
The Rebels [FNF Fan-Story]

A random FNF fan story, telling the story of how these 5 boys (Whitty, Tabi, Ruv, Agoti, and Garcello) became such an awesome group, and telling the best adventures they had, including rap-battling, to their own past stories and family moments with Rasazy, Selever & their parents. !WARNING!: These characters are not mine! All the story is written by myself, and (almost) nothing here is canon. Also, the 2nd volume is more appropriated for +16 (even though I'm just 15, but "almost" 16) Credits: FNF created by: ninjamuffin99 Whitty/Updike Mod: sock.clip, NateAnim8, KadeDev & bbpanzu Tabi/Ex-Boyfriend Mod: Homskiy A.G.O.T.I. Mod: SugarRatio Mid-Fight Masses: Dokki.doodlez, Mike Geno, & kuroao_anomal Garcello & Annie Mod: atsuover Big Brother Mod: The Savvy Peridot Ayana/Ex-Girlfriend Mod: RatNonFat Carol & Sunday Mod: bbpanzu Abigail Mod: PixelatedEngie Madness Combat: Krinkels (Tricky Mod by Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev, Cval/Hank Mod by NotJoNUTan) Hex Mod: YingYang48 Eddsworld: Edd Gould [R.I.P] (Mod by CoralineHecc & SnowTheFox) Kapi Mod: PaperKitty Maginage Matches: Frances Bobis Bob and Bosip: AmorAltra Vivian (Ice on Fire Mod): ViviGamer01087 Nonsense: NonsenseNH Skie: Skie (she's not a mod) Lullaby: Banbuds Cyber Sensation: Tae Yai FNFever: Cesar Fever (Probably adding more mods, while writing the story) Book Cover: Me, but of course, I'm not gonna take ALL FULL credit, 'cause I took some poses for Whitty, Garcello, Ruv, AGOTI, Tabi & Selever from the game files for the cover, so credits for the creators/artists. My credit is the background and details (except Selever's circle)

_vandrawn_ · ゲーム
23 Chs

A Lost Sister

Ruv: (opens the door) Come on. (goes upstairs)

Tabi: (sweats nervously)

Agoti: You nervous?

Tabi: What? I'm not...

Ruv: Don't be, Tab. Besides, everyone already knows.

Tabi: Wait, what?

Ruv: Whitty told me the conversation he had with Ag.

Agoti: That b*tch...

Meanwhile, upstairs...

(Someone knocks at the door)

Selever: I'll go get it. (flies to the door and opens it) Lucian...?

Lucian: Oh hey, Selever, huh... Is anyone here named Ruvysvat?

Selever: Yeah, that's actually my dad, why?

Lucian: Is he Russian?

Selever: Yeah. Ruv is just a... Nickname or something... Anyway, what are you doing here?

Lucian: Oh, hum... I'm delivering mail, and your dad got a letter from someone named Ruvina. (gives the letter to Selever)

Selever: (grabs the letter and starts reading the front of the letter) Ruvina?

Lucian: Yeah. Don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that's someone close to him.

Selever: Maybe. I'll check it out later, see ya.

Lucian: Later.

Selever: (closes the door, and walks to the kitchen) Hey, mom?

Sarvente: Yes, dear?

Selever: Did dad ever talk to you about a Ruvina?

Sarvente: Huh, excuse me?

Selever: (picks a knife) Ruvina. I bet is someone he met in Russia (cuts the letter, and picks a paper inside).

Sarvente: What?

Selever: Yeah, weird. Never thought dad had someone before you. (tries to read the letter, but it's in Russian) F*ck, it's Russian. Well, gonna get Rasazy to read this.


Rasazy: (eating pumpkin pie, while reading) Hmm...

Selever: So?

Rasazy: Hold on, I'm still trying to translate.

Ruv: Everyone!

(Everyone looks at Ruv, Tabi [who's blushing with embarrassment] & Agoti)

Ruv: I've got good news, I mean, they-

Selever: Well, we got bad ones.

Rasazy: (turns) Dad, who's Ruvina?

Ruv: Ruvina?

Sarvente: I would also like to know...

Ruv: I don't hear that name, since I was out of Russia. But why do you ask?

Selever: (takes the letter of Rasazy's hands and gives it to Ruv) Well, she sent you a letter.

Ruv: (grabs the letter and reads) What?

Selever: What?

Ruv: I... I thought she was dead...

Sarvente: What?

Ruv: (translating) "Greetings, Ruvysvat. You probably don't remember me, but I'm inviting you and your family to come to visit mine. Your wife is Sarvente, right? My husband talks about her, and"-

Sarvente: Wait, her husband knows me?

Ruv: Have you been having someone join the church?

Sarvente: Since you put that sign at the door, no...

Whitty: What sign?

Sarvente: *sigh* He puts that every Sunday.

Sunday: Why?

Sarvente: Mass.

Ruv: Right... "-and I'm sure she'll be happy when she sees him. For your twin sister: Ruvina."

Selever: YOU HAVE A SISTER?!?!

Rasazy: We have an aunt? Wow...

Ruv: Yeah, but can I please say what I was about to say?

Selever: About what?

Ruv: I'll let them talk for me.

Agoti: *sigh* Ok, so...

Carol: Are you guys dating already?

Agoti: Huh... Yeah, we are.

Whitty: Finally!! (walks nearby Tabi & Agoti) See? Was it hard, Ag?

Agoti: Actually it was Tabi to do the confession in the first place.

Whitty: (smiles) I'm just glad you two are happy.

Agoti: Thanks, man.

Whitty: (looks at Tabi) Are you ok, dude?

Tabi: (grabbing Agoti's arm tightly) Yeah, it's just... I still have some issues at coming out since homosexuals are not allowed in Russia, and-

Whitty: Dude, but you're not in Russia anymore.

Tabi: I know, but still...

Agoti: Tab, don't worry. I won't let any of those f*ckers get in our way, I promise.

Tabi: (blushes & lays his head on Agoti's shoulder [short guy xD, sry]) I'm glad of having someone like you.

Whitty: Aww, (puts his hands on each of Tabi and Agoti's shoulder) I knew you guys were gonna be together for good.

Tabi: Thanks, dude. Huh, (looks at Ruv) about your sister, Ruv.

Ruv: Right. It was in Russia, 1943. There was a battle called "The Kursk Battle".

Tabi: Wait, it was on Hitler's time?

Ruv: Yup, that's why the battle began.

Back in Russia, 1943...

(Russian people screaming)

Ruv: Черт возьми, как раз вовремя, что я был- [Damn it, right on time that I was-]

Ruvina: Рувисват [Ruvysvat]!!!

Ruv: Рувнa!! Где Вы были [Ruvina!! Where were you]??

Ruvina: СмотретьУ, нас не много времени. [Look, we don't have much time.]

Ruv: Что? [What?]

Ruvina: Нам нужно ивакуировать, СЕЙЧАС!! [We need to evacuate, NOW!!] (grabs Ruv's hand)

Ruv: Подождите, а как насчет- [Wait, what about-]

Ruvina: (grabs Ruv by his coat) У НАС НЕТ ВРЕМЕНИ БЕСПОКОИТЬСЯ О ЖИЗНИ ДРУГИХ ЛЮДЕЙ. Теперь мы сами по себе!! [WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES!! We're on our own now.]

Ruv: Получить... ОБО МНЕ!! [Get... OFF ME!!] (takes Ruvina's hands off his coat) Все, что вам нужно, это о себе. Ты такой же, как папа. [All you care is about yourself. You're just like dad.]

Ruvina: Хорошо, если вы хотите умереть ТАК СИЛЬНО, то идите спасать своих друзей. Они, вероятно, уже мертвы, так зачем беспокоиться об этом...? [Fine, if you wanna die SO BADLY, then go save your friends. They're probably already dead, so why worry about it...?]

Ruv: (turns, whispering) Ох, эгоистичная сука... [Ugh, selfish b*tch...]

(Background full of people screaming, fire all around, and soldiers firing with their guns)


Ruv: (throwing some boards away from his way) *gasp* Уолли!! [Wally!!]

Wally: Рув? [Ruv?]

Ruv: Эй, я вытаскиваю тебя отсюда. [Hey, I get you outta here.]

Wally: Нет, Рув. Просто оставьте меня. Я был бы пустой тратой времени, если бы вы отнесли меня до самого моря... [No, Ruv. Just leave me. I'd be a waste of time if you carried me all this way to the sea...]

Ruv: Нет... Нет, я НЕ оставляю тебя. [No... No, I'm NOT leaving you.] (grabs Wally, and looks at his leg full of blood) Черт возьми, Уолли, что случилось с твоей ногой? [Shit, Wally, what happened to your leg?]

Wally: Ну, да, доски пошли все на меня, и порезали до ноги. [Well, duh, the boards went all on me, and cutter through my leg.]

Ruv: Где ваши родители? [Where are your parents?]

Wally: Они умерли там. Сейчас я одна. [They died out there. I'm alone now.]

Selever: Ok, who cares about that f*cker? What happened to your sister?

Ruv: Well... For all I can remember, is that I saw her running to me, and suddenly a big tree fell on her...

(Back to 1943)

Ruvina: Дерьмо... [Sh*t...]

Ruv: Рувенa!! [Ruvina!!] (tries to get her out) Я выташу тебя оттуда [I'll get you outta there]!!

Ruvina: Не надо. Просто иди [Don't. Just go.]

Ruv: Я не оставляю тебя. Ты моя сестра. [I'm not leaving you. You're my sister.]

Ruvene: Обещаю что выйду отсюда. ТЕПЕРЬ ПОЕХАЛИ. [I promise that I'll get out of here. NOW GO.]

Ruv: And that was the last time I saw her.

Tabi: Damn, you left your sister behind.

Ruv: She wanted me to. I didn't want to, but well, she's the older twin, for a minute. Now, I need some time in my office. I'm gonna reply to her back. (goes downstairs)

Later, while sunsetting...

(door knocks)

Rasazy: I'll go get it. (walks to the entrance door and opens it) Hello.

Postman: Hello, young lady-

Rasazy: Is it a letter for Ruvysvat?

Postman: Huh... (reads) Yeah, it is. Here we go. (gives the letter to Rasazy)

Rasazy: (grabs the letter) Thank you. (closes the door) Dad, aunt responded.

Ruv: Did she? Let me see.

Rasazy: (gives the letter to Ruv)

Ruv: (grabs the letter, opens it, and reads) Hmm... OK.

Rasazy: What does it say?

Ruv: I asked her she wanted to come here tomorrow since you know... They might get along with the others. Also, she told me that she has 2 kids. A girl named Selene, and a boy named Raszul.

Rasazy: For his name, he seems nice.

Selever: Hey dad, did aunt answer?

Ruv: Yeah, she did. She's coming with your uncle and cousins tomorrow.

Selever: I hope she does know how to speak English...

Rasazy: But that would actually be a good opportunity to work your Russian, brother.

Ruv: Your sister has a point.

Selever: Err... Of course, Ras has always a point to you!!! She's your favorite. And you know what? I don't give a f*ck about it. (teleports to his room)

Ruv: *sigh* He's never gonna change, does he?

Rasazy: *sigh*