you guys near the prison.

Tabi: Oh…

(The music ends)

Agoti: (start sweating) Oof… That being said, (can barely breath) you got tight bars, but you're still a little piece of sh*t.

Selever: Little? Says the short one.

Agoti: Err, please…

Sunday: Ok, so, are you done yet?

Agoti: Sure… I guess so... (makes his mic disappear from his hand) God, I just feel everything so hot right now. (takes off his hoodie)

Tabi: (blushes)

Sunday: (try to hold back the laugh) You're ok?

Tabi: No… Человек, он не [Man, he's hot]...

Ruv: Tell me about it...

Selever: (looks at Tabi) Hey, is Tabi ok? He's looking like a tomato or something…

Agoti: Hmm? (looks at Tabi)

Tabi: (looks at Agoti) *gasp* (looks away, covering his face) Ugh, goddammit.

Sunday: Having a gay panic, huh?

Tabi: Yeah…

Sunday: C'mere, I know people who can help you.

Tabi: You do?

Sunday: 'Yup

Tabi: Is it Ayana?

Sunday: Who's Ayana?

Tabi: Oh, it's just a friend I have. I was just wondering, 'cause well… She has a girlfriend. Did I ever say that I love lesbians?

Sunday: Really?

Tabi: 'Yup.

In the living room…

Carol: (changing channels) Ugh, there's nothing interesting to watch today…

Whitty: Only today?

Sunday: Hey, guys, what's up?

Carol: Trying to find something interesting to watch…

Whitty: Hey, I could just hear Agoti and Selever sing in there. Is… Is everything ok?

Sunday: Oh yeah, Tabi is just having a gay panic now.

Whitty: Wait… (turns) Whaaat?

Carol: Oh, (turns) you're talking about Ag-

Whitty: (gives Carol a slight elbow)

Carol: Uhh, I mean… For who?

Sunday: For the tentacle guy. Isn't it cute?

Carol: Well, sure it is. Need help?

Sunday: Nope, I can take care of this myself, (wink) trust me. (drags Tabi to their room)

Carol: Alright.

In Sunday's room…

Sunday: Now, don't worry, I'm just gonna call some friends of mine. They might help you somehow. (turns on the PC tower)

Tabi: *sigh* Thank you. (looks around Sunday's room) Wow, (seats on Sunday's bed) you sure must have a big passion for music...

Sunday: (seats on the secretary's chair) Yeah, ever since I was little, I wanted to do something that could bring me happiness, so that's when I decided to learn how to play guitar 13 years ago. *sigh* Sure it was a tough ride throughout those years, with people always saying "Music doesn't give you a future, it won't even pay your bills"... Oh, if those f*ckers knew how they're wrong 'til today. (types on their keyboard)

Tabi: *sigh* Yeah… If they only knew…

Sunday: (stops typing & turns her chair to Tabi) Look, I'm sure if you ever confess yourself to Agoti, I'm sure you'll have a good relationship with him. You actually make a cute couple.

Tabi: (blushes) Hehe, thanks…

Sunday: Right…

(Discord message sound)

Sunday: (turns back to their PC and continues typing) About that thing in Russia… Is it… Actually true?

Tabi: Unfortunately, yes…

Sunday: *sigh* Rusos estúpidos [Stupid Russians]...

Tabi: (looks at Sunday)

Sunday: Huh… (turns) I didn't mean you… Or Ruv. It's just… stupid. The fact that your own country doesn't even support you… Hurts, doesn't it?

Tabi: It does…

Sunday: Hey, at least you're happy here, right? More than you could ever be there. I guess... (turns)

Tabi: You're right… I am happier here.

Sunday: Ok, I think they're ready to talk. Are you ready?

Tabi: I-I guess…?

Sunday: Great. (starts a Discord call)

???: (connects, with some lag on audio and video) Hey, can you hear me?

Sunday: I can't hear you pretty well…

???#2: Try to mute and unmute everything again.

???: Ok. (mutes and unmutes everything again) Oh, there we go. Thank you, Bosip.

Bosip: No prob.

???: OK, ahem… Hi, Sunday.

Sunday: Hi, Bob.

Bob: So… Where's the guy?

Sunday: Right, here.

Tabi: Hi…

Bob: Hello! You must be Tabi. I'm Bob, and this is Bosip, my boyfriend.

Bosip: Sup, dude.

Bob: So, you need help with 'gay experiences'?

Tabi: I do…

Bosip: So, who's the lucky guy?

Tabi: *sigh* His name is Agoti.

Bob: *gasp* The singer?

Tabi: Yeah… I mean, I want to confess my feelings to him, but I have some trust issues, 'cause the last relationship, was something that I'd never thought would happen.

Bob: Sheesh, poor guy… He really needs some help, Bosip.

Bosip: *sigh* OK, so… Do you have any impression that Agoti might like you back someway?

Tabi: I… I don't know…

Bosip: Hmm…

Bob: Oh!! I think I know how we can know. Tabi, did he ever say that you were very important to him, or something?

Tabi: Well…


"Agoti: Tabi!!

Tabi: Huff… Jeez, why did we went so far?

Agoti: Tabi!! (puts his hands on Tabi's shoulder) Are you OK?

Tabi: Huh, yeah, I'm fine.

Agoti: *sigh* Thank goodness."

"Tabi: Yeah. Huh, are you OK?

Agoti: Sure, I'm fine as long as I'm with you.

Tabi: Huh-(blushes)

Agoti: I mean- Huh… (blushes) Nevermind."

"Tabi: Ag, you don't really have to.

Agoti: Of course I do. Besides, (blushes) you're really important to me.

Tabi: (blushes) Ag…"

[Back to present]

Tabi: *gasp* He actually did. A lot of times actually. Ugh, I'm the one who's not saying anything back…

(Bob & Bosip look at each other)

Bosip: Yeah, dude, he definitely likes you back.

Bob: All you have to do is just be yourself. And show Agoti that you actually love him. It may be difficult, but if you at least show some physical affection.

Tabi: I do, sometimes.

Bob: Well, if you do, at least you're showing that you like him. Now, your trust issues…

Bosip: Hmm…

Bob: Oh, huh… Hey, don't get me wrong, but I guess that's kinda from your native country. You're Russian, right?

Tabi: I am.

Bob: (looks at Bosip) See? (looks back at Tabi) You should try to leave your Russian persona for a while sometimes. Maybe that could be a way to lose your trust issues.

Tabi: And… How do I leave my Russian persona?

Bob: Try to relax for a bit. Some Russians have difficulty dealing with their rage sometimes.

Bosip: No only Russians.

Bod: Oh, haha, yeah… And you seem to be one, right?

Tabi: *sigh* Yeah…

???: Hey, guys, you're not messing on my PC, are you?

Bob: Ah ou… Amor found us!!

Bosip: We really need to go.

Bob: And Tabi, try to do what I told 'ya. I promise it will make you feel more comfortable around Agoti.

Tabi: Ok, I will.

Sunday: Bye, guys.

Bob: Bye-bye!!

(Call ends)

Sunday: *sigh* So, do you think that helped?

Tabi: I don't know, Sunday, it's just… Now that I know that Agoti likes me back, I feel like a have a higher probability to have more courage on my confession… But that's not enough for me. Be me? But they actually just told me not to be me later. Ugh, this doesn't make any sense… *sigh*(smoke comes out of the nostrils)

Sunday: Hmm? Hey, didn't you say earlier that you lost your fire powers?

Tabi: I did, why?

Sunday: (points at the smoke that's floating around the room)

Tabi: *gasp* О мой гребаный бог [Oh my f*cking god]!!! (gets up) Garcello must be back. (runs of Sunday's room)

Sunday: Holy sh*t (follows Tabi)

In the living room…

Garcello: Guess that's all of them.

GF: You're lucky you didn't get caught by the Henchmen.

Garcello: I said I could do it, didn't I?

Tabi: Guys, is Garcello-? Garcello!!!

Garcello: Yeah?

Tabi: Thank you.

Garcello: (smiles) No problem.

Agoti: (turns) Where were you, Tab?

Tabi: Oh, I, huh…

Sunday: I went to show him where the bathroom was.

Agoti: Huh… Ok…? (turns back again)

Tabi: Ugh… (whispering) I can't, Sunday…

Sunday: (whispering) Then just go tell him. I won't give you the food all done, sh*t…

Garcello: Ok, (lifts a bottle, and uncorks it) and this one must be Whitty's.

(Magic powder comes out of the bottle, and circulates through Whitty's body)

Whitty: Oh ok- (powder goes down Whitty's throat, and then, he starts coughing) What the-? (coughing) Sh*t…

Garcello: Are you OK? Do you need slaps on the back, or…

Whitty: Nope, I'm ok. I'm fine.

Sunday: So, now you're ready to learn about Music Powers?

Tabi: I'm up for it.

Whitty: Yeah, let's go.

Ruv: Well, then I'm just gonna sit down, and watch you suffer then.

Whitty: Suffer?

Ruv: Yeah, discovering your Music Power still takes time. Tabi is lucky he already knew what it was, but for you... It'll take a while to see it. (tries to smiles ironically, but he can't) Err, sh*t, this hurts…

Selever: What about me?

Sunday: You also have to find out?

Selever: But how are supposed to?

Sunday: Well, depends on your power. If it's from your voice, instruments, music itself, who knows?

Whitty: How did you find yours?

Sunday: It was on my first time trying to sing gibberish while playing metal. Trust me, I almost had a heart attack listening to my voice that time.

Whitty: I believe. Everybody does.

Sunday: Alright, GO THE GARAGE!!!!!!!!!