

Her shoes made clacking sounds with her every step until she came into the room. I watched her move closer. Her luxuriously long red hair, red skin tight dress, and black heels with red bottoms would have attracted negative attention from anyone who does not know her well. We all know her too well. There is not a single aspect about her that isn't frightening. My coworkers each as tense as the next. Her eyes sparkle with murderous intention before she slammed a folder on the conference table. Her voice booms "Reapers, these are your cases. I expect results within the next six months. Remember to try and create deaths that seem natural to the target. Disperse the cases as you wish.". She turned on her heels with the last word and left the room. My golden brown eyes were wide as nearly everyone in the room seemed to let out a sigh and finally breathe. Nobody moved for the case file at first. I decided to reach for it and open it. It was full of single sheet information papers with the photos of the soon-to-be deceased, their names, addresses, and basic information on them. "Eric," someone started, catching my attention. "Huh?" I ask, confused and still distracted and tense from my intimidating boss. I met their eyes. It was my coworker and close friend Jeff. He is tall and lanky with green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He had a goofy nervous smile on his face and started talking again "Some... individuals... like to steal all of the fun cases. I think we should pass them out at random.". His uncertainty brought a smile to my face too. He is usually bubbly and sweet but he doesn't take to work crowds as large as this one. With a simple nod, I turned the folder upside down and pulled out sheets to give them out at random. The last sheet was reserved for myself. I pushed the folder aside and flipped my sheet. The image I saw was nearly heart stopping.