
The Realm of Eternity into the unknown

Luna Adriana is an orphan who never knew her birth parents. Spending her whole life never having a true home. The day her twentieth birthday came, she was tired of living alone working a dead end job to keep her shitty apartment. She found herself in the woods with only one plan to end her life. Fate seemed to have other plans that day though as she meets a stranger who shows her a whole other world she never knew existed outside of stories. A world she shouldn't be able to enter as a mere human. Follow Luna through her perilous journey as she tries to uncover the truth about her past and find her footing in this new world, with two kind, gorgeous, and mysterious men with secrets of their own. The more she learns about herself the more dangerous things get. As secrets come out bonds will be broken and new bonds will be awoken. As Luna learns the truth of herself she sets out on a journey farther into the realm in search of Allies. As the magic inside her awakens more everyday she begins to realize how bonded she is to the realm and three of the beings that accompany her on her journey.

Feisty_Kitty12 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Is this the Afterlife?

I take a deep breath as I try to steady my shaking hands enough to secure the rope to the tree. I struggle for a few more seconds before I manage to secure it to the tree with a jumble of knots, I can only pray it will hold my weight. I would really hate to go from the poor orphan girl whose own parents didn't want her to the poor orphan girl who failed at committing suicide. I shake my head to clear the thoughts away.

"It'll be okay" I whisper into the forest for nobody but myself to hear. It will be fine I repeat but this time in my head. I've got this I mean how hard can it be to kill yourself. I check the rope in a few more places making sure it's securely in place. I step back to admire my work.

A course purple rope hangs from a tall thick oak with a poorly tied noose hanging from the end of the rope. It's not much. My knot thing skills are certainly rough, but it's my favorite color, so at least I get to go out in some sort of style.

I sigh as the realness of the situation truly hits me. I didn't have a home in this world, and I never have. It truly is a shame I was allowed to live this long. I think it's time for me to go maybe my next life will be kinder than the harsh existence that I've called my life for the past twenty years. I walk right up to the rope and grab it all of my previous doubts are gone. I know this world doesn't need me in any way it hasn't since before I was born. I really do believe I was a mistake and it's time I corrected that mistake. The coarseness of the rope in my hands sends gleeful shivers down my spine.

I careful raise it above my head when I catch a glimpse of something red with what appears to be an orange smoke like substance surrounding it.

I hold the rope in my hands torn between what I should do. Do I just continue and get one with ending my sad pathetic little life? Or should I follow that orange smoke?

Fuck it I can always come back and finish myself off. I drop the rope and take off running after the orange smoke. The closer I get the more I can make out. It seems to be a man with beautiful red hair, wearing a black hooded cloak and the orange smoke seems to be an ever-present attachment to the man as it glows and swirls in waves around him, no it's not around him it's coming from him.

I catch up to him as a bright blinding light appears ahead of us. The man seems unaffected no walks toward the light. Desperate not to lose this mysterious man I throw myself toward him my outstretched hands catching his shoulder in time for us both to make it through the light. The force of me throwing myself onto him causes the stranger to stagger and we both tumble to the ground in an entangled mess of limbs.

"What the hell!?" The man exclaims his voice is a rough gravelly tone.

"I'm sorry." I gasp out. I jump backwards a few steps away from the strange angry man. He picks himself up off the ground.

"What are you doing here?" He asks looking me up and down.

"N...nothing." I stutter out "I was just in the woods, and I saw you so I followed you and here I am." I glance up at the stranger truly looking at him for the first time. His eyes are a soul piercing violet, his hair a fiery red, his jawline looks like it was chiseled out by the gods, and he's tall very tall like this man has got to be over six foot tall. He seems to be mulling over my response.

"Who are you then?" He asks breaking my thoughts.

"Just Luna Audriana a poor little orphan girl whose parents didn't even care enough to leave a last name on the note card they left my name on when they left me in front of a fire station. I guess they really didn't want me being able to find the people who gave me up so didn't even bother associating their mistake with their last name. So yeah, nobody really" His violet eyes seem to flare up with some sort of emotion when I call myself nobody.

"Well my next question would be what's your magical ability?"

"My magically ability? I've never done anything magical in my life. I don't even know why you are surrounded by this weird magic looking orange smoke."

Those purple eyes flash again as he chuckles. "Well you have to have some sort of magical blood in you to make it through that portal. It's been closed off to regular old humans for centuries now. As for that orange smoke that would be my Arura which is common for magic beings to be able to see you just might have never noticed with regular humans if you never looked hard enough. As a magical myself my aura is hard to miss." His violet eyes seem to be dancing as he stares at me.

I roll my eyes and give him my best attempt at a death glare.

"I literally just told you I was a sad little orphan whose family didn't care enough to associate me with their last name. So, you know I'm just as baffled as you as to how I made it through that portal to wherever this is." I gesture around myself.

"Sassy little thing, aren't you? Here would be the realm of eternity, and the way I see it you have two choices. You see I happen to be a member of a little group of misfits such as yourself and seeing as how you appear to be nothing but a clueless harmless little orphan girl indeed. I think you would fit well with our little family. So, you can either come with me or I can open the portal and send you back."

He's kidding right? I look around at surroundings really noticing for the first time how different everything is from the forest I was just trying to die in. I'm no longer in the middle of a thick Forrest surrounded by tree after tree, instead I'm standing in a lush clearing full of the most vibrantly green grass I've ever seen with gorgeous lavender flowers that fade into an intense magenta scattered all about until they start to form a path towards a stone moss covered bridge that leads into what appears to possibly be the center of a small town. It's hard to tell from this far way though. Everything is so otherworldly beautiful like it really did come from a fairy tale.

It's enough to lead me to believe this stranger is telling the truth about me being in a different realm. It's certainly doesn't look like I'm in Britain anymore.

I've heard the stories my whole life about the old days back when the magical beings were said to come to our world from time to time and on rare occasions a human would pass to their world. The stories of humans going into the magical realms was often of young girls who were said to have fallen under the spell of a magical being and run away with them thinking they were in love. Who knows maybe they were in love?

I've buried myself in tales like those my whole life and while I've daydreamed many times, I would somehow manage to find my way through one of those portals from the old tales of lore. That's all I ever thought it would be is nothing but a daydream. Yet somehow it seems to be my reality, unless I did get my head through that rope, and this is my afterlife? I stop my survey of the area and return my eyes back to this strange man's piercing violet eyes.

"Am I dead?" His eyes light up in surprise he was clearly expecting a different response.

"No you aren't dead. I told you where you are. You are in the realm of eternity a home to all magical beings." He spreads his arms out wide gesturing out toward all the land around us.

"Okay so I am in another realm like for real? I'm not dreaming?" I ask my head spinning. I can't believe this is real.

He chuckles and as he does that fiery red hair catches the breeze right as the sun seems to be shining on him. To top it all off those violet eyes I can't seem to keep my eyes away from are shining so brightly that damn it all man I just met or not whatever he may be able to offer me in this world will certainly be better than what I'd be leaving back in the human world. I think of my rope hanging from my favorite oak tree and shudder.

The world I was born into didn't need me, but maybe this is my sign that this world could be a better place for me, maybe I never fit in with the humans because of this magic blood I never knew I had.

"Hey did you hear me you aren't dreaming." His rough voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"I want to go with you. Take me with you please." I've made my decision anywhere is better than the hell I came from. From now on I'll just keep moving forward.

"Are you sure?" He asks turning his head to the side as he stares at me with a mixture of concern and curiosity on his face.

"Yes please don't make me go back." He must have seen the utter despair and desperation in my eyes because before I knew it, he was in front of me hands cupping both sides of my face.

"Hey it's okay. Look at me." I do I look deep into those beautiful pools of violet my breath catching in my throat. "I won't make you do a thing you don't want to do Luna you are more than welcome to come with me. I promise to keep you safe and help you figure out what your ability is."

"Thank you." I stammer out. "I just realized I don't know your name."

"I'm sorry where are my manners." He gives me a little bow. "I am Asta Dagon at you service my lady."

I giggle causing him to glare at me. "Did you find that funny?"

"A little but really I just think you're cute." I gasp clapping my hand over my mouth. I cannot believe I just said that.

"Cute huh. I'll let you get away with that only because I think you're cute too. Now let's get a move on you've already stolen enough of my time from me today. So now we have got things to do." He starts walking towards the stone bridge. I stand and watch him still feeling a bit dazed by this whole thing. I'm really I'm another world.

" Are you coming fox girl?" He asks looking back at me. Fox girl? Why did he call me fox girl? Oh, right I forgot I was wearing my favorite fox eared hoodie.

"I'm coming." I yell, running to catch up to him. The flowers I saw that seem to mark the path to the stone bridge are even more beautiful than I could have imagined up close. The stone bridge itself is even covered with the flowers they intertwine with the moss giving the bridge this old timey magical vibe that speaks to my broken soul.

Everything around me already feels more like home to me than my world ever did in my twenty years there. Its almost as if something in all this magical scenery resonates in some deep buried part of myself that instantly recognizes this place as home, and while I'm wary of this being a good thing. The idea of maybe just maybe finally having somewhere to belong, well that thought fills me with a joy I didn't believe possible.

I turn my gaze away from the scenery to my almost equally beautiful companion or savior, I guess. He really does look otherworldly I think to myself as I stare at his flaming red hair its short with just enough falling toward his eyes, his chiseled jawline looks like it could have been carved out by gods, and those violet eyes that always seem to shine accompanied by the lushest lashes I've ever seen. It is always so unfair that men end up having such flawless lashes without ever having to try for them.

He really is stunning though.

I return my gaze to my surroundings as the stone flower marked path, we've been following opens into a courtyard with a sliver dragon shaped fountain in the center of it all. Shop after shop surrounds the courtyard each with their own assortment of magical goods. Moving about the courtyard doing their daily shopping is a mixture of magical beings I once thought only existed within the folk tales I spent so much time reading.

I could have only dreamed of seeing these creatures yet here they are in front of me as clear as day. I see pixies fly around the square all zooming about their day. Wolves and foxes bound about, some even changing into humans with the most adorable fluffy ears right before my eyes. I even see some gnomes navigating their way through the sea of legs and paws. The sights are sounds of it all are overwhelming and exciting at the same time. I can't help but stop walking as I just stare around in awe a feeling of pure starstruck wonder filling my entire body.

"Come on fox girl." Asta gently tugs at my arm his words and touch breaking me out of my starstruck trance.

"Sorry.... I ...Just." I stutter trailing off as I feel my nerves bubbling up in my chest. I take a deep breath then try to continue.

"It's just a lot. Id only ever dreamed of seeing things like this of being in a world like this one. While its overwhelming and slightly scary it all feels very right to me. It's just still a lot to take in at once." Asta sighs and the emotion in his eyes changes from frustrated to understanding.

"It is a lot especially for somewhere not from here. Its okay to be overwhelmed Vixen."

"Vixen?" I ask interrupting him.

"Yes, it shall be my nickname for you if that's okay because you're a fox girl." He smiles big like he's proud of having decided on my nickname.

I smile back at him those violet eyes holding my gaze. "I like it Asta. Thank you."

His smile widens even more showing me a set of perfectly straight dazzling white teeth. Of course, such a gorgeous man has perfect teeth.

"As I was saying my little Vixen. Its okay to be overwhelmed it's a whole new world to you. Ill take care of you though and my brothers might not be blood, but they will look out for you as well. You will always have a place in our family ill make sure of that. That feeling that you have that you belong is because you do. Whatever magic you have inside you is awakening this world is bringing it to the surface as it calls out to it letting you know you've come home. I believe you will be just fine in this world now come along little Vixen." He takes my hand in his intertwining our fingers together as he does a shiver runs up my spine.

I glance at him to see if he felt something, but he's staring ahead trudging on forward dragging me behind. I take a couple of steps to catch up. The closer we get to the shops the more I realize just how amazing this whole square really is. All the buildings are built within the trees or around them in elaborate tree houses covered in flowers and twinkling lights. Some of the shops are buried deep inside the trunk of the widest trees I've ever seen. Other shops reside high up in the tallest trees. Everywhere there is a building of any sort it has been worked into nature one way or another. Its truly incredible to me how they've worked everything into nature instead of taking from nature the ways humans do.

"This is incredible Asta." He turns to look at me those violet eyes of his twinkling. "It is incredible. I sometimes forget just how much with having lived here my whole life. I would love to see it through your eyes right now. Your probably as starstruck right now as I was the first time I snuck into the human world."

"I don't know how one could ever be starstruck by the human world, but yes I'm in a constant state of wonder right now. I'm honestly happiest right now getting to be here and seeing all of this than I've ever been in my life."

"While the human world does have its downsides It was still beautiful to me the first time, I saw it. Just as this world has its downsides right now for the first time all you'll see is the wonder. I'm glad you are happy I really do believe you'll have a better life here. Now come along I've been away for too long and have yet to finish what I came to town for. You see I went to the human world to acquire a rare flower that only grows in your world so I can exchange it for the herbs I need to heal my dragon. She's just a baby dragon I found in the woods near where her mother had been slain by hunters. I've been feeding her goats milk, but it seems she has a mild cold, and our healer didn't have the right herbs, so I've come to pick some up. Certain items require trips to the human world to pay for them." I hurry along after him through the crowed square even as he speaks to me, he's still hurrying along.

"I'm sorry I've taken up so much of your time. I hope your dragon gets better." I really feel bad I've taken up so much of his time. I feel the nerves starting to bubble in my chest as my body trembles. My chest tightens as I feel myself start to be overwhelmed by my anxiety. You are such a burden is the only thought I can hear ringing throughout my head. I think Asta is talking but the darkness in my mind has ahold on me and I can't quite focus.

I shouldn't be losing it on him like this it just makes me even more of a burden. My nails find their way to the flesh on my thighs. I take a shaky breath and dig my nails into my skin as hard as I can. I don't give a damn about the damage I just need to come back. I dig even harder. I must come back I can't burden Asta more than I already have. I dig even harder until someone's warm hand grabs mine forcing me to stop.

"Luna, will you look at me damn it!"

"I'm sorry." I manage to whisper before I start sobbing.

He removes his hand from mine to wrap his arms around me hugging me tight causing me to cry even harder.

"I'm so sorry Asta I didn't want to be such a burden to you." I force out between sobs. He hugs me even tighter.

"Luna, look at me." He keeps one arm around my waist while he uses the other to gently lift my head up to meet his eyes. "You have not burdened me today in any way. I shouldn't have said you caused me to lose so much time. I've seen people we've brought into our family have panic attacks before none of us come from good homes and I should have known with your orphan background you would be easy to set off almost everyone has their own unresolved trauma, but you are not a burden, and I don't think you'd ever be able to be a burden at least not to me. I'm honestly super excited to bring you into my family and teach you how to tap into the magic inside of you and show you, my world. I promise to do my best to protect you in this world and bring out the best in you. You've got a fire in you I want to see burn as bright as it can. The family me and my friends created is a place to overcome past traumas and to find healing and a place to belong. Did I lose time today yes, but I met you and I'm excited to see how much you grow and overcome your past."

I sniffle and wipe my tear-filled eyes as I search his deep violet eyes for any signs of a lie, but those eyes are just twinkling in the purest way possible. I give into this man. My red-haired savior. I relax into his arms melting into his body. He wraps his arms around me holding me tight and for the first time in my life I feel secure. Someone cares what happens to me.

"Thank you Asta. I'm sorry I broke down I've just got some issues. Perks of being an orphan." I say trying to laugh it off. I've never liked breaking down in front of people. Whenever I would I would try to laugh it all with some trauma joke.

"Hey, it's okay I get it. Ill personally help you work through it and just guide you in this world in general if you'd like. I've already got quite the soft spot for you my little Vixen." His voice his warm and soft as he speaks.

" Thank you Asta I would love that I really appreciate you and you're growing on me too." I say, a soft smile on my face.

He grabs my hand, and we begin navigating our way through the crowed streets again until we eventually make our way up the winding stairs of one of the many structures build way up into the trees. The structure reveals itself to be and herb shop that appeared rather small from the outside, but the inside extends as far as the eye can see with row after row of herbs some hanging, some dried in jars, and lots of jars with items I don't quite recognize.

The shop is lit with rows of string lights that wrap around the whole shop. A crystal chandelier hangs above the counter where a centaur stands greeting customers. Asta grips my hand tight pulling me close to him. I can't help but smile. I really do feel wonderful in his presence. I don't know how to describe it I've never felt this way before with anyone. The only thing I am certain of Is the feeling of belonging I feel deep inside me with each step I take in this world.

Asta stops in front of the centaur still holding my hand. "My lady Frilla I've brought you the flower you asked for in exchange of the herbs I need."

"Thank you, Lord Tokino, here is everything you need." Asta takes a jar filled with a mixture of herbs from her. "Thank you, Lady Frilla." Asta slips the jar into his satchel, and still holding my hand we descend from the shop.

"Lord Tokino? Is that what I should be calling you?"

He chuckles. "No, my little Vixen you are to be a Lady Tokino, and I prefer you call me Asta, but Tokino is the family name me and my best friends forged into a royal name. You see this world once had a king and queen that died without any heirs and since then there has been seven royal families that have been trying for the throne. The Riveras which is the family that abandoned me, The Sevada, The Arslan, The Heilan, The Terrabrita, The Strydar, and then our family the Tokino. All these major mage families are trying to figure out how to get one of their own on the throne. The only issue being by law in our world is a king dies without an heir the Kitsune fox spirits having been here the longest decide who will be worthy of the throne.

There are eight fox spirits that reside on the elder council who take part in picking a new heir to the throne and they have yet to pick a successor, and no one really knows why. So here we are all trying to be worthy in our own ways."

"So, no one knows how to be worthy there's no guidebook?" I ask a confused expression on my face.

He laughs. "No we don't have a guidebook, and no one has figured out exactly what the foxes are looking for. So were just stuck in a loop of trying to outdo the other families."

"That's very intriguing. Also kind of weird to me at least. Do you think you could teach me more about this world?"

"In due time my Vixen. We must hurry back to my home where you shall meet the others and my dragon if you're lucky."

He keeps his grip on my hand as we weave through the crowded streets until we come upon a stone path covered in flowers like the one, we took into town only this one stretches out into a dark thick pine forest.

"Is this where you take me to kill me?" I ask only half


"What? No come on it only looks scary its harmless and just the way to my home." His voice is warm and he pulls me forward his hand still holding mine.

I follow deciding to trust him since he's given me no reason to suspect he has any ill intentions toward me. I cling to his side feeling safe next to him in this dark forest.

He gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't be frightened my little Vixen there's nothing to fear in these woods and if there was you are safe with me."

I squeeze his hand back allowing his warmth to calm my nerves. "I trust you Asta I'm okay."

"Good I think everyone is going to love you. We're almost there."

We walk down the stone path a bit further until it opens into the garden of a beautiful mansion. He brings me through one of the most stunning gardens I've ever seen. Flowers I've never seen before cover the grounds in vibrant displays of colors all arranged together in the most perfect ways each different color complimenting the next. I admire as much as I can before I'm led up a set up stair through a back door into the mansion.

"Hello I'm home." Asta calls out as we enter the mansion.

"I'm in here." A deep silky voice calls back.

"Come along it'll be okay you belong here." I nod and follow him through the mansion into an office type room where a handsome man with sleek slicked back short black hair wearing all black sits behind a desk looking down at some papers.

"Why are you so late?" The man asks his deep voice filling the office space. His eyes never leave his papers.

"Well, if you would look up you would know I was followed by this little orphan girl from the human world." I laugh inside my head at Astas sassy remark. The man looks up his stormy grey eyes meeting mine as he looks me up and down. "What is your ability little lady?" The man asks me his stormy eyes questioning yet curious. I look to Asta who nods as if knowing I needed the okay to speak. "I'm not sure my Lord I just followed Asta here. I never knew any of this existed until today. I'm just an orphan who really doesn't want to go back to the human world." The man looks me up and down then looks at Asta then they both start laughing. I feel my heart freeze. Did I do something wrong? The man interrupts mt thoughts.

"She's a serious one isn't she Asta."

"She's just nervous Zephyr." So, the strange handsome man is called Zephyr. Asta walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "It's okay my little Vixen." He whispers into my ear. "Relax I saw how fast you tensed up it is okay." His words and his arms around me calm my racing heart allowing my body to relax into his. "That's it good girl." He lets me go and turns to Zephyr. "She's okay now."

"This one is an anxious one, isn't she?"

"She is she hasn't said much about her past yet but what she has said hasn't been bright like most of us here she didn't grow up in a good place. She's got a fire in her though and I think she'll do well here with us. I would like to be her guide through this world and our family."

"What is your name my Lady." Zephyr asks turning to me.

"Luna." I respond my eyes wide.

"Well Luna would you like to stay here and become a part of our family and train with Asta?"

"I would very much love that, Zephyr."

"Then she shall train with you Asta at least until she finds her magic then she will be placed under whoever is best suited to her kind of magic."

"I think she will be a fire baby."

"You wish I bet you'd love to keep her all to yourself."

"Oh, I would." Asta winks at me. I blush and look away that man has been a flirt all day.

"Where is Luca? I think he should meet her too before the rest of the family does."

"He is away right now, but he should be back soon. For now, show her to the empty room next to yours."

"Glady." He extends his hand to me. "Come along my little Vixen your chambers await." I take his hand as I laugh at him a bigger smile on my face than I've had in years. He leads me through the mansion up a winding set of stairs to a hallway with many doors. We walk to the end of the hall before stopping in front of two doors across from each other. Asta points to the door on the left side.

"This is my room should you ever need anything. This door to the right shall be your room. I will let you explore it and settle in. I will also have clothes fit for our world brought back to you. I shall be back later to check on you."

"Thank you Asta for everything truly this is the first time in my sad little life I've felt happiness, the first time I feel I may have found a place I could belong. I will forever be grateful you didn't just throw me back through the portal." He chuckles blinding me with his shinning smile.

"I could never abandon someone who looked so desperate to stay. I know what it is like to be cast out to not belong. Everyone in this family does in one way or another. I could never cast anyone aside the way the people in your life did you before or the way I was by my parents. Everyone will have a place to call home and to belong for as long as I shall live. That is my goal in life as carefree as I am I just want everyone to have a place to call home at the end of the day."

"That's so beautiful Asta you are truly special. I'm glad I followed you I still wish I could somehow repay you for taking me in and just all the kindness you've shown me today in general."

"Thank you I don't know if id say I'm special, but I do at least try to be a good person. If you really want to repay me, just come out with me later." He winks at me a mischievous grin on his face as he turns to leave. "Wait go where?" I call out after him.

"Now that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it. See you later my little Vixen." With that he turns and disappears down the hall leaving me alone for the first time since I've entered this strange world.

I open the door to my room and step inside taking everything in. The room is huge, bigger than anything I ever stayed in at the orphanage it's even bigger than my shitty studio apartment I paid way too much for.

I have a queen sized golden colored canopy bed resting in the middle of the room, a large ornate almost royal looking wardrobe sits in one corner of the room with a dresser in the same style as the wardrobe right near the door along with matching nightstands on either side of the canopy bed.

A large vanity sits on the opposite side of the room near the large window it doesn't quite match the style of everything else, but it still looks royal enough to fit the room.

I flop down on the bed giggling the golden canopy cascading down around me. This all feels so surreal. I can't believe I'm in such a majestic room let alone another world. I still struggle to believe I didn't succeed with that rope.

It is so much to take in at once. I'm in a whole new world and I'm somehow magical yet I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed by this as I did by everything in the human world. I feel calm almost ever since I tumbled through that portal into this world some deep primal part of myself feels as if I've come home and while I don't think what I feel is wrong I want to find why I feel it.

I think this place has more to offer me about my past and my future than the human world ever could. Maybe my parents were from here? One of them had to be at least for me to be magical. Whatever it maybe I believe this world will eventually give me those answers.

I rise from the bed to walk over to the window. I pull the golden drapes aside and gasp memorized by my view. The window overlooks the garden I briefly saw as I walked through part of it earlier. Now I'm able to see it more clearly. The garden has more than just the arrangements of exotic plants in all colors I saw as we walked through. It has trees that must be from this world placed in key points of the garden and they spiral up in ways trees in my world never could. Some of them are even blooming flowers that are different colors. Elaborate stone paths guide the way through this majestic garden. I can't take my eyes away from the window. I long to run through that garden, long to learn all the names of the thousands of plants that seem to fill this garden I know must be native to this world and are so brilliantly beautiful.

As I'm staring out at the garden imagining Asta teaching me the names of the plants I see a large object approaching from the sky. I can't make out what it is at first but as it rapidly approaches, I see it's a large dragon. I watch in awe as the dragon lands in the large clearing near the garden. I can barely see the small figure of a person sliding off the dragon before I'm interrupted by a loud knock on my door. I dash over to it swinging it open.

"A man just landed a dragon outside!" I say my voice is high and filled with excitement.

The man outside my door is dressed in what appears to be some sort of servant's outfit and he seems startled by my outburst for a moment before breaking into laughter.

"Oh, you must have seen Lord Luca returning. You startled me for a bit there, but anyway Lord Asta sent these clothes to you."

I look down and see a folded dress in his hands that looks to be as royal as my room. I take it from his hands. "Thank you." I mumble a bit embarrassed to have had such an outburst on a random servant.

"My pleasure my Lady. Asta should be by for you shortly." With that he takes his leave. Leaving me holding the silky dress that feels so foreign in my hands. I think it's the nicest piece of clothing I've ever held.

I set the dress down on the bed and walk back over to the window. Lord Luca as the man said is gone and more servants appear to be tending to the dragon out in the field.

The dragon looks so large from here I can't even begin to imagine what it looks like up closely. I wonder if I'll get to meet a dragon. The door thuds with someone knocking once more breaking me from my dragon thoughts. I walk to the door and open it to see those oh so familiar violet eyes.

"Hi, Asta, I'm not quite dressed yet I was distracted by the dragon." I say gesturing toward my window.

A smile forms on his chiseled face. "Yes, Luca has returned. I bet seeing your first dragon was like the first time I saw a car in the human world wait until you get to see one up close." His body is bouncing with excitement like he can't wait to show me everything in this world.

His violet eyes are gleaming with so much emotion I cant quite place what he may be feeling, but I know no one has ever looked at me the way he does. It's starting to stir a feeling in me I cant quite explain.

"I was actually just thinking about how cool it would be to see one up close."

"You'll get to see." He pauses to wink at me. "Its business for now though Vixen. Get dressed it's time to meet Luca."

"Yes, my Lord." I bow to him trying not to giggle.

He shakes his head. "You're a silly girl."

I stick my tongue out at him and shut the door. I retrieve the dress from the bed once I've changed, I take a minute to look at myself in the vanity mirror. My wavy blonde hair with pink tips is framing my face in a way it never seemed to do before.

The silky gold fabric of the dress is clinging to my body in all the right ways. I almost don't recognize myself. I look like a fairy tale princess. I take a deep breath. I've got this. This is a new life, a new me. Here I can belong. I open the door as I do Asta goes to open his mouth but stops his eyes roaming over my body.

"I know I don't look like myself." I mutter casting my eyes to the ground.

"Wow I mean just wow. No you don't look like yourself, but you are still you and you have the chance to become whoever you want here. When I saw this dress, I knew you would look amazing in it and I was right."

He walks into the room and shuts the door behind him. He grabs my hand and leads me over to the bed. "Sit down please."

I sit down as he stands in front of me. I'm staring at the floor wondering what is going on. "Look at me Vixen." He says softly his fingers gently lifting my face to his. I finally meet his eyes. He seems to be holding back so much struggling with what to say.

"Look Luna I don't know what your life was like before. I know you will tell us about your past when you are ready. I do know this world though and I can promise you your life here can be anything you make it. You look stunning in this dress like you belong here. I know it might not be an easy journey, but you can become the best version of yourself here. Until you find her, I will be here to help you every step of the way."

I take in his words. I let his warm voice calm my nerves. His violet eyes are filled with light like he means what he says. Its so unlike the looks of disdain I spent my life with. I believe him when he says I can be who I want here. I can find a better version of myself and allow her to live her best life in this world, and for the first time in my life I won't be doing life alone. Before I realize what, I'm doing I've thrown my arms around Asta hugging him tight.

He stumbles a bit thrown off guard by my sudden hug. He catches himself his arms wrapping tightly around me. "I've got you little Vixen." He whispers.

We stay like that for a while. My arms tightly around his waist his arms wrapped around my shoulders one hand stroking my hair. We don't need any more words. He knows I understand and that I'm grateful for him. I can't believe someone I've known for barely a day seems to understand me more than anyone who spent most their life around me in the orphanage.

Every year I was there I seemed to become more and more of a burden and when they finally were able to get rid of me. Making me get a job and pay rent for an apartment that was barely a room. Where I became a burden for the job I had because for some reason I still made people uncomfortable. The amount of times in my life I heard that phrase. Well let's just say I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone said I made them uncomfortable.

I didn't even have to open my mouth my mere existence was off putting to people, yet here in this man's arms I feel safe. I know he means what he says to me.

"Thank you." I whisper as I reluctantly pull away from him.

"Anytime I'm here for you always no matter what I mean it even in the middle of the night my room is just right there." He opens the door and points to his room. "I know where your room is, but really Asta it means more to me than you know to know I'm not alone anymore."

His eyes change from their normal playful demeanor to a more determined glint. He pulls my hand to his lips and gently kisses the back of it. He then holds my hand tight as he looks deep into my eyes. "You will never have to be alone again as long as I'm here I promise."

I nod and we walk down the hallway. He never let's go of my hand keeping it tightly gripped with his as we walk. I don't mind though I don't know exactly what it means but it makes me feel safe and taken care of. I don't know how just holding someone's hand can make you feel these things, but he is. Maybe that's because he has shown me more basic human kindness than anyone has my whole life. Whatever the reason I know I'm glad that this man and his world is my life now.

We soon enter a room much like the one I met zephyr in and one the same first floor. A man with striking white hair and dazzling blue eyes sits behind a wooden desk shuffling through a stack of papers. Asta clears his throat causing the man to look up at his two guests.

The white-haired man I'm guessing is Luca nods his head to Asta In greeting. "Hello Asta did your trip into town go well today?"

He asks giving me a sideways glance. Asta looks at me and chuckles. "Things went well in town it didn't go quite as planned but it was a good trip." Asta smiles at me, and I can see his lips moving saying you belong just to me before he continues. "As you probbally heard Luca this is Luna a stray like up who I found today or well she found me. She is going to be my student in the ways of this world at least until she finds her power, but I think she is going to be a fire baby. I also believe she will be a good fit for our family."

Luca sighs shaking his head he seems to carry a deep sadness behind those icy blue eyes. "I trust you and Zephyr so if you both think she will be good for the family I have no disagreement. While I may not trust new people easily, I don't see how she could be a threat." He starts looking through his papers again before looking back up at us. "You two may leave now."

He turns his icy blue gaze to me. "It was nice meeting you Luna. I do hope for the best for you here. I do have work to return to though."

"It was nice meeting you too." There is something about this man that makes me want to hug him. Its almost like my trauma can feel the trauma he's hiding. He just seems to radiate a deep sadness.

Asta warm hand in mine brings me back to reality. "Let's go my Vixen. You are mine now it's time for your surprise." He whispers in my ear before whisking me away down the seemingly never ending royally decorated hallways.